• Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama, Fantasy

  • Approx. running minutes



Summer Ghost

suicide references

SUMMER GHOST is a Japanese fantasy animation drama in which three young people have a fateful meeting with spirit of teenage girl.

SUMMER GHOST is a Japanese fantasy animation drama in which three young people have a fateful meeting with spirit of teenage girl.

suicide and self-harm
There are undetailed references to a reported suicide, as well as a moment in which a character seems intent on jumping from the roof of a building before an intervention is made. Suicide is part of the film's themes of death associated with characters' dealing with bullying, self-esteem issues and facing the future with a terminal illness, as well as grief over the loss of and separation from loved ones. The film's treatment of these issues is restrained, sensitive and ultimately life-affirming.
additional issues
There is infrequent mild threat. There is infrequent very mild bad language ('damn', 'hell').
  • Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama, Fantasy

  • Approx. running minutes


suicide references
Classified Date:
Anime Ltd
suicide and self-harm
There are undetailed references to a reported suicide, as well as a moment in which a character seems intent on jumping from the roof of a building before an intervention is made. Suicide is part of the film's themes of death associated with characters' dealing with bullying, self-esteem issues and facing the future with a terminal illness, as well as grief over the loss of and separation from loved ones. The film's treatment of these issues is restrained, sensitive and ultimately life-affirming.
additional issues
There is infrequent mild threat. There is infrequent very mild bad language ('damn').
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Anime Ltd
suicide and self-harm
There are undetailed references to a reported suicide, as well as a moment in which a character seems intent on jumping from the roof of a building before an intervention is made. Suicide is part of the film's themes of death associated with characters' dealing with bullying, self-esteem issues and facing the future with a terminal illness, as well as grief over the loss of and separation from loved ones. The film's treatment of these issues is restrained, sensitive and ultimately life-affirming.
additional issues
There is infrequent mild threat. There is infrequent very mild bad language ('damn', 'hell').
  • Classified date


  • Language
