• Director(s)

    DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Kamila Urzędowska, Robert Gulaczyk, Mirosław Baka, Sonia Mietielica


The Peasants

sexual violence, strong threat, nudity

A young woman's romantic desires lead to violence and suffering within her close-knit community in this animated pastoral drama. Despite the beautiful visuals, the film doesn't shy away from brutality and cruelty.

A young woman's romantic desires lead to violence and suffering within her close-knit community in this animated pastoral drama. Despite the beautiful visuals, the film doesn't shy away from brutality and cruelty.

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Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror



sexual violence and sexual threat

injury detail


disturbing images

  • Director(s)

    DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Kamila Urzędowska, Robert Gulaczyk, Mirosław Baka, Sonia Mietielica

sexual violence, strong threat, nudity
Classified Date:
Vertigo Releasing Ltd
Men behave in sexist, outdated manners towards women and their partners, reflective of the era in which the film is set. Men are sometimes violent towards women, including their wives, and a woman is beaten by a mob. Fistfights are impactful and result in bloody injuries, and a brawl between rival groups of people includes heavy blows, including a man's head being slammed against a tree stump.
threat and horror
A woman is beaten, insulted, dragged from her home, stripped naked and tied up by a violent mob.
Terms including 'whore', 'slut', 'hussy' and 'bitch' are used, directed at women. Other bad language includes 'bloody', 'arse', 'son of a bitch', 'hell', 'God' and 'Jesus'.
There are scenes of moderate sex and occasional sex references and innuendo, including to oral sex.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman is raped by her former lover. In one scene, a woman is attacked at night, her clothes torn open and a man attempts to rape her, but the woman is able to escape. In a prolonged sequence, a mob violently strip a woman naked and pelt her with mud and spit on her.
injury detail
People are bloodied and bruised as a result of violent acts.
A woman is stripped fully naked by a violent crowd of people, and a woman's breasts are exposed when she flees a burning haystack in which she was having sex.
disturbing images
A farmer kills a sick cow by cutting its throat. There is sight of blood, but the cutting itself is hidden from view.
alcohol and smoking
Adults drink and smoke, with sharing of vodka being a cultural tradition in the community depicted.
sexual violence, strong threat, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Vertigo Releasing Ltd
Men are sometimes violent towards women, including their wives, and a woman is beaten by a mob. Fistfights are impactful and result in bloody injuries, and a brawl between rival groups of people includes heavy blows, including a man's head being slammed against a tree stump.
threat and horror
A woman is beaten, insulted, dragged from her home, stripped naked and tied up by a violent mob.
Terms including 'whore', 'slut', 'hussy' and 'bitch' are directed at women. Other bad language includes 'bloody', 'arse', 'son of a bitch', 'hell', 'God' and 'Jesus'.
There are scenes of moderate sex and occasional sex references and innuendo, including to oral sex.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman is raped by her former lover. In one scene, a woman is attacked at night, her clothes torn open and a man attempts to rape her, but the woman is able to escape. In a prolonged sequence, a mob violently strip a woman naked and pelt her with mud and spit on her.
injury detail
People are bloodied and bruised as a result of violent acts.
A woman is stripped naked by a violent crowd of people, and a woman's breasts are exposed when she flees a burning haystack in which she was having sex.
disturbing images
A farmer kills a sick cow by cutting its throat. There is sight of blood, but the cutting itself is hidden from view.
alcohol and smoking
Adults drink and smoke.
sexual violence, strong threat, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical media
Vertigo Releasing Ltd
Men are sometimes violent towards women, including their wives, and a woman is beaten by a mob. Fistfights are impactful and result in bloody injuries, and a brawl between rival groups of people includes heavy blows, including a man's head being slammed against a tree stump.
threat and horror
A woman is beaten, insulted, dragged from her home, stripped naked and tied up by a violent mob.
Terms including 'whore', 'slut', 'hussy' and 'bitch' are directed at women. Other bad language includes 'bloody', 'arse', 'son of a bitch', 'hell', 'God' and 'Jesus'.
There are scenes of moderate sex and occasional sex references and innuendo, including to oral sex.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman is raped by her former lover. In one scene, a woman is attacked at night, her clothes torn open and a man attempts to rape her, but the woman is able to escape. In a prolonged sequence, a mob violently strip a woman naked and pelt her with mud and spit on her.
injury detail
People are bloodied and bruised as a result of violent acts.
A woman is stripped naked by a violent crowd of people, and a woman's breasts are exposed when she flees a burning haystack in which she was having sex.
disturbing images
A farmer kills a sick cow by cutting its throat. There is sight of blood, but the cutting itself is hidden from view.
alcohol and smoking
Adults drink and smoke.
Classified Date:
Vertigo Releasing Ltd
  • Classified date


  • Language
