• Director(s)

    Kristoffer Borgli

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Fanny Vaager, Fredrik Stenberg Ditly-simonsen, Sarah Francesca Braenne


Sick Of Myself

very strong language, strong bloody images, sex, drug misuse, self-harm

A woman's competitive relationship with her successful artist boyfriend reaches dangerous heights in this Norwegian black comedy. The film balances humour with a serious exploration of self-harm and drug misuse.

A woman's competitive relationship with her successful artist boyfriend reaches dangerous heights in this Norwegian black comedy. The film balances humour with a serious exploration of self-harm and drug misuse.

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Content Advice(May contain spoilers)

threat and horror





suicide and self-harm

injury detail


  • Director(s)

    Kristoffer Borgli

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Fanny Vaager, Fredrik Stenberg Ditly-simonsen, Sarah Francesca Braenne

very strong language, strong bloody images, sex, drug misuse, self-harm
Classified Date:
Modern Films
threat and horror
The main character sometimes suffers from vivid and unsettling visions, such as her damaged skin tearing as she lifts her face away from a table.
There is infrequent use of very strong language ('c**t'), accompanied by more frequent strong language ('f**k'), as well as more milder terms ('bitch', 'piss', 'shit', 'God' and 'damn').
There is a scene of strong sex, while both characters imagine the woman's funeral and seemingly become more aroused by it. Sexualised breast nudity also features.
There are satirical references to racism and discrimination, such as the boss of a modelling agency seeming oblivious to the needs of her blind assistant, while claiming to care about issues of discrimination.
The main character misuses prescription medication - a fictional anti-anxiety pill - that she procures from a drug dealer. Taking excessive amounts of pills leads to a severe skin condition and other serious physical side-effects, which the main character uses as a means of seeking fame and attention. This misuse is not glamourised. There are also verbal references to the misuse of other drugs, such as marijuana and magic mushrooms.
suicide and self-harm
The film explores issues of self-obsession through a satirical lens, with a woman's narcissistic tendencies quickly developing into harmful behaviours. There are scenes in which she misuses medication in order to induce illness and becomes visibly excited when she receives attention and fame as a result of her symptoms. Although comic in parts, the film does not glamourise self-harm.
injury detail
Scenes contain significant bloodshed following a dog attack, and as a result of a severe skin condition brought about by the misuse of drugs. A character's skin bleeds, and they cough up blood.
A woman taunts a man's dog in the hopes that it will attack her, which leads to a physical confrontation with the dog's owner. There are also scenes of emotional upset as the main character struggles with her mental health.
very strong language, strong bloody images, sex, drug misuse, self-harm
Classified Date:
Modern Films
threat and horror
The main character sometimes suffers from vivid and unsettling visions, such as her damaged skin tearing as she lifts her face away from a table.
There is infrequent use of very strong language ('c**t'), accompanied by more frequent strong language ('f**k'), as well as more milder terms ('bitch', 'piss', 'shit', 'God' and 'damn').
There is a scene of strong sex, while both characters imagine the woman's funeral and seemingly become more aroused by it. Sexualised breast nudity also features.
There are satirical references to racism and discrimination, such as the boss of a modelling agency seeming oblivious to the needs of her blind assistant, while claiming to care about issues of discrimination.
The main character misuses prescription medication - a fictional anti-anxiety pill - that she procures from a drug dealer. Taking excessive amounts of pills leads to a severe skin condition and other serious physical side-effects, which the main character uses as a means of seeking fame and attention. This misuse is not glamourised. There are also verbal references to the misuse of other drugs, such as marijuana and magic mushrooms.
suicide and self-harm
The film explores issues of self-obsession through a satirical lens, with a woman's narcissistic tendencies quickly developing into harmful behaviours. There are scenes in which she misuses medication in order to induce illness and becomes visibly excited when she receives attention and fame as a result of her symptoms. Although comic in parts, the film does not glamourise self-harm.
injury detail
Scenes contain significant bloodshed following a dog attack, and as a result of a severe skin condition brought about by the misuse of drugs. A character's skin bleeds, and they cough up blood.
A woman taunts a man's dog in the hopes that it will attack her, which leads to a physical confrontation with the dog's owner. There are also scenes of emotional upset as the main character struggles with her mental health.
Classified Date:
Modern Films
  • Classified date


  • Language
