• Director(s)

    Keisuke Shinohara

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Comedy, Drama

  • Cast

    Amanda Lee, Paul Dateh, R Bruce Elliott

TV Show

My Dress Up Darling

MY DRESS UP DARLING is a Japanese comedy drama anime series; in this episode, a teenage boy who feels isolated due to his unusual passion for doll-making makes an unexpected connection with a popular classmate.

MY DRESS UP DARLING is a Japanese comedy drama anime series; in this episode, a teenage boy who feels isolated due to his unusual passion for doll-making makes an unexpected connection with a popular classmate.

  • Director(s)

    Keisuke Shinohara

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Comedy, Drama

  • Cast

    Amanda Lee, Paul Dateh, R Bruce Elliott

strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a close-up image of a teenager’s underwear when her skirt accidentally flips up. Other scenes feature visual focus on the chests and legs of female characters wearing revealing clothing, as well as occasional crude verbal innuendo including an allusion to BDSM.
additional issues
Bad language includes ‘crap’ and ‘fricking’. Teenage girls discuss whether a boy was ‘stalking’ one of them in an attempt to flirt, but they do not appear to mean the term literally. A young girl rejects a young boy’s friendship due to his doll-making hobby, claiming that boys aren’t ‘meant’ to play with dolls. We see a small amount of blood on a pair of scissors after a boy accidentally cuts his finger.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
The episode features frequent close-up focus on the chests and behinds of female characters in revealing clothing. This includes prolonged comic scenes in which a blushing teenage boy takes the body measurements of a teenage girl who is wearing only a skimpy bikini. There are also strong references to an adult video game based on BDSM roleplay, including a brief image of a game character wearing a ball gag.
implied strong language, moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is use of implied strong language (‘f**k’) as well as use of mild bad language (‘shit’, ‘crap’, ‘fricking’) and milder terms (‘hell’, ‘God’).
It is implied that a teenage boy has woken up in a state of arousal after a dream in which he fantasised about a girl in his class.
moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are brief close up images highlighting the body of a female character who is getting changed.
additional issues
There is use of mild and very mild bad language (‘ass’, ‘hell’). A teenager becomes increasingly stressed about his work load, eventually breaking down, though a friend offers positive reassurances and helps him to recover. In a scene of very mild threat, an elderly man is startled and falls down, injuring himself.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Frequent visual and verbal references are made to women's breast size and there is a close up on a woman repeatedly jiggling her clothed breasts up and down with her hands. A man unzips a female character's dress and wipes a cool cloth over her in a sexualised manner and she makes noises similar to climaxing sounds as he does it.
additional issues
Use of mild bad language ('crap') is accompanied by very mild terms ('God').
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
After an embarrassed teenage boy storms into a bathroom to confront what he believes to be an intruder, he is surprised to find a barely dressed teenage girl. The teenage girl slips over and he is implied to get a full view of her genitals; however, there is no actual breast or genital nudity. The girl later calls him a 'peeping tom' and says she will tell others he saw her naked unless he does what she wants.
additional issues
Use of moderate bad language ('bitch') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'shit' and 'freakin'. There are scenes of mild, fantastical threat.
moderate bad language, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Use of moderate bad language ('bitch') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'crap', 'screw', 'freaking', 'God' and 'damn'.
Moderate sex references include a teenage boy becoming flustered as he stares at a teenager's large breasts.
additional issues
There are occasional moments of fantastical mild violence and threat.
moderate sex references, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are close up images of cleavage and a female character's underwear.
There are used medical syringes on the ground of an abandoned hospital.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language ('fricking') and milder terms ('screw', 'God'). Mild fantasy violence includes a character briefly fighting a monster. Characters look scared in an abandoned hospital building.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Strong sex references and sexualised images occurs. There are frequent close ups on cleavage, and references to erections and mastubation.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Female characters wear fetishistic, skimpy costumes, with one seen chained up on her knees. There is a sexualised focus on their bodies. A girl's breasts begin to jiggle beneath her top, causing buttons to pop off. A young man is accused of trying to watch a girl showering and is called a 'giant perv'. There are undetailed references to a 'love hotel'. There is sexualised female buttock and partial breast nudity.
additional issues
There is an implied use of strong language ('what the f') along with milder terms which include 'crap' and 'fricking'. A character falls and injures her head in a slapstick fall.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A teenager watches what is implied to be pornographic material and hears sexual moaning from another room during a stay at a Japanese 'love hotel'. There are references to 'adult paraphernalia', with sight of a suggestively phallic shaped microphone, and to the hotel being 'pervy'. A teenage girl in sexually suggestive clothing straddles a boy so he can take photos of her; they later embrace and seem about to engage in sexual activity before being interrupted. The bodies of female characters are frequently shown in a sexualised way.
additional issues
A teenage boy repeatedly hits himself in the head in frustration.
strong bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
We see a young woman covered in blood as characters watch a gory horror film on television.
additional issues
There are moderate verbal references and the clothed bodies of female characters are shown in a sexualised way. A character becomes scared by a horror film featuring a killer with a chainsaw, screaming when she is startled by something innocuous. A teenage girl who cannot swim falls into a pool, but is saved by her friend. There is mild bad language ('crap' and 'frig').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Crunchyroll Limited
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
