• Director(s)

    John M Stahl

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, Barbara O'Neil

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When Tomorrow Comes

upsetting scenes

WHEN TOMORROW COMES is a 1939 US romantic drama in which a pianist falls in love with a waitress.

WHEN TOMORROW COMES is a 1939 US romantic drama in which a pianist falls in love with a waitress.

A character's mental illness is ascribed to the loss of her child a few years earlier, and there are brief scenes in which the woman becomes distressed. The woman speaks in undetailed terms about her mental illness, including to depression. People briefly believe a person may have taken their own life; however, their fears are rapidly assuaged when it transpires that the person has instead left their house. Following a flood, a person reports that a baby died. A person is carried away on a stretcher from a flooded area. A character becomes upset at the impending departure of a man with whom she is involved in an adulterous relationship. However, references to adulterous behaviour are undetailed.
During a storm, a tree branch falls on a car. However, the vehicle's occupants are unharmed. Adults smoke cigarettes in scenes which reflect the time period in which the film was made. There are also brief scenes in which adults drink alcohol.
  • Director(s)

    John M Stahl

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, Barbara O'Neil

Posters powered by IMDb
Classified Date:
General Film Dist Ltd
upsetting scenes
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Powerhouse Films UK
A character's mental illness is ascribed to the loss of her child a few years earlier, and there are brief scenes in which the woman becomes distressed. The woman speaks in undetailed terms about her mental illness, including to depression. People briefly believe a person may have taken their own life; however, their fears are rapidly assuaged when it transpires that the person has instead left their house. Following a flood, a person reports that a baby died. A person is carried away on a stretcher from a flooded area. A character becomes upset at the impending departure of a man with whom she is involved in an adulterous relationship. However, references to adulterous behaviour are undetailed.
During a storm, a tree branch falls on a car. However, the vehicle's occupants are unharmed. Adults smoke cigarettes in scenes which reflect the time period in which the film was made. There are also brief scenes in which adults drink alcohol.
  • Classified date
