• Director(s)

    Tim Southam

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Norman Reedus, Clemence Poesy, Louis Puech Scigliuzzi

TV Show

The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon

THE WALKING DEAD - DARYL DIXON is a US horror drama series; in this episode, Daryl and his new group arrive in Paris as he searches for passage back to the US.

THE WALKING DEAD - DARYL DIXON is a US horror drama series; in this episode, Daryl and his new group arrive in Paris as he searches for passage back to the US.

  • Director(s)

    Tim Southam

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Norman Reedus, Clemence Poesy, Louis Puech Scigliuzzi

strong violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of strong violence feature characters killing zombies and foes using knives, guns and spears, with accompanying large blood spurts. In one scene, a woman stabs a paramilitary soldier's head.
injury detail
A woman pulls a blade out of a dead soldier's back. Slain blood-stained characters are shown lying on the ground in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
Infrequent strong language ('f**k') occurs, as well as milder terms such as 'shit', 'ass' and 'hell'. It is implied that a character has a history of self-harm. A group of paramilitary soldiers storm a convent. A character uses a hot iron rod to cauterise a man's burn wound.
strong violence, gore, brief drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of strong violence feature characters killing zombies using crossbows and a spiked mace.
A woman snorts a line of cocaine at a nightclub during a flashback sequence.
injury detail
A horde of zombies tear out an unsympathetic character's entrails and bite into his flesh, with brief yet close-up emphasis on gory injury detail. Other moments include sight of a half-eaten mule and a severely infected bite wound.
additional issues
Scenes of moderate horror occur, including a character falling into a moat filled with zombies. Infrequent strong language ('f**k') occurs, as well as milder terms such as 'shit', 'asshole', 'ass', 'God' and 'damn'.
strong violence, gore, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Zombies are shot, impaled on spikes and electrified in scenes of strong gory violence. A man slashes the nostril of another but we do not see this in detail. Zombies fall from high windows, crashing to the ground with splashes of gore before getting up. A zombie's head partly explodes in bursts of blood.
threat and horror
Characters are pursued, surrounded and attacked by bloodthirsty zombies. Zombies are experimented on, restrained and made to play musical instruments or sword fight for human amusement.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and gore spilling from the bodies of rotting zombies, often in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') as well as milder terms such as 'shit', 'piss' and 'hell'. There are references to a woman's attempted suicide years earlier; it is clear she no longer has suicidal thoughts, however. Bags of white powdery substances are visible during a drug deal.
strong violence, gore, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A man repeatedly stabs another with a metal spike in order to obtain information from him; it is implied he takes care to avoid killing him with these stabs. There is close-up sight of zombies being stabbed in the head under water, resulting in bloody clouds spilling from their wound. A man smashes zombies in the head with a spiked mace, resulting in occasional blood spurts. There are shoot-outs involving machine guns, along with use of Molotov cocktails. Human characters punch, kick, shove and strangle one another; a man has his head smashed against a metal rail.
threat and horror
Characters are pursued, surrounded and attacked by bloodthirsty zombies. There are scenes of gun and fire threat.
There is strong language ('f**k') along with milder terms which include 'slut', 'shit' and 'damn'.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and gore spilling from the bodies of rotting zombies, often in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
A man implies a woman has a sexually promiscuous background in an effort to insult her. There are verbal references to bereavement.
strong violence, gore, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are shootings resulting in blood spurts. There is close-up sight of zombies being stabbed in the face and a man smashes zombies in the head with a spiked mace. Humans attack others with metal bars.
threat and horror
Characters are pursued, surrounded and attacked by bloodthirsty zombies. A man threatens to cut out another's eyeball. There are scenes of gun and knife threat. A woman fears she is being kept prisoner in a house.
There is strong language ('f**k') and implied strong language ('motherf-') as well as milder terms which include 'prick', 'shit', 'bastard', 'son of a bitch', 'God', 'damn' and 'hell'.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and gore spilling from the bodies of rotting zombies, often in the aftermath of violence. A man is left with bloody injuries after falling against a telecoms pole spike. There is brief sight of a man gutting a fish.
additional issues
There are verbal references to unspecified 'sexual deviancy', implied to involve zombies. A woman considers suicide, but she is interrupted and does not proceed. A man says he wanted to die after experiencing bereavement but later found renewed purpose. A woman is drugged off screen so that she will be subdued. A man says her doesn't want elderly people or 'shorties' in his team.
strong violence, gore, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are shootings and stabbings which result in blood spurts. There is close-up sight of zombies being impaled and stabbed in the face, as well as a man smashing zombies in the head with a spiked mace, resulting in bloody detail. A man chops another's hand off with an axe. There are undetailed verbal references to the domestic abuse a man experienced as a boy at the hands of his father.
threat and horror
Characters are pursued, surrounded and attacked by bloodthirsty zombies. Two men are left shackled for zombies enraged by drugs to attack. There are scenes of gun and knife threat and a man is told he faces torture. A man is bound, held at gunpoint and shut in a car boot.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and gore spilling from the bodies of rotting zombies as well as a man holding a severed zombie head. Characters are left bloody in the aftermath of violence and there is detailed sight of burn and stab wounds. A scene depicts the bloodied dead bodies of soldiers scattered over a beach after the Normandy Beach landings of the Second World War.
additional issues
There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') along with milder terms such as 'shit', 'piss', 'God' and 'damn'.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
strong bloody violence, horror
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
The heroes use blades and other improvised weapons to kill zombies in scenes that include an emphasis on bloody detail. People also shoot each other, resulting in blood spurts.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and try to eat humans in sustained scenes of horror.
additional issues
The episode features infrequent strong language ('f**k') and milder terms ('bitch', 'shit', 'asshole', 'bullshit', 'hell', 'damn').
strong bloody violence, horror
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
The heroes use blades and other improvised weapons to kill zombies in scenes that include an emphasis on bloody detail. People shoot each other, resulting in blood spurts. A man is strapped to a chair and tortured, with brief sight of a cork being twisted into his palm.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and try to eat humans in sustained scenes of horror. There are also scenes of gun, bow and arrow and knife threat.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('shit').
strong bloody violence, horror
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
The heroes use blades and other improvised weapons to kill zombies in scenes that include an emphasis on bloody detail. People also shoot each other, resulting in blood spurts.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and try to eat humans in sustained scenes of horror. A woman screams with grief as she watches a zombie kill her husband. There are also scenes of gun and knife threat.
additional issues
The episode features infrequent strong language ('f**k') and milder terms ('shit', 'asshole', 'hell'). A verbal reference is made to a man almost being made a 'sperm donor' against his wishes.
strong violence, horror, gory images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Humans use blades and other improvised weapons to kill zombies. People shoot each other, resulting in blood spurts.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and try to eat humans in sustained scenes of horror. There are also scenes of gun threat.
injury detail
There are strong gory images when a woman is shot with an experimental weapon that causes her facial skin to bubble up and then burst with blood. There are also bloody moments during zombie attacks.
additional issues
The episode features infrequent strong language ('f**k') and milder terms ('shit', 'Jesus'). A man describes truffled eggs as 'sex on the tongue'.
strong violence, bloody images, horror
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Humans use blades and other improvised weapons to kill zombies in scenes that include an emphasis on bloody detail.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and try to eat humans in sustained scenes of horror. There are also scenes of gun and knife threat.
injury detail
After being shot with a chemical filled dart, zombies explode in a scene which emphasises blood spurting detail.
additional issues
People in leather costumes dance on poles at a cabaret. There is an undetailed drug reference when a woman at a club offers a guest 'a little pick me up'. The episode also features infrequent strong language ('f**k') and milder terms ('shit', 'damn', 'Jesus').
strong horror, violence, injury detail, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of strong violence include shootings, stabbings and knife slashings. People fight using improvised weapons.
threat and horror
Zombies pursue and feast on humans in scenes of horror. There are also moments of gun and knife threat.
Use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'piss', 'shit' and 'hell'.
injury detail
During violent incidents, there are fantastical large blood and gore spurts as well as bloody injury detail seen on human characters.
additional issues
A woman is heard taking her own life. A brief reference is made to a 'wet dream'. There are references to racism. People become upset as they discuss the deaths of their loved ones.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    RLJE International Ltd

  • Language
