• Director(s)

    John Waters

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Divine, David Lochary, Mink Stole, Cookie Mueller, Mary Vivian Pearce, Edith Massey, Susan Lowe


Multiple Maniacs

strong sex references, sexual violence

MULTIPLE MANIACS is a US comedy, from 1970, about a couple who run a travelling sideshow attraction.

MULTIPLE MANIACS is a US comedy, from 1970, about a couple who run a travelling sideshow attraction.

There is a scene in which a character is dragged into an alleyway and raped. Another sequence features the same character being sexually assaulted by a giant lobster. Both sequences of sexual violence feature thrusting, but no nudity. Scenes of violence include people being shot and stabbed, in a wholly unrealistic manner. There is some sight of blood and some sight of gore, including a scene of cannibalism.
There is a lengthy sequence in which it is implied a person is being penetrated using a rosary; the penetration is intercut with dramatised scenes depicting the Stations of the Cross. Other sexual scenes include implied oral sex. There are strong verbal sex references, including to pornography and coprophilia.
additional issues
There is breast and buttock nudity in various scenes, in both sexual and non sexual contexts. There are scenes of drug misuse, including heroin injection, marijuana smoking from joints and from a hookah, glue sniffing, and people being forced to take 'acid'. There are visual and verbal references to drug misuse, including to a heroin addict going through 'cold turkey'. There is infrequent very strong language ('c**t'), as well as occasional strong language ('f**k') and a range of milder terms (including 'whore', 'bitch' and 'slut'). There is also use of discriminatory terms, including 'fags', 'lezzers' and 'dykes'. There are various bad taste scenes, including a man eating vomit.
  • Director(s)

    John Waters

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Divine, David Lochary, Mink Stole, Cookie Mueller, Mary Vivian Pearce, Edith Massey, Susan Lowe

One or more of the releases in this collection was cut.

strong sex references, sexual violence
Classified Date:
Park Circus Limited
There is a scene in which a character is dragged into an alleyway and raped. Another sequence features the same character being sexually assaulted by a giant lobster. Both sequences of sexual violence feature thrusting, but no nudity. Scenes of violence include people being shot and stabbed, in a wholly unrealistic manner. There is some sight of blood and some sight of gore, including a scene of cannibalism.
There is a lengthy sequence in which it is implied a person is being penetrated using a rosary; the penetration is intercut with dramatised scenes depicting the Stations of the Cross. Other sexual scenes include implied oral sex. There are strong verbal sex references, including to pornography and coprophilia.
additional issues
There is breast and buttock nudity in various scenes, in both sexual and non sexual contexts. There are scenes of drug misuse, including heroin injection, marijuana smoking from joints and from a hookah, glue sniffing, and people being forced to take 'acid'. There are visual and verbal references to drug misuse, including to a heroin addict going through 'cold turkey'. There is infrequent very strong language ('c**t'), as well as occasional strong language ('f**k') and a range of milder terms (including 'whore', 'bitch' and 'slut'). There is also use of discriminatory terms, including 'fags', 'lezzers' and 'dykes'. There are various bad taste scenes, including a man eating vomit.
strong sex references, sexual violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Sony DADC UK Limited
There is a scene in which a character is dragged into an alleyway and raped. Another sequence features the same character being sexually assaulted by a giant lobster. Both sequences of sexual violence feature thrusting, but no nudity. Scenes of violence include people being shot and stabbed, in a wholly unrealistic manner. There is some sight of blood and some sight of gore, including a scene of cannibalism.
There is a lengthy sequence in which it is implied a person is being penetrated using a rosary; the penetration is intercut with dramatised scenes depicting the Stations of the Cross. Other sexual scenes include implied oral sex. There are strong verbal sex references, including to pornography and coprophilia.
additional issues
There is breast and buttock nudity in various scenes, in both sexual and non sexual contexts. There are scenes of drug misuse, including heroin injection, marijuana smoking from joints and from a hookah, glue sniffing, and people being forced to take 'acid'. There are visual and verbal references to drug misuse, including to a heroin addict going through 'cold turkey'. There is infrequent very strong language ('c**t'), as well as occasional strong language ('f**k') and a range of milder terms (including 'whore', 'bitch' and 'slut'). There is also use of discriminatory terms, including 'fags', 'lezzers' and 'dykes'. There are various bad taste scenes, including a man eating vomit.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Castle Communications PLC
This content received cuts or alterations as part of the classification process.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Sony DADC UK Limited
Paperwork Remarks:
Additional Material Added Value Feature Audio Commentary
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Language
