• Director(s)

    Jun Shishido

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Ray Chase, Saori Hayami, Yûichi Nakamura

TV Show

To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts

TO THE ABANDONED SACRED BEASTS is a Japanese fantasy drama anime series; in this episode, the battle between Hank and Miles comes to an unexpected end, and Cain attacks the camp.

TO THE ABANDONED SACRED BEASTS is a Japanese fantasy drama anime series; in this episode, the battle between Hank and Miles comes to an unexpected end, and Cain attacks the camp.

  • Director(s)

    Jun Shishido

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Ray Chase, Saori Hayami, Yûichi Nakamura

strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Strong human-on-human war violence features shootings and soldiers being blown-up, whilst fantastical attacks by humans who have transformed into ferocious beasts sees victims being torn apart and decapitated. There is extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath detail.
additional issues
There is moderate threat, occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters, and sight of a man smoking a cigar.
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical beasts are shot and stabbed with large weapons, resulting in large blood spurts and gory aftermath detail.
additional issues
There is moderate threat. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters. There is very mild bad language (‘hell’, ‘God’).
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A pair of fantastical beasts fight with large weapons and claws slashing one another, which results in extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath detail.
additional issues
There is moderate threat and horror. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters.
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Attacks on a fantastical beast with gunfire and explosives, and the vampyric biting of necks, result in extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath detail.
additional issues
There is moderate threat. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters.
strong bloody violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical beasts fight and claw one another, which results in large blood spurts.
injury detail
There is sight of dead bodies lying in pools of blood and carrying gory injuries in the aftermath of violent events.
additional issues
There is moderate threat. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters. There is mild bad language (‘bastard’).
strong bloody violence, injury detail, brief sexualised threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical beasts attack humans and meet resistance in return, with gunfire, slashing claws and teeth, and stabs with a lance resulting in extensive bloodshed.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There is brief sexualised threat as an insect-like female hybrid human-beast taunts a terrified woman captive, calls her “adorable” and extends a claw to tear away the front of her dress; the distressed woman covers her breasts with her arms, and her ordeal goes no further,
injury detail
There is sight of the dead bodies of humans and fantastical beasts lying in pools of blood and carrying gory injuries in the aftermath of violent events.
additional issues
There is moderate threat. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters. There is very mild bad language (‘hell’).
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
People and fantastical creatures are shot, struck with arrows, or stabbed or slashed with bladed weapons, creating spurts of blood.
additional issues
There is moderate visual focus on the bodies of female characters wearing revealing clothing, in addition to infrequent moderate verbal sex references and innuendo. A woman holds a man’s face in her cleavage during a comic scene of sexual harassment. Other issues include scenes of mild fantasy threat in which people are menaced by a zombified dragon.
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Blood spurts result from people and creatures being shot with guns and bow and arrows, and scratched with by the claws of fantastical beasts.
additional issues
Characters are threatened by explosions set off nearby where they are standing. A man asks a woman to end his life to stop him from transforming into a fantastical creature. There are close up shots of a woman's cleavage. Very mild bad language ('hell', 'damn') is used.
strong violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
People are shot with arrows and stabbed with bayonets, resulting in huge spurts of blood, which in one instance splatters onto a woman's face.
injury detail
There are strong bloody images, including when a man spits blood on the ground after suffering an injury, and when a person is seen with bloody gunshot wounds covering their body in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
There are close-up shots of a female character's cleavage. People are threatened with guns, and by a fantastical being who lulls them to sleep with her magical singing voice. Very mild bad language ('damn') is used.
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical beasts fight one another, with claws, teeth and knives, resulting in extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath detail.
additional issues
There is moderate threat. There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters. There is very mild bad language (‘God’).
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of strong violence contain stabbings, shootings and beatings that all result in heavy bloodshed, with slow-motion emphasising blood spurts. In one scene, a centaur character repeatedly stamps on a dead body.
additional issues
There are sexualised images of female characters as part of the opening credit sequence. Bad language is very mild ('damn').
strong bloody violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A villain uses magic to make people’s heads explode, causing large gushes of blood. Other people and fantastical creatures are struck by arrows, exploding bullets, bladed weapons or crushing blows. A poisonous gas dissolves a person’s flesh into purple goo.
injury detail
Scenes of violence frequently feature spurts of blood and strong bloody aftermath detail. A fantastical being suffers severe injuries in an explosion, leaving him with exposed muscle, tendons and bone, but he heals almost immediately.
additional issues
There are moderate scenes of fantasy threat. Moderate sex references include close-up images of a woman’s exposed cleavage.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Anime Ltd

  • Language
