• Director(s)

    Nick Randall

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Ron David

TV Show

World War 1: Tales of the Trenches

WORLD WAR 1: TALES OF THE TRENCHES is a documentary series; in this episode, European armies take up battle positions as World War I begins.

WORLD WAR 1: TALES OF THE TRENCHES is a documentary series; in this episode, European armies take up battle positions as World War I begins.

  • Director(s)

    Nick Randall

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Ron David

brief injury detail, real dead bodies, mild violence, suicide references
Classified Date:
There are references to real violence, including to beatings and assassinations.
injury detail
There is brief sight of a wounded deer lying on the ground after a hunter shoots it off-screen. There is also brief sight of corpses lying in open coffins. However, there is limited detail.
suicide and self-harm
There is a brief verbal reference to an assassin's attempt to take his own life, rather than be captured. However, there is limited verbal detail and the person does not take his own life.
additional issues
Adults smoke cigarettes, reflecting the time period in which the archive films were shot.
images of real dead bodies
Classified Date:
disturbing images
There are images of real dead bodies, however, these lack strong detail.
additional issues
Mild real violence includes sight of gunfire and explosions. Injury detail includes brief sight of a soldier's bloodstained bandage. There is a passing verbal suicide reference. There is also very mild bad language ('hell').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

  • Language
