• Director(s)

    Nicolás Onetti

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Science Fiction

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Camilo Levigne, Raymond E. Lee, Hugo Quiril


The Last Boy On Earth

strong violence, bloody images, threat, drug misuse

THE LAST BOY ON EARTH is a sci-fi anthology in which humans attempt to continue their existence in a post-apocalyptic world.

THE LAST BOY ON EARTH is a sci-fi anthology in which humans attempt to continue their existence in a post-apocalyptic world.

Strong violence includes bloody shootings, stabbings, and a crunchy neck break. A creature is impaled through its mouth. In another sequence, it is implied a robot uses a meat cleaver against a woman held captive; whilst the violence is not seen, blood is visible spurting onto a nearby curtain.
threat and horror
A woman is strapped to a bed by a rogue robot who believes it can get humans to love it by "fixing" them. There are scenes in which humanoids stalk and attack humans.
There is a brief scene in which a man smokes a bong. There are also visual references to drug dealing.
injury detail
Scenes contain bloody images, particularly in the aftermath of violence, such as dead bodies, blood spatter on surrounding walls and clothing.
There are also moderate sex references, including adverts featuring women in sexualised poses. There is infrequent use of strong language ('f**k'), accompanied by other milder terms ('God' and 'damn').
  • Director(s)

    Nicolás Onetti

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Science Fiction

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Camilo Levigne, Raymond E. Lee, Hugo Quiril

strong violence, bloody images, threat, drug misuse
Classified Date:
101 Films Limited
Strong violence includes bloody shootings, stabbings, and a crunchy neck break. A creature is impaled through its mouth. In another sequence, it is implied a robot uses a meat cleaver against a woman held captive; whilst the violence is not seen, blood is visible spurting onto a nearby curtain.
threat and horror
A woman is strapped to a bed by a rogue robot who believes it can get humans to love it by "fixing" them. There are scenes in which humanoids stalk and attack humans.
There is a brief scene in which a man smokes a bong. There are also visual references to drug dealing.
injury detail
Scenes contain bloody images, particularly in the aftermath of violence, such as dead bodies, blood spatter on surrounding walls and clothing.
There are also moderate sex references, including adverts featuring women in sexualised poses. There is infrequent use of strong language ('f**k'), accompanied by other milder terms ('God' and 'damn').
  • Classified date


  • Language
