• Director(s)

    Manabu Okamoto

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yumi Uchiyama, Tomokazu Sugita, Amber Lee Connors

TV Show

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

MUSHOKU TENSEI: JOBLESS REINCARNATION is a Japanese fantasy anime series; in this episode, Rudeus encounters a female demon who bestows an unexpected gift on him.

MUSHOKU TENSEI: JOBLESS REINCARNATION is a Japanese fantasy anime series; in this episode, Rudeus encounters a female demon who bestows an unexpected gift on him.

  • Director(s)

    Manabu Okamoto

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yumi Uchiyama, Tomokazu Sugita, Amber Lee Connors

strong bloody images, sex references, sexually abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A teenage boy with the consciousness of an adult man becomes excited at the prospect of watching a girl strip naked. A demonic character with the body of a girl begins to take off her clothes to offer the boy sex, which he becomes excited about; she stops before there is any sight of full nudity, however. We hear sounds of sexual moaning coming from a window.
injury detail
A demonic creature grabs a teenage boy's face. A torrent of what appears to be blood spews from his face, but we do not see any detailed injury.
additional issues
It is implied a female demon has pulled a boy's eye from his head and replaced it with another. Characters hone their battle skills with sword-fighting and hand-to-hand combat training. Mild bad language includes the terms 'asshole' and 'damn'.
strong sex, sex references, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
We hear the screams of a 'beast girl' as a man beats her off-screen and later learn she has been killed. There are references to other captured children at risk of beating and murder. A young woman is grabbed by the hair by a humanoid, pig-like creature, but is released unharmed.
We see a naked woman in silhouette, sitting on top of a man and having thrusty sex with him. Several other men are in the same room and we have sight of buttock nudity. It is later implied the woman has had sex with these men or intended to. A teenage boy with the mind of an adult man fantasises about kissing and, it is implied, having sex with a teenage girl, with no sight of nudity. The same boy tells the girl he resisted the urge to 'touch her' while she slept, feeling ill.
additional issues
A man pierces the neck of another with his spear, resulting in sight of a drop of blood; we then hear what sounds like a slashing occur off-camera. There are scenes of bloodless sword fighting. Mild strong language includes the terms 'shit', 'ass', 'bloody', 'bastard', 'fricking' and 'damn'. We see a teenage girl vomit from sea-sickness.
strong bloody violence, threat, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are bloody stabbings and slashings, which include sight of blood spurts. There is blood in the aftermath of violence. A man is beheaded, but we only see this in silhouette and there is no blood.
threat and horror
A young girl is held hostage with a knife at her threat. A group of marauding raiders set fire to a village as they try to kidnap young girls, grabbing them and dragging them by their hair.
A teenage boy is accused of being a 'deviant'. There are undetailed references to fetishes and innuendo around a naked boy being called 'cocky'. There is a sexualised focus on a woman's clothed breasts.
additional issues
Mild bad language includes the term 'shit', 'bastard', 'ass' and 'hell'. There is natural male nudity, with sight of buttocks.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is focus on the bodies of female characters, though nudity is hidden. A teenage boy with the consciousness of an adult man spies on bathers and becomes excited. The boy is later accused of being sexually aroused by a magical animal, which he denies.
additional issues
There are scenes in which characters practice sword-fighting with wooden sticks. A girl punches another and is pulled away from her; we see scratches on one of their faces. Characters cry at the prospect of saying goodbye to friends.
sexually abusive behaviour, strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is also close up focus on a woman's cleavage during a fight.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man trapped in a child's body licks a woman's underwear to provoke her into a fight. A young man accuses kidnappers of 'stealing innocent kids from their families and make them prey to your twisted lust'; however there is no visual detail.
additional issues
There are also moderate scenes of violence.
mild bad language, threat, sex reference
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
A man envisages his son suffering on the ground in a scene of mild threat.
The episode features mild bad language ('ass', 'bastard', 'crap') and very mild bad language ('hell').
There is a mild sex reference when a man jokes that his son is a playboy for having a female friend. 
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a scene of implied strong sex in which a woman assumes a riding position and sexually moans. There is sight of nude fantastical monsters slumped in the background and another character interrupts her. This is accompanied by an undetailed reference to enjoying the exhibitionist nature of the act. There is close up focus on a woman's underwear during upskirt shots.
additional issues
A man is seen with swollen eyelids and bloody injury detail in the aftermath of an off-screen fight. Characters vomit after getting seasick, however, there is no visual detail. There are very mild scenes of emotional upset in which a character cries about her absent powers, however, she receives comfort and reassurance from other characters.
sexual threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman is seen bound and gagged as she is held captive at a villainous tyrant's castle. A man verbally threatens to rape a woman in front of another man. A girl makes references to her older brother's voyeuristic activities and reveals he stole a pair of underwear for his own gratification. She calls him a 'pervert'.
additional issues
Mild bad language occurs ('shit'), as well as milder terms including 'damn', 'hell' and 'God'. Characters vomit after getting seasick, however, there is no visual detail.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is prolonged and close-up sexualised focus of a female statue’s physical attributes, including upskirt shots. A girl crudely remarks on becoming sexually attractive when she gets older.
additional issues
Scenes of moderate include a character using his abnormal strength to almost decapitate a man with his hands. He uses magical powers to break a man's arm, with resulting injury detail. The scene takes place within a comic and fantastical context. There is an undetailed verbal reference to an unsympathetic character sexually harassing a woman. Mild bad language occurs ('crap'), as well as milder terms, including 'damn', 'hell' and 'screw'.
strong bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
We see a young man coughing up blood and lying in a pool of his own blood after being impaled on a sword. A young woman bleeds from facial injuries and coughs up blood after being magically slammed against a wall.
additional issues
There are sword fights and fantastical battles involving magical energy in which characters are thrown through the air. A woman punches a man in the face when he moves to touch her clothed breast. Mild bad language includes the terms 'crap' and 'hell'.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Two teenage characters talk about whether to share their first sexual experience together, and there are references to erections and virginity, which are not notably crude. However, the teenage boy has an adult consciousness and there is occasional focus on the cleavages of female characters. A teenage girl is told that a powerful lord wants her as his “concubine”.
additional issues
A character has a strange dream in which he sees distorted visions of people in a room and imagines blood running down a window. An older man grabs a teenage boy by the throat and hauls him up against a wall. There are very mild upsetting scenes. There is infrequent very mild bad language (‘hell’).
moderate bloody images, infrequent scenes of bullying
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
A warrior slashes a fantastical beast's neck using a bladed weapon, resulting in infrequent blue-coloured bloodshed. The scene takes place within an animated, fantastical context.
During a flashback sequence, a group of school bullies attack a teenage boy who is subsequently seen tied to a railing naked.
additional issues
Mild bad language occurs ('ass'), as well as very mild bad language ('hell'). There is also brief male buttock nudity. There are undetailed references to a character experiencing depression. The issue is accompanied by positive messages and the character resolves to change their circumstances by the end. There is mild sexualised focus on a woman’s cleavage.
strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There sword fights with bloody stabs, slashings and sight of hacked off limbs, along with sight of blood in the aftermath of violence. A goblin's severed arm spews blue blood after being severed with a blade. There are close-up shots of punches to faces in slow motion.
additional issues
Mild bad language includes the term 'shit'. A woman and child are threatened at swordpoint by villainous knights,
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
