• Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth Tulloch, Alex Garfin

TV Show

Superman & Lois

SUPERMAN & LOIS is a fantasy drama series; in this episode, Clark's memories reveal a weakness which Edge tries to exploit.

SUPERMAN & LOIS is a fantasy drama series; in this episode, Clark's memories reveal a weakness which Edge tries to exploit.

  • Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth Tulloch, Alex Garfin

moderate violence, dangerous behaviour, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include exchanges of punches and kicks. Some violent scenes occur in a fantastical context and a man is stabbed in the chest. A teenager spits out blood in slow motion after being punched and kicked.
Two teenage characters discuss having misused prescription drugs while experiencing difficulties with their mental health.
dangerous behaviour
There is a scene in which a group of teenagers drink alcohol and play around with fireworks.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap').
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes where characters face each other in hand-to-hand combat, with sight of punches and headbutts. There is also a sequence in which a character burns several victims alive, although there is no graphic detail.
additional issues
There is mild bad language including 'screw', 'crap' and 'dick'.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
In one sequence a villain with superhuman powers grabs a woman and slams her into a door and then across a room, with the intention of killing her. She manages to stab him in the head with a pen and later escapes. The impact of the pen into the character's head is not shown with graphic detail and is within the context of the woman trying to defend herself.
additional issues
There are references to drug and alcohol use, and a scene in which a teenager sarcastically tells her mother that she thinks she wants to kill herself.
moderate threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
There is a sequence during which a teenage character shakes and vibrates unnaturally after acquiring new powers, apparently causing him great pain for an extended period of time. There is also a brief scene in which a man throws a woman into a door during an attack.
additional issues
There is mild bad language including 'crap' and 'piss', and one character refers to a villain as a 'nut job' and a 'psycho'. There are occasional mild sex and drug references.
moderate violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a sequence in which a teenager repeatedly punches another teenager in the face.
injury detail
A man uses his supernatural powers to set himself on fire.
additional issues
Teenage characters occasionally drink alochol.
moderate violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a scene in which a teenage character grabs another teenager and punches him hard in the face. In another scene, a character with superhuman powers accidentally punches another teenager, breaking his hand in the process.
threat and horror
In one scene, a character threatens a young woman and blasts in her front door, knocking her out.
additional issues
There is a scene in which a character runs across train tracks, nearly causing a derailment.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a sequence of fantasy violence during which a character hits another character with a powerful hammer. A person is killed, but there is no detail.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Violence is fantastical but includes a stabbing, as well as exchanges of punches and kicks, and use of other weaponry.
additional issues
A woman grieves while recalling the details of a miscarriage.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include shooting, punching, kicking, choking and heavy blows.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap'), and verbal suicide references.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Violence is generally fantastical but includes punches, choking, use of weaponised laser rays, gun threat, and a scene in which a man is tortured using energy blasts.
additional issues
Bad language includes 'jerk', 'nuts', 'BS' and 'hell'.
moderate violence, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
In one scene, a racist white vigilante terrorises a neighbourhood, targeting residents of other ethnicities with a flamethrower and grenades. He is swiftly overwhelmed and tasered. Other violence includes laser blasts and exchanges of punches.
additional issues
There are very mild sex references and bad language ('damn').
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate violence, such as a man hitting Superman in the face with a hammer and Superman repeatedly punching a man in armour.
additional issues
There is also mild bad language ('bastard', 'dammit') and mild threat, such as a woman firing fantastical heat beams at people.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Brief fight scenes feature fantastical violence such as energy blasts, explosions, and super powers, however there is no clear sight of injury.
additional issues
There is also mild and very mild bad language such as 'ass', 'damn', 'hell' and 'crap'.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Multiple sequences feature characters with super powers, there are energy blasts, fantastical weapons, and moderately intense fist fights but there is no sight of blood; action scenes are presented within the story's fantasy context.
additional issues
There is also use of the term 'bitch' as well as mild and very mild bad language including 'ass', 'fricking', 'crap', 'hell', 'damn' and 'God'.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of moderate fantasy violence featuring impactful blows using fists and weaponry. Characters use fantastical capabilities to emit powerful forces.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language ('son of a bitch' and 'ass'), accompanied by other milder terms ('freakin'' and 'hell').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A woman is shocked and angry to find her 15-year-old son kissing his girlfriend on a bed with his shirt off; the subject of teen sex is handled responsibly, however, and underaged characters are encouraged by their parents to wait until they’re older. In another scene a teenager walks in on her parents kissing in their kitchen and reminds them that they have their own bedroom.
additional issues
There are scenes of mild threat, including one in which frightened people are endangered by explosions and falling debris during an earthquake; no one is hurt, however. A concerned father asks his teenage daughter if her boyfriend ‘got handsy’ with her, but she reassures him that he did not. Bad language includes ‘crap’ and ‘damn’. There are mild scenes of emotional upset.
moderate violence, threat, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are crunchy fight scenes involving superpowered characters, as well as a short shoot-out sequence. The episode contains no visible injury detail.
threat and horror
Trapped miners are attacked in the dark by an unseen assailant in a scene of moderate fantasy threat. Milder scenes include those in which a hero collapses while experiencing painful visions.
Infrequent drug references include a sequence in which a teenager expresses suspicions that a fellow high-school footballer is taking steroids to improve his performance. Drug misuse is not condoned.
additional issues
Bad language includes ‘ass’, ‘crap’, ‘bastard’, ‘son of a bitch’, ‘jerk’, ‘hell’ and ‘goddamn’. There is a brief reference to a woman having nearly taken her own life while under the influence of a cult.
drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are references to teenagers selling steroids to other teenagers.
additional issues
A supervillain repeatedly punches Superman's face. There is brief sight of blood, and a superhero's burnt hands. There is mild threat. Bad language is mild ('crap', 'piss', 'freaking', 'damn', 'God').
drug misuse, moderate violence, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A superhero breaks the necks of two other men. Two superheroes fight one another; one punches the other repeatedly in the face. There are scenes of fantasy violence.
A boy sniffs an unspecified drug on the playing field; later he experiences bad visions. A teenage girl asks a teenage boy if he “smokes a lot of weed”. Another teenage girl refers to “yellow mist” and explains how she likes its effects. Drug misuse is not glamorised or encouraged. There are also references to a man’s alcoholism.
suicide and self-harm
A teenage girl refers to her suicide attempt. There is another less detailed reference to suicide.
additional issues
Bad language includes use of the terms ‘son of a bitch’, ‘hell’ and ‘God’. There are occasional scary moments in which a superhero’s evil doppelganger threatens people.
moderate horror, violence, drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Two superheroes fight one another; one punches the other repeatedly in the face. There are also moments of fantasy violence in which superheroes use their powers against one another in intense scenes.
threat and horror
The distorted body of a dead woman is discovered lying in a small pool of blood. The image is disturbing but shown twice only very briefly. There are occasional scary moments in which a superhero’s evil doppelganger threatens people.
A boy briefly inhales a fantastical drug called ‘yellow mist’ which gives him increased physical prowess.
additional issues
Bad language includes use of the terms ‘crap’, ‘hell’ and ‘God’. There are references to mental ill health and adultery.
moderate violence, sex references, drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are fight scenes between human and superhuman characters. The fights are intense and feature the use of repeated blows to the face and body. There’s no sight of blood or injury. A woman slaps a man.
A girl refers to her dad ‘banging a waitress’. There are milder references to cheating.
A boy briefly inhales a fantastical drug called ‘yellow mist’ which gives him increased physical prowess. The boy’s behaviour is clearly condemned.
additional issues
Bad language includes use of the terms ‘ass’, ‘son of a bitch’, ‘hell’ and ‘God’. A scene of mild threat occurs when a village is under threat from an avalanche; however, the threat is quickly resolved.
moderate violence, threat, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate violence in which guns, fists and fantastical devices are used, with mild bloody detail.
threat and horror
Soldiers attach a fantastical torture device to a superhero's neck, but there is no prolonged emphasis on suffering.
Teenagers deal in a fantastical drug, but are caught doing so and the consequences are clear. Adult characters take the drug to enhance their strength in a fantastical manner.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language ('son of a bitch', 'hell', 'damn', 'God').
moderate fantasy violence, threat, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate fantasy violence including head butts, punches and fantastical brawls. There is bloody detail in the aftermath of violence.
threat and horror
There is moderate threat of impending doom in a fantastical context.
There are moderate drug references and scenes in which drugs with supernatural abilities are used.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
Bad language is very mild ('hell', 'God', 'damn').
moderate threat, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
Superhero characters intervene to prevent a plane crashing into a city and to save a firefighter beaten back by flames in a burning building. A fantastical rescue is also carried out as a villain points a gun at a man and is about to kill him.
injury detail
A man winces as a dressing on a bloody wound in his side is changed.
additional issues
There are references to a fictional drug and its illegal trading. There is mild bad language ('crap', 'hell'). There is mild emotional upset.
moderate fantasy violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate fantasy violence when men attempt to use machine guns against superheroes. Superhumans punch, headbutt and throw each other around in a large scale fight sequence. 
injury detail
After a Superhuman breathes fire at a man, he is reduced to a burnt corpse which is briefly shown on screen. When Superman flies through a portal, his skin partially disintegrates and reforms. 
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
The episode features mild bad language ('son of a bitch') and very mild terms ('jerk', 'God' and 'damn').
moderate violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes in which people are beaten and stabbed, with some blood in the aftermath of violence. A woman briefly stands on a man's head; however, there is limited detail.
threat and horror
There are scenes in which people are menaced, as well as those in which a young man experiences nightmarish visions.
additional issues
There is mild and very mild bad language ('ass', 'crap', 'piss', 'God'), as well as a brief verbal drug reference.
moderate fantasy violence, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of moderate fantasy violence, involving characters using laser powers against one another. In one sequence, a man has the life sucked out of him, leaving his face partially skeletal.
There are references to teens using a fictional drug stemming from an alien substance. However, drug misuse is clearly condemned.
additional issues
Language is very mild ('hell' and 'God').
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of fantasy violence in which characters are struck with magical powers, which cause their life force to dissipate; victims are left with bruising on their bodies.
additional issues
There are some scenes of mild fantasy threat. There is also very mild bad language ('God', 'hell', 'damn').
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are fight scenes in which a teenage boy is repeatedly punched; he is also grabbed by the throat by a supervillain who head butts him. There's no sight of blood or injury detail. Other violence is fantastical and includes scenes in which superheroes use their powers against one another.
additional issues
There's also mild threat in which characters are in danger but the threat is fantastical and quickly resolved. Language is mild and includes use of the term 'ass' as well as very mild terms such as 'damn', 'hell' and 'God'.
moderate injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
There is a scene of moderate injury in which the skin of a superhuman character begins to burn as he battles an energy blast. There is some focus on his pain and discomfort however his wounds quickly heal.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language, scenes of mild fantasy violence, threat and drug references to an experiment in which subjects licked toads, causing hallucinations.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence take place within a fantastical context, but often in real-world settings. They include the trading of heavy blows, with characters slamming one another into buildings. There is also gun violence, resulting in some blood spurts and injury detail.
additional issues
There are a couple of implied post-coital scenes, but both are discreet. A woman is asked by a doctor whether she is 'sexually active', and there are numerous references to her possibly being pregnant. There is mild bad language ('crap'), and very mild terms such as 'damn' and 'God'.
moderate violence, threat, language, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence are fantastical but take place in real-world settings, and include heavy blows, resulting in bloody injuries.
threat and horror
There are scenes in which a sinister masked figure terrorises people, emitting a powerful, destructive blast of energy.
There is moderate bad language ('bitch', 'prick') and milder terms including 'jerk-off', 'crap', 'ass', 'damn', 'hell' and 'God'.
suicide and self-harm
There are sequences in which a woman prepares to take her own life by jumping from a building; another woman attempts to dissuade her, and reveals a cancer diagnosis, which becomes a prominent theme within the episode.
additional issues
There are also scenes in which teenagers drink alcohol at a party.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence are fantastical but take place in real-world settings; they include punches and heavy blows. There are occasional bloody images. A woman slaps her teenage daughter during an argument, but is immediately regretful and apologetic.
additional issues
There are scenes of mild threat, which include a man suffering from recurring nightmares in which he is unable to rescue his wife from a perilous situation. His wife is receiving treatment for cancer and this is a theme of the episode, with scenes in which she discusses her feelings of anxiety and despair about her condition. The series recap includes a brief scene in which a woman contemplates taking her own life by jumping from a building. A teenager makes a passing reference to having previously taken ecstasy. There is mild bad language ('ass', 'shit'), and very mild terms including 'damn' and 'hell'.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a scene of moderate violence in which a man punches a teenager in the face, resulting in bruising. Other violence includes energy blasts and gun threat. A woman is is strapped to an explosive device, which is disarmed just before it is due to detonate. A mother slaps her teenage daughter across the face; she later apologises.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('ass', 'piss', 'crap'), and very mild terms including 'hell' and 'damn'. There is an undetailed verbal reference to self-harm.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence are moderate, and include punches, neck breaks and use of fantastical weaponry. There are brief bloody images.
additional issues
A character's cancer treatment is a central part of the episode's narrative, and there are scenes in which people discuss their experiences with illness. There is very mild bad language ('damn', 'hell', 'God'). There is a brief, implied post-coital scene.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of moderate violence, which include exchanges of energy blasts and gunfire from fantastical weapons. These result in wounds that heal swiftly.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap'), and very mild terms including 'hell' and 'God'. There is a scene in which a man and woman kiss passionately while in bed together. There are undetailed verbal drug references. Illness is a theme of the episode, and there are scenes in which people become upset while discussing their anxieties and sadness about losing loved ones.
moderate violence, bloody images, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include a character with super powers firing lethal energy blasts at rivals, resulting in blood spurts.
There is a scene in which a teenager appears impressed when she discovers that the woman her father is dating has edible 'gummies' in her handbag, and asks if she is a 'stoner'.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap'), and very mild terms including 'screw', 'God' and 'hell'. There is a cancer treatment theme throughout the episode.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include a man being repeatedly punched in the face whilst restrained. His face is bloodied in the attack. Other violence includes energy blasts and explosions, with some gunfire. There is brief sight of crime scene images depicting bloodied bodies in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
There is mild threat and horror. There is mild bad language ('piss'), and very mild terms such as 'hell' and 'God'. Illness is a recurring theme in the episode, with scenes such as a montage in which a man nurses his wife, who has received chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of moderate violence include exchanges of heavy punches, energy blasts and explosions. There are occasional bloody images, including brief sight of crime scene images depicting dead bodies in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
There are mild sex references, as well as mild innuendo and rude humour. There is also an illness theme, as a woman with breast cancer reflects on her feelings upon reaching the end of a course of chemotherapy, and preparing for a mastectomy.
moderate fantasy violence, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include a woman with super powers emitting energy blasts from her face, causing heavy impacts and explosions. There is brief bloody injury detail.
threat and horror
There is a sequence in which underage teenagers drink alcohol at a party which is raided by police. The youths flee, some in cars while under the influence, and this results in a serious crash.
Bad language includes use of 'ass', 'dick', 'piss', 'son of a bitch', 'damn', 'God', 'screw' and 'hell'.
additional issues
The episode has an illness theme, with frequent references to cancer treatment. There is a verbal reference to the trafficking of psychedelic mushrooms.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include gunfire, heavy energy blasts and use of fantastical weaponry, occasionally resulting in blood spurts.
additional issues
There is mild rude humour and very mild bad language ('screw', 'damn'). There is an illness theme throughout the episode, with characters undergoing surgical procedures, and dealing with latter stages of potentially terminal cancer.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A man is restrained and beaten. Prison guards drag inmates from their cells and beat them, and a zombie attacks a man off-screen.
injury detail
There are bloody images in the aftermath of violence, and a scene in which a zombie eats a rat.
additional issues
Characters are threatened with violence, and two characters are almost hit by a speeding car. A tornado heads towards a town destroying cars and scaring residents. Superheroes intervene and no one is harmed. There is use of mild bad language ('ass', 'crap') and milder terms ('damn', 'screw').
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are sustained scenes of moderate violence, which occur within a fantastical context but in real-world settings. A mutant clone of a superhero is repeatedly killed, which causes him to regenerate in increasingly stronger and more monstrous forms. This involves him being attacked with various weapons including guns, chainsaws, flamethrowers, axes and missile launchers. In other scenes, a man's ear is torn off, and another character is impaled on a building. Some violent scenes are accompanied by bloody injury detail.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap'), and very mild terms such as 'God'. Sex references and scenes of sex are mild and discreet.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate violence, injury detail, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Crunchy fight sequences see superpowered individuals trading punches and throwing each other to the ground. A man slaps and head butts a foe, knocking them out.
threat and horror
A man is pushed into an open grave and begins to be buried alive.
injury detail
Bloody wounds are visible on a man's face and body following violence.
additional issues
A couple discusses being intimate for the first time. A woman wakes up from having had a seizure whilst in labour, though there are positive reassurances. Very mild bad language ('God', 'hell') is used.
moderate violence, injury detail, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Crunchy fight scenes feature punching, and people fire fantastical weapons at a teen.
threat and horror
A woman is threatened by a villain who forces her to choose which of her sons will live and which will be killed.
injury detail
A man reveals a heart which he proceeds to damage; however, there is minimal accompanying bloody detail.
additional issues
There are allusions to a person's illness, and a family grieves after suffering a bereavement. Very mild bad language includes the terms 'hell' and 'damn'.
moderate bloody images, violence, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical scenes of violence include a monster beating and hurling people. There is a crunchy neck snap, a shooting, and a man stamps on the hand of another.
threat and horror
Characters are threatened by a monster in occasionally intense but fantastical sequences. There are scenes of gun threat.
There is moderate bad language ('bitch') along with milder terms such as 'crap', 'God', 'damn' and 'hell'.
injury detail
There is sight of moderate bloody injury detail in the aftermath of violence. A bloody organ is flung at a window by a monster; this is brief, darkly lit and occurs in a blackly comic context.
additional issues
Characters grieve for lost loved ones.
moderate violence, threat, brief drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
In one sequence, a villain directs blasts of fire towards superheroes. A giant monster crushes a character during the episode recap; however, this lacks visual detail.
threat and horror
Panicked characters flee from a burning building.
In one scene, a young person offers an anxious woman a 'special gummy bear', however, she declines this. Drug misuse is clearly not endorsed by the episode as a whole.
additional issues
Mild bad language ('crap') is accompanied by even milder terms including 'hell', 'damn' and 'screw'. There is a comic mild sex reference. Upsetting visual and verbal references are made to cancer and bereavement.
moderate violence, domestic abuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Violence is generally fantastical, and involves battles between superheroes and monsters. In one sequence, a distressed child is seen cowering under a table while his parents argue, and is later thrashed with a belt by his mother.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Violence includes exchanges of punches, kicks, head-butts, choking and use of improvised weapons such as baseball bats. Violent scenes are accompanied by occasional bloody injury detail. A man repeatedly punches a wall, bloodying his hands.
additional issues
There is very mild bad language ('hell', 'damn').
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of violence include heavy blows and exchanges of gunfire.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('ass'), and very mild terms such as 'damn', 'jerk' and 'God'. There are also undetailed verbal drug references and moments of gun threat.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Occasional moderate violence includes punches, gunfire and attempted strangulation. A person’s head is smashed through a window, resulting in brief bloody detail. Another scene contains a verbal reference to an off-screen murder having been disguised as suicide.
additional issues
There are occasional scenes of mild threat. Bad language includes ‘fricking’, ‘oh my God’ and ‘hell’. Other issues include a verbal reference to drug misuse and dealing; however, such behaviour is not condoned.
moderate violence, threat, brief injury detail, domestic abuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Moderate violence includes explosive superpowered punches, energy blasts, and a brief sequence of strangulation. A short but intense flashback shows a woman using a belt to beat her young son.
threat and horror
People panic and flee as a fire-breathing monster rampages through a town. Flashback scenes briefly depict a person undergoing a disturbing physical transformation.
injury detail
A brief flashback shows bloody spikes protruding from a person’s face and shoulders during a fantastical transformation. Bloody cuts and grazes are visible on another person's face in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
Very mild bad language includes ‘damn’ and ‘hell’. There are also infrequent references to cancer and bereavement.
moderate violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Fantastical and often crunchy fight scenes include those in which people are beaten and stabbed. However, there is limited detail.
injury detail
Scenes include those which feature characters' cut and bloodstained faces.
additional issues
There are death scenes which include references to cancer and heart failure. Mild and very mild bad language ('ass', 'God', 'damn', 'hell') occurs.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd

  • Language
