• Director(s)

    Philip Yung

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Crime, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Tony Leung, Aaron Kwok, Jessie Li


Where The Wind Blows

strong violence, injury detail, sex

An idealistic policeman is quickly seduced into a life of crime as a result of corruption all around him in this Hong Kong crime drama, throughout which intense scenes of violence occur with frequency.

An idealistic policeman is quickly seduced into a life of crime as a result of corruption all around him in this Hong Kong crime drama, throughout which intense scenes of violence occur with frequency.

Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror





sexual violence and sexual threat

suicide and self-harm

  • Director(s)

    Philip Yung

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Crime, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Tony Leung, Aaron Kwok, Jessie Li

strong violence, injury detail, sex
Classified Date:
Central City Media Ltd
People are shot with guns, causing blood to spurt from their bodies and splatter graphically onto nearby objects. A man’s head is forcefully pushed through a railing and a crab is forced into his mouth.
threat and horror
A young child is at risk when caught in the middle of a gun battle between police and criminals. A man is forced by a villain to execute his friend with a gun. In another scene of threat, a man is given a gun and told to shoot his father, but he is unable to do so.
Strong language (‘f**k’) is used infrequently, as are milder terms including 'dickhead', ‘bastard', 'son of a bitch', 'screw', 'damn', and 'hell'.
Scenes of strong sex features vigorous thrusting and implied orgasm, as well as brief sight of buttock nudity. There are also moderate sex references, including remarks about strip clubs and brothels, and the indication that a woman is a sex worker.
A xenophobic comment is made, but it is contextualised as a historical view and not condoned by the film as a whole.
A man smokes opium from a pipe, and is later seen struggling with withdrawal symptoms when he gives up the drug. There are references to the smuggling and dealing of drugs including heroin.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There is a suggestion of sexual threat in a scene in which a woman is dragged away roughly and held prisoner when it is discovered she has been impersonating a soldier.
suicide and self-harm
It is implied a man has taken his own life after he is seen with a gun in his mouth.
injury detail
A man’s ear is severed during a fight, and is seen lying on the ground in a small pool of blood. Blood is visible on dead bodies in the aftermath of violence, and it is seen spilling from the dead body of an animal which is cut open.
There are references to an abortion a woman is forced to have, and upsetting scenes including sequences in which characters grieve for lost loved ones.
strong violence, injury detail, sex
Classified Date:
Central City Media Ltd
People are shot with guns, causing blood to spurt from their bodies and splatter graphically onto nearby objects. A man’s head is forcefully pushed through a railing and a crab is forced into his mouth.
threat and horror
A young child is at risk when caught in the middle of a gun battle between police and criminals. A man is forced by a villain to execute his friend with a gun. In another scene of threat, a man is given a gun and told to shoot his father, but he is unable to do so.
Strong language (‘f**k’) is used infrequently, as are milder terms including 'dickhead', ‘bastard', 'son of a bitch', 'screw', 'damn', and 'hell'.
Scenes of strong sex features vigorous thrusting and implied orgasm, as well as brief sight of buttock nudity. There are also moderate sex references, including remarks about strip clubs and brothels, and the indication that a woman is a sex worker.
A xenophobic comment is made, but it is contextualised as a historical view and not condoned by the film as a whole.
A man smokes opium from a pipe, and is later seen struggling with withdrawal symptoms when he gives up the drug. There are references to the smuggling and dealing of drugs including heroin.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There is a suggestion of sexual threat in a scene in which a woman is dragged away roughly and held prisoner when it is discovered she has been impersonating a soldier.
suicide and self-harm
It is implied a man has taken his own life after he is seen with a gun in his mouth.
injury detail
A man’s ear is severed during a fight, and is seen lying on the ground in a small pool of blood. Blood is visible on dead bodies in the aftermath of violence, and it is seen spilling from the dead body of an animal which is cut open.
There are references to an abortion a woman is forced to have, and upsetting scenes including sequences in which characters grieve for lost loved ones.
Classified Date:
Central City Media Ltd
  • Classified date


  • Language
