• Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Kavin, Aditi Sudhir Pohankar, Lal



violence, domestic abuse, references to sex and suicide, strong language

This emotional Tamil-language melodrama features upsetting scenes and challenging issues such as domestic abuse and mental health, as an aspiring actor suffers hard setbacks on the path to achieving his dreams.

This emotional Tamil-language melodrama features upsetting scenes and challenging issues such as domestic abuse and mental health, as an aspiring actor suffers hard setbacks on the path to achieving his dreams.

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Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror




injury detail

suicide and self-harm

sexual violence and sexual threat

  • Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Kavin, Aditi Sudhir Pohankar, Lal

violence, domestic abuse, references to sex and suicide, strong language
Classified Date:
Big Films limited
Occasional moderate fight scenes and beatings feature crunchy kicks, punches, headbutts, and blows with improvised weapons such as bricks and sticks, resulting in brief bloody detail. A man strikes his wife’s face, without visible injury. A woman speaks without detail about having been beaten, along with her mother, by her abusive father; in a later scene we see her father verbally threaten her and raise a hand to strike her, but another person holds him back.
threat and horror
There is a sudden and mildly intense car crash sequence, without strong visual detail. In other scenes a man frantically searches a hospital for his wife, who is experiencing dangerous complications during childbirth.
There is infrequent use of strong language (‘f**k’). Milder terms include ‘pissed’, 'God', 'jerk' and ‘hell’, in addition to use of the ‘middle finger’ gesture.
There are brief and undetailed comic references to a ‘porn film’.
A man reacts with anger after being told that his facial scars make him unsuitable for a career in acting. Discrimination is not condoned by the film.
injury detail
A fight scene features moderate bloody detail. We see blood and bruising on a hospital patient’s face in the aftermath of a car accident. There is further brief sight of blood on a person’s knuckles after they punch a mirror in frustration.
suicide and self-harm
There are infrequent references to suicidal ideation. In one scene, a person in distress expresses the desire to end their life but is prevented by others from harming themself.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are infrequent verbal references to a student having taken photographs of his female classmate during dance practice without her knowledge or permission, and having distributed the pictures around the college. His behaviour is immediately condemned and punished.
A prolonged scene depicts a group of people in a state of emotional distress after their loved one is seriously injured in a car crash. After sustaining facial scars in an accident, a character shows symptoms of depression and pushes away the people that love him, leading to further distress.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
  • Classified date


  • Language
