• Director(s)

    Manolito Motosierra

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Hilario Blas, Pedro Garc�a Oliva, �scar Gisbert, Miriam Larragay, Nereida L�pez, Dani Mesado, Tam Sempere Miro


The Spanish Chainsaw Massacre

strong bloody violence, strong sex

There are frequent scenes of strong bloody violence and gore, including a head being smashed in with a rock, people being torn open and having their intestines pulled out, and a penis being bitten and torn off. In one scene, a foetus is pulled out of a woman.
White liquid is seen spurting out of a prosthetic penis after implied masturbation, and a woman is seen licking the head of a prosthetic penis before she bites into it and tears it off. Another man's penis, again prosthetic, is pulled out of the front of his trousers by a woman, but she only holds it briefly before cutting it off with some scissors.
Other issues include multiple uses of strong language ('f**k'). There are also scenes of drug use, including the snorting of cocaine and smoking of joints. There are moments of crude humour as brown liquid is seen to spurt from a man's bottom before it is given to other men to drink.
  • Director(s)

    Manolito Motosierra

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Hilario Blas, Pedro Garc�a Oliva, �scar Gisbert, Miriam Larragay, Nereida L�pez, Dani Mesado, Tam Sempere Miro

One or more of the releases in this collection was cut.

strong bloody violence, strong sex
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
88 Films Limited
Cut required to a sequence of sadistic and sexualised violence involving a child. Cut made in line with BBFC Guidelines and policy, and the Video Recordings Act 1984.
There are frequent scenes of strong bloody violence and gore, including a head being smashed in with a rock, people being torn open and having their intestines pulled out, and a penis being bitten and torn off. In one scene, a foetus is pulled out of a woman.
White liquid is seen spurting out of a prosthetic penis after implied masturbation, and a woman is seen licking the head of a prosthetic penis before she bites into it and tears it off. Another man's penis, again prosthetic, is pulled out of the front of his trousers by a woman, but she only holds it briefly before cutting it off with some scissors.
Other issues include multiple uses of strong language ('f**k'). There are also scenes of drug use, including the snorting of cocaine and smoking of joints. There are moments of crude humour as brown liquid is seen to spurt from a man's bottom before it is given to other men to drink.
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Language
