• Director(s)

    Jaco Bouwer

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Crime, Drama

  • Cast

    Cantona James, Esteban Hernandez-Sanchez, Brendon Daniels

TV Show


SPINNERS is a South African crime drama series; in this episode, Amber contemplates getting back in the driver's seat.

SPINNERS is a South African crime drama series; in this episode, Amber contemplates getting back in the driver's seat.

  • Director(s)

    Jaco Bouwer

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Crime, Drama

  • Cast

    Cantona James, Esteban Hernandez-Sanchez, Brendon Daniels

strong language, violence
Classified Date:
Strong violence includes brief scenes of bloody shootings. A man shoves another down during a brief altercation. There are undetailed verbal references to the murder of a teenage boy and to a man's past behaviour of domestic abuse.
There is strong language ('f**k') as well as milder terms which include 'bitch', 'shit', 'piss', 'arsehole', 'bastard', 'screw', 'Jesus' and 'damn'.
additional issues
A woman recounts her experiences of drug addiction, and then kicking the habit, at an addiction support group meeting. A group of teenagers are held at gunpoint. A man swallows unspecified pills out of a bottle and there are verbal references to drug dealing and drug misuse. Undetailed references are made to sexual activity.
strong language
Classified Date:
There is strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker') along with milder terms which include 'shit', 'bastard', 'God', 'hell'.
additional issues
There is sight of dead bodies with blood over their clothing. A police officer intimidates a teenage suspect by holding him over the edge of a cliff; he also tortures the boy by twisting his arm. A teenager is briefly trapped in a burning car after it crashes. A criminal talks briefly about his gang trafficking drugs and women. A teenage boy and his mother have a heated row and there are references to domestic abuse. A man refers to himself using the dated discriminatory term 'coloured'. A man receives chemotherapy treatment in hospital and later vomits.
strong threat, language, violence
Classified Date:
A man is shot in the head, causing blood to spurt. Another person is punched repeatedly and strangled.
threat and horror
Sustained sequences see people, including children, threatened with guns pressed to their heads.
There is use of strong language (‘f**k’, 'motherf**ker') as well as milder terms ('bitch', ‘shit’, ‘ass’, 'bullshit', 'balls', 'Jesus').
additional issues
Dead bodies are seen with wounds, and there is sight of blood in the aftermath of violence. There is brief joint smoking. Two people perform a dangerous stunt with a car.
strong language
Classified Date:
There is use of strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’) as well as milder terms, such as ‘bitch’, ‘shit’, ‘hell’ and ‘God’.
additional issues
There are undetailed verbal references to people misusing and dealing drugs. Scenes feature gun threat and violence. A dead body is seen, with a pool of blood around the head. Family members grieve a loved one who has died. People smoke cigarettes. References are made to illnesses including cancer.
strong violence, language
Classified Date:
People shoot one another with guns resulting in blood spurts. Scenes also include crunchy combat involving leg breaks and body blows.
There is use of strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’) and milder terms, including 'dick', ‘bullshit’, 'arse', 'shit', 'Jesus', and ‘hell’.
additional issues
People are seen with blood on their bodies and clothes as a result of violence. A group are tied up and threatened by spreading fire. There is brief dangerous behaviour when a person is seen hanging out of the window of a car.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Studio Canal

  • Language
