• Director(s)

    Tony Cervone

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Adventure, Comedy, Animation

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Will Forte, Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, Zac Efron, Jason Isaacs, Gina Rodriquez

Posters powered by IMDb


Mild threat, rude humour, language

SCOOB! is a US animated adventure in which Scooby and the gang must foil a plot to unleash the powers of the underworld.

SCOOB! is a US animated adventure in which Scooby and the gang must foil a plot to unleash the powers of the underworld.

threat and horror
There are scenes of threat in which Scooby and the gang are pursued by villains, ghosts and robots, accompanied, at times, by mild gun threat. Such sequences are frequently broken up by humour and with the heroes never coming to any harm.
There is mild bad language such as 'crap', as well as milder terms including 'butt', 'Jeez' and 'moron'. A man refers to using ‘F-bombs’, but it quickly turns out that he means superhero weapons called ‘Falcon bombs’.
rude humour
Suggestive humour includes a joke about mistaking Tinder for an app that delivers firewood, as well as Fred referring to "mixed feelings" after a person he was flirting with is revealed to be a man in disguise.
additional issues
There are scenes of very mild violence, usually involving robots, which are largely comic in tone.
  • Director(s)

    Tony Cervone

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Adventure, Comedy, Animation

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Will Forte, Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, Zac Efron, Jason Isaacs, Gina Rodriquez

Posters powered by IMDb
Mild threat, rude humour, language
Classified Date:
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd.
threat and horror
There are scenes of threat in which Scooby and the gang are pursued by villains, ghosts and robots, accompanied, at times, by mild gun threat. Such sequences are frequently broken up by humour and with the heroes never coming to any harm.
There is mild bad language such as 'crap', as well as milder terms including 'butt', 'Jeez' and 'moron'. A man refers to using ‘F-bombs’, but it quickly turns out that he means superhero weapons called ‘Falcon bombs’.
rude humour
Suggestive humour includes a joke about mistaking Tinder for an app that delivers firewood, as well as Fred referring to "mixed feelings" after a person he was flirting with is revealed to be a man in disguise.
additional issues
There are scenes of very mild violence, usually involving robots, which are largely comic in tone.
mild threat, rude humour, language
Classified Date:
Warner Home Video Ltd
threat and horror
There are scenes of threat in which Scooby and the gang are pursued by villains, ghosts and robots, accompanied, at times, by mild gun threat. Such sequence are frequently broken up by humour and with the heroes never coming to any harm.
There is mild bad language such as 'crap', as well as milder terms including 'butt', 'Jeez' and 'moron'. A man refers to using ‘F-bombs’, but it quickly turns out that he means superhero weapons called ‘Falcon bombs’.
rude humour
Suggestive humour includes a joke about mistaking Tinder for an app that delivers firewood, as well as Fred referring to "mixed feelings" after a person he was flirting with is revealed to be a man in disguise.
additional issues
There are scenes of very mild violence, usually involving robots, which are largely comic in tone.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Home Video Ltd
  • Classified date
