• Director(s)

    Jean-Pierre Dardenne

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione, Pili Groyne, Simon Caudry, Catherine Sal�e, Morgan Marinne, Olivier Gourmet

Posters powered by IMDb

Two Days, One Night

suicide attempt

suicide and self-harm
A woman swallows a large number of Xanax tablets as she attempts to take her own life. Shortly afterwards she changes her mind and tells a man what she has done. While someone calls an ambulance, the woman's partner tries to help her vomit up the tablets. She is later seen in hospital, where she is told that she is well enough to go home, which she quickly does. There is no discussion of any short or long term consequences to her suicide attempt.
additional issues
A man aggressively directs a use of 'bitch' at a woman. There is also milder bad language, including uses of 'damn', 'asshole', 'pissed', 'bullshit' and 'shit'. There are some mild sex references as a woman asks a man whether it bothers him that they haven't made love for some time. There are some moments of violence, including a couple of fights in which men push and shove at each other, and one in which a man is knocked out with a punch to the face.
  • Director(s)

    Jean-Pierre Dardenne

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione, Pili Groyne, Simon Caudry, Catherine Sal�e, Morgan Marinne, Olivier Gourmet

Posters powered by IMDb
suicide attempt
Classified Date:
Artificial Eye Film Co. Ltd
suicide and self-harm
A woman swallows a large number of Xanax tablets as she attempts to take her own life. Shortly afterwards she changes her mind and tells a man what she has done. While someone calls an ambulance, the woman's partner tries to help her vomit up the tablets. She is later seen in hospital, where she is told that she is well enough to go home, which she quickly does. There is no discussion of any short or long term consequences to her suicide attempt.
additional issues
A man aggressively directs a use of 'bitch' at a woman. There is also milder bad language, including uses of 'damn', 'asshole', 'pissed', 'bullshit' and 'shit'. There are some mild sex references as a woman asks a man whether it bothers him that they haven't made love for some time. There are some moments of violence, including a couple of fights in which men push and shove at each other, and one in which a man is knocked out with a punch to the face.
suicide attempt
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Artificial Eye Film Co. Ltd
suicide and self-harm
A woman swallows a large number of Xanax tablets as she attempts to take her own life. Shortly afterwards she changes her mind and tells a man what she has done. While someone calls an ambulance, the woman's partner tries to help her vomit up the tablets. She is later seen in hospital, where she is told that she is well enough to go home, which she quickly does. There is no discussion of any short or long term consequences to her suicide attempt.
additional issues
A man aggressively directs a use of 'bitch' at a woman. There is also milder bad language, including uses of 'damn', 'asshole', 'pissed', 'bullshit' and 'shit'. There are some mild sex references as a woman asks a man whether it bothers him that they haven't made love for some time. There are some moments of violence, including a couple of fights in which men push and shove at each other, and one in which a man is knocked out with a punch to the face.
Classified Date:
Artificial Eye Film Co. Ltd
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Language
