William On The Borderline

Check out ‘William On The Borderline’, a fabulously creative zine, from our Youth Panel member William!

“Good news, you're a couple of clicks away from getting your hands on a copy of 'William on the Borderline'. It's probably not up to me to say whether it's the number-one zine on the taxonomic difficulties of classifying films at lower age categories. What I can say is that I've tried to pack it full of film adventures and luxurious illustrations! Across EIGHT thrilling pages I dive into how the BBFC decides if tough-to-call cases get rated U or PG. So read it here! Print it out! Distribute it widely amongst your friends and loved ones (is that Christmas coming up already?). And keep watching those movies!” – William


William On The Borderline

William discusses some of his favourite borderline classification cases and why he thinks they could be rated U. From The Wild Robot to The Mitchells Vs The Machines, which side of the coin do you fall on?