• Director(s)

    Stéphanie Di Giusto

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Benoît Magimel, Benjamin Biolay



strong sex, self-harm, suicide references

A woman faces discrimination and the disapproval of her new husband due to a medical condition she has kept disguised in this emotionally charged French period drama, which contains sexual material and disturbing scenes.

A woman faces discrimination and the disapproval of her new husband due to a medical condition she has kept disguised in this emotionally charged French period drama, which contains sexual material and disturbing scenes.

Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror




suicide and self-harm

suicide and self-harm

injury detail

  • Director(s)

    Stéphanie Di Giusto

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Benoît Magimel, Benjamin Biolay

strong sex, self-harm, suicide references
Classified Date:
Picturehouse Entertainment
A man is punched down and his head held in a puddle after he is verbally abusive to another man's wife. A person is shot off-screen, with subsequent sight of a small blood splatter onto a feather fan.
threat and horror
A woman is set upon by an angry mob and threatening words are scrawled on the door of her home. A woman fears that her husband's anger will turn into physical violence.
There is infrequent mild and very mild bad language ('balls', 'damn').
There are scenes in which a woman masturbates herself, and performs the same act on a man, but without graphic detail. A man touches and kisses a woman's bare breast in a prelude to lovemaking, and there is also sight of buttock nudity, as well as implied riding and breast fondling. A man visits a brothel, but no sexual activity is shown.
A young woman has spent her life disguising her medical condition of excess hair growth on her face and body. Once revealed, she faces discrimination from the public, is called a monster and is accused of being a man. She also endures the disapproval of her new husband who was not aware of her condition and feels he was cheated in the arrangement of the marriage to her, struggles with physical contact and tells her he was "expecting a woman". The woman's own determination to be herself and the film as a whole challenge such discriminatory attitudes.
suicide and self-harm
There is sight of bloody injury in the aftermath of what is implied as a person''s first suicide attempt, and another attempt is subsequently made by different means.
suicide and self-harm
A person in a distressed state deliberately causes bloody injury to themselves.
injury detail
A woman has minor facial injuries and a cut on the head in the aftermath of an attack by a mob. There is brief sight of blood on the coat of a dying stag which has been hunted with dogs; the animal is put out of its suffering in undetailed fashion with a gunshot.
There are mild upsetting scenes related to marital discord and a person's feelings of persecution.
alcohol and smoking
Cigarette smoking reflects the nineteenth century setting of the film.
strong sex, self-harm, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Picturehouse Entertainment
A man is punched down and his head held in a puddle after he is verbally abusive to another man's wife. A person is shot off-screen, with subsequent sight of a small blood splatter onto a feather fan.
threat and horror
A woman is set upon by an angry mob and threatening words are scrawled on the door of her home. A woman fears that her husband's anger will turn into physical violence.
There is infrequent mild and very mild bad language ('balls', 'damn').
There are scenes in which a woman masturbates herself, and performs the same act on a man, but without graphic detail. A man touches and kisses a woman's bare breast in a prelude to lovemaking, and there is also sight of buttock nudity, as well as implied riding and breast fondling. A man visits a brothel, but no sexual activity is shown.
A young woman has spent her life disguising her medical condition of excess hair growth on her face and body. Once revealed, she faces discrimination from the public, is called a monster and is accused of being a man. She also endures the disapproval of her new husband who was not aware of her condition and feels he was cheated in the arrangement of the marriage to her, struggles with physical contact and tells her he was "expecting a woman". The woman's own determination to be herself and the film as a whole challenge such discriminatory attitudes.
suicide and self-harm
There is sight of bloody injury in the aftermath of what is implied as a person''s first suicide attempt, and another attempt is subsequently made by different means.
suicide and self-harm
A person in a distressed state deliberately causes bloody injury to themselves.
injury detail
A woman has minor facial injuries and a cut on the head in the aftermath of an attack by a mob. There is brief sight of blood on the coat of a dying stag which has been hunted with dogs; the animal is put out of its suffering in undetailed fashion with a gunshot.
There are mild upsetting scenes related to marital discord and a person's feelings of persecution.
alcohol and smoking
Cigarette smoking reflects the nineteenth century setting of the film.
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Picturehouse Entertainment
Classified Date:
Picturehouse Entertainment
  • Classified date


  • Language
