• Director(s)

    Steve Lawson

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Morgan Rees-Davies, Mollie Hindle, Tom Hendryk


The Highwayman

infrequent strong violence

THE HIGHWAYMAN is a British action adventure drama in which the 18th century highway robber Dick Turpin accidentally kidnaps the daughter of an earl.

THE HIGHWAYMAN is a British action adventure drama in which the 18th century highway robber Dick Turpin accidentally kidnaps the daughter of an earl.

There are infrequent bloody stabbings. Milder violence includes shootings and fight scenes, without visible injury detail. We briefly hear a man screaming after he falls into a fire off screen.
There is a bleeped use of strong language (‘f**k’); milder terms include ‘whore’, ‘bloody’ and ‘bugger’. There are occasional moderate sex references and innuendo; for example, a woman raises her eyebrows when a mine owner boasts, "My shaft is the longest in the country. It goes deeper than anyone else's". A man removes a woman’s dress - without visible nudity - before implied off-screen sex. In another scene a man peeks at a woman while she changes her clothes, earning a rebuke.
  • Director(s)

    Steve Lawson

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Morgan Rees-Davies, Mollie Hindle, Tom Hendryk

infrequent strong violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
High Fliers Films Ltd.
There are infrequent bloody stabbings. Milder violence includes shootings and fight scenes, without visible injury detail. We briefly hear a man screaming after he falls into a fire off screen.
There is a bleeped use of strong language (‘f**k’); milder terms include ‘whore’, ‘bloody’ and ‘bugger’. There are occasional moderate sex references and innuendo; for example, a woman raises her eyebrows when a mine owner boasts, "My shaft is the longest in the country. It goes deeper than anyone else's". A man removes a woman’s dress - without visible nudity - before implied off-screen sex. In another scene a man peeks at a woman while she changes her clothes, earning a rebuke.
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
High Fliers Films Ltd.
  • Classified date


  • Language
