• Director(s)

    Ryuichi Hiroki

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yoshimasa Hosoya, Mariya Ise, Kanae Itô

TV Show

Wolf Girl and Black Prince

WOLF GIRL AND BLACK PRINCE is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, Erika becomes desperate to find true romance.

WOLF GIRL AND BLACK PRINCE is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, Erika becomes desperate to find true romance.

  • Director(s)

    Ryuichi Hiroki

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yoshimasa Hosoya, Mariya Ise, Kanae Itô

strong sex references, sexually abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A teenager mentions that her boyfriend has been asking to tie her wrists during sex, referring to his requests as a ‘mood killer’; her friend commiserates, complaining that men ‘always wanna do stuff from porn’. Later, one of the girls refers to her boyfriend as an adult, but their respective ages are not clarified.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A schoolboy humiliates his female classmate by referring to her as his ‘dog’, making her bark for him and sending her on trivial errands in return for pretending to be her boyfriend. In a comic scene, the girl imagines a sinister version of the boy proposing to ‘sell [her] into a shady line of work’, use her as a ‘punching bag’ or make her do ‘indecent things’. In reality the boy assures her that he has no such intentions, but admits that he finds the helpless adoration of dogs 'thrillingly attractive'.
additional issues
A teenager takes a photo of a handsome stranger without his permission but is immediately caught, leaving her embarrassed and afraid of criminal prosecution. The episode also contains very mild bad language (e.g. ‘God’).
moderate sex references, abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A schoolboy displays controlling behaviour towards a female classmate after they make a pact to pretend to be in a relationship. He says that she is his property and breaks her phone in half after she talks to another boy. A school boy punches a fellow pupil and three girls grab another character's hair and shout at her.
There is brief sight of a schoolboy ogling photos of women in what is implied to be a pornographic magazine; however, there is no visible nudity. References are made to dating and teenagers cheating on each other. A girl tells her friends she has an 'older boyfriend'.
additional issues
Use of mild bad language ('ass', 'piss') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'jerk' and 'moron'.
mild sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of mild bad language ('piss', 'fricking') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'damn'.
There are mild sex references such as a man implying he may have had sex with a woman he just met. References are made to two classmates making a pact in which they pretend to be in a relationship in return for the girl doing whatever he asks.
mild sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of mild bad language ('piss', 'crap', 'ass', 'asshole') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'damn' and 'hell'.
There are mild sex references including a teenager trying to understand what his friend finds attractive in girls.
additional issues
A teenage boy is comically punched after his ball hits a girl in the face.
brief moderate sex reference, abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
After they make a pact to pretend to be in a relationship together, a teenage boy calls a teenage girl his 'dog' and tells her that she belongs to him and must obey his every command.
A brief reference is made to teenagers sharing 'dirty photographs' via text message.
additional issues
Use of mild bad language ('shit', 'asshole', 'piss') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'hell' and 'jerk'.
references to abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
References are made to the abusive and controlling way a teenage boy treats a classmate who has a crush on him. Although the classmate initially blames herself, she subsequently realises it isn't her fault and others also call out his behaviour.
additional issues
A boy describes being bullied by other teenagers about his feminine appearance and references that even his mother and sister are ashamed of him. Infrequent use of mild bad language ('crap') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'jerk', 'damn' and 'hell'. Teenagers talk about their relationships and one references her 'older boyfriend'.
mild sex references, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Two teenagers passionately kiss.
A teenage boy makes sexist comments towards a girl, such as she lacks ambition and that a scar on her leg reduces her worth. He also calls her his dog. His behaviour is called out by others.
additional issues
There is brief sight of a girl's grazed knee after she trips over.
mild sex references, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are mild sex references, such as an unpleasant teenage boy commenting that a girl must be 'good in bed' and telling others that he likes playing the field.
An unpleasant teenager makes disparaging comments about a teenage girl's appearance. His behaviour is called out with her boyfriend grabbing him and shouting 'enough'.
additional issues
Language is very mild ('jerk', 'damn').
moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A girl imagines her boyfriend romantically engaged with a boy and there is sight of the two teens intertwined with one another whilst we hear sexual moaning. Teenagers play truth or dare and in one scenario, a boy repeatedly strokes another boy's chest with him telling him to 'stop groping his chest'. Male teens ogle female classmates.
additional issues
Mild bad language occurs ('crap'). A boy comments negatively on a girl's appearance.
mild bad language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of mild bad language ('piss', 'crap') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'God', 'hell' and 'damn'.
additional issues
There are very mild sex references, such as teenagers talking about dating.
references to abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A teenage boy warns his female classmate about incurring the wrath of her pretend boyfriend if she loses the bracelet he gave her. References are also made to a teenage boy's possessive behaviour.
additional issues
Mild bad language ('crap', 'ass') is accompanied by even milder terms such as 'screwed up', 'God', 'damn' and 'hell'. A man calls a woman a “cow” after she refuses to go out with him. However, this is brief and immediately challenged. Verbal and visual references are made to a teenage boy's older sister bullying him as a child, including kicking his toys and cutting up his clothes. Comic references are made to a character's upset stomach.
mild sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is mildly suggestive sexual behaviour, including a scene in which an older character suggests she could make a pass at a teenage boy.
additional issues
A person gets drunk in a scene in which other characters clearly disapprove of this behaviour. There is brief sight of a young sibling looking upset following his parents' divorce. This is followed by his sister stating that her brother closed up his heart. However, there is a reassuring outcome when the boy is reunited with his mother in his teens. There is also very mild bad language ('darn').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor


  • Language
