• Director(s)

    Marialy Rivas

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Jenna Coleman, Arxchie Renaux, Laura Marcus

TV Show

The Jetty

THE JETTY is a British crime drama series; in this episode, Ember begins to reevaluate her own relationships in light of a new case.

THE JETTY is a British crime drama series; in this episode, Ember begins to reevaluate her own relationships in light of a new case.

  • Director(s)

    Marialy Rivas

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Jenna Coleman, Arxchie Renaux, Laura Marcus

child sexual abuse references, sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('dickhead', 'slut', 'wanker', 'prick') and milder terms such as 'shit', 'arse' and 'piss'.
It is implied that a teenage girl masturbates a horse off-screen in order to try and shock her friend. A teenage girl encourages another to masturbate as they lay in bed together but they are quickly interrupted. A police officer picks up a used condom from the ground.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are frequent references to an older man deliberately targeting underage girls and grooming them for sex. References are made to the rape of young teenagers.
additional issues
A pregnant young girl is implied to have attempted suicide and there is sight of her bloody injuries in the aftermath. References are made to eating disorders, abortions and cancer. Characters smoke joints and a pill is very briefly seen on a character's tongue. There are also references to used syringes. Sequences include moderate threat.
child sexual abuse references, sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('dickhead', 'slut', 'wanker', 'prick') and milder terms such as 'shit', 'arse' and 'piss'.
It is implied that a teenage girl masturbates a horse off-screen in order to try and shock her friend. A teenage girl encourages another to masturbate as they lay in bed together but they are quickly interrupted. A police officer picks up a used condom from the ground.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are frequent references to an older man deliberately targeting underage girls and grooming them for sex. References are made to the rape of young teenagers.
additional issues
A pregnant young girl is implied to have attempted suicide and there is sight of her bloody injuries in the aftermath. References are made to eating disorders, abortions and cancer. Characters smoke joints and a pill is very briefly seen on a character's tongue. There are also references to used syringes. Sequences include moderate threat.
very strong language, strong sex
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Infrequent use of very strong language ('c**t') is accompanied by strong ('f**k') and milder terms such as 'shit', 'arse' and 'bollocks'.
There is a brief scene of strong sex. Sex references include mentions to 'porn' and use of 'f**k' in a sexual context.
additional issues
Verbal references are made to the sexual abuse of underage teenage girls. Characters smoke marijuana and there are verbal reference to magic mushrooms. There are scenes of moderate threat and references to murder. A brief flashback include bloody detail and there is sight of a murdered dead body.
child sexual abuse references, strong language, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is strong language ('f**k'), as well as milde terms such as 'skank', 'twat', 'bitch', 'wank', 'dick', 'bastard', 'arse', 'arsehole', 'shit', 'God', 'Jesus' and 'Christ'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are frequent references to child sexual abuse, with underage girls being groomed and subjected to sexual violence, but without graphic detail. A teenage boy is confronted with sharing indecent images of underage girls.
injury detail
There is sight of blood running along a glass table on which a person's head has been slammed off-screen, cuts on a body lying on a morgue table which also bears bruising on the neck indicative of a strangling, and similar injuriy on the neck of a teenage girl who covers it with a scarf.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There are moderate sex references, including to pornography. There are moments of moderate threat, references to murders in the course of a police investigation, and a man makes a passing homophobic comment. There are also references to abortion.
child sexual abuse, strong language, drug misuse, suicide
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('prick') and milder terms such as 'piss', 'God' and 'Christ'.
Teenage characters are shown taking rohypnol pills at a party during brief flashback sequences. In one scene, a woman defends the misuse of prescription drugs to “get high”, however, another character strongly criticises her attitudes. There are also scenes of brief cannabis smoking. Drug misuse is not endorsed by the work as a whole.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A short flashback scene of sexual violence depicts a pair of young men thrusting on top of underage teenage girls after taking rophypnol. It emerges that one of the female characters has been coerced into sex in order to appease a blackmailer. The episode deals with the issue of child sex abuse, grooming and consent in a sensitive and responsible manner.
suicide and self-harm
A person takes their own life, without any graphic detail.
additional issues
There is infrequent use of discriminatory language (‘dyke’). An unlikable man strangles a person until they pass out, however, they reassuringly regain consciousness. A 17th century painting features bloody images. There is undetailed sight of charred bone fragments, and of bruising across a woman’s neck within the context of a criminal investigation. Moderate sex references include those that briefly discuss orgasms and “DILFs”.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    2 entertain Video Ltd.

  • Language
