• Director(s)

    Phil Hawkins

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Adventure, Fantasy

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Darcey Ewart, Naomie Harris, Gwendoline Christie


Robin and The Hoods

mild scary scenes, violence, injury detail, language, drug references

The magic of childhood imagination blends with the heartwarming tale of a group of children attempting to save the woods in which they play medieval war games from building development in this UK fantasy adventure film.

The magic of childhood imagination blends with the heartwarming tale of a group of children attempting to save the woods in which they play medieval war games from building development in this UK fantasy adventure film.

Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror


rude humour


injury detail



  • Director(s)

    Phil Hawkins

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Adventure, Fantasy

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Darcey Ewart, Naomie Harris, Gwendoline Christie

mild scary scenes, violence, injury detail, language, drug references
Classified Date:
Sky Cinema
Children play games in a wood where, in their imaginations, they are rival factions engaged in medieval battles, riding horses, fighting with swords, being struck with arrows and crossbow bolts, and unleashing energy blasts from a magical staff. These scenes switch between fantasy and reality in which the 'weapons' turn out to be toys such as arrows with suction tips, household utensils such as brooms, the horses are the children's bicycles, and no-one is seriously hurt in their games.
threat and horror
Mild threat and scary scenes include children visualising council workers as menacing orc-like creatures pursuing them, and a council officer as an evil witch with wild eyes and hair.
There is mild bad language ('screw the rules'), as well as very mild terms ('cretin').
rude humour
Very mild rude humour includes fart jokes, someone stepping into dog poo and an undetailed suggestion that a person living in wooded area is wiping their bottom with leaves.
A child relays gossip he has heard from his parents that a woman who lives an alternative, hermit-like lifestyle "smokes grass"; his bemused friends wonder why anyone would smoke grass, and it is clear that the children are clueless about drugs. In a subsequent fantastical scene in which the children imagine the woman as a friendly witch, she smokes from what she calls a "memory pipe" in order to recall events from her own childhood and her surroundings swim in distorted images; however, the scene plays as if something comically magical is happening, rather than suggesting drug misuse.
injury detail
A boy receives a small bloody cut to his forehead, but is not hurt seriously. In a comic fantasy scene children imagine a woman as a witch who holds a pair of eyeballs on the end of sticks, but we see that in reality the 'eyeballs' are marshmallows being toasted.
There is very mild bullying as an unsympathetic adult refers to a boy as a "fat kid", which is not endorsed by the work as a whole.
  • Classified date


  • Language
