• Director(s)

    Vince Benedetti

  • Production Year


  • Date


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes



Struggle In Bondage

Unsuitable for classification

  • Director(s)

    Vince Benedetti

  • Production Year


  • Date


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


Struggle in Bondage consists of a series of sequences depicting women bound and gagged, writhing and struggling against their restraints. Each sequence begins with the women already bound and at no point is the audience given any indication that the women involved have consented to being bound as part of a clearly defined role play. Indeed, the struggling and whimpering of the women seems calculated to suggest to the viewer that the women have been bound against their will and are experiencing a sense of threat or humiliation. It is clear from the manner of presentation (including the exposure of underwear, breasts and genitals) that the purpose of the work is to stimulate sexual arousal in the viewer at the spectacle of women who have been tied up and gagged, apparently unwillingly. As such, the work is in violation of the BBFC’s Guidelines and policy.The BBFC’s classification Guidelines for ‘R18’ works state that the following is unacceptable: “…the portrayal of any sexual activity which involves lack of consent (whether real or simulated). Any form of physical restraint which prevents participants from indicating a withdrawal of consent…any sexual threats, humiliation or abuse which does not form part of a clearly consenting role playing game”. In addition, the Guidelines note the following under the main issues section: “Any association of sex with non-consensual restraint, pain or humiliation may be cut.”It is clear from the BBFC’s own research that the public remains concerned about works that eroticise non-consensual activities by suggesting that sexual pleasure may be derived from participating in or witnessing the suffering of others who are unable to resist. Furthermore, there is a substantial body of media effects research which suggests that material that correlates sexual arousal with lack of consent may be harmful to some viewers. In line with its specific duties under the VRA the BBFC is required to treat material of this kind very carefully indeed. The Board considered whether the issue could be dealt with through cuts. However, given that the unacceptable material runs throughout, cuts are not a viable option in this case and the work is therefore refused a classification certificate.
Unsuitable for classification
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Shots Video
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Language
