• Director(s)

    Yuki Inaba

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Patrick Mealey, Matthew Elkins, UkuLeili

TV Show

KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World

KAMIKATSU: WORKING FOR A GOD IN A GODLESS WORLD is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, Yukito is transported to what he longed for, a world without religion, but starts to wonder if it’s such a good thing.

KAMIKATSU: WORKING FOR A GOD IN A GODLESS WORLD is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, Yukito is transported to what he longed for, a world without religion, but starts to wonder if it’s such a good thing.

  • Director(s)

    Yuki Inaba

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Patrick Mealey, Matthew Elkins, UkuLeili

strong sex references, violence, bleeped language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
People are stabbed with a sword resulting in large blood spurts and sight of pools of blood in the aftermath. A man is seen with a bruised and bloodied face following an off-screen beating.
There is bleeped strong language (‘motherfucker’), as well as milder terms such as ‘ass’, ‘shit’, ‘freaking’ and ‘hell’.
In a comic scene a man is very briefly masturbated in undetailed manner by a sexually naive female character who is not aware that it is a sex act. There are comic BDSM images as the same young woman replays in her head what she has seen in a book, again not knowing the true nature of what she has read. There are also verbal references to pornography and “smut books”, as well as occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters.
additional issues
There is brief sight of people being made to swallow poison in what is referred to as ritualistic suicide. There are scenes of moderate threat. People drink alcohol to excess, causing one of them to vomit.
strong sexualised images, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Comic visual and verbal references are made to a character's sexual fetish. There is prolonged, close-up emphasis on cleavage, as well as sexualised focus on partial breast and buttock nudity.
additional issues
A woman remarks that a male character is "into little girls" after learning of his friendship with an ageless deity who resembles a small female child, however, this appears to be a comic misunderstanding. Mild bad language ('crap', 'shit', 'screwed') occurs, as well as very mild bad language ('jerk') . There are scenes of comic mild violence, including a highly stylised, undetailed and brief blood spurt.
strong sexualised images, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are close ups on cleavage, partial breast nudity and innuendo around genitals.
additional issues
A man makes sexually threatening comments towards a character, before they are knocked unconscious by a passerby. There is the decapitation and severing of monsters with fantastical injury detail. There is use of mild bad language ('crap', 'tart', 'harlot') and milder terms ('damn').
strong injury detail, sex references, sexual harassment
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are several close-ups on breast and buttock cleavage, as well as scenes of implied sexualised nudity.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A lecherous character attempts to grope a young woman; however, his actions are clearly challenged and also disapproved of by the work as a whole.
injury detail
A character is stabbed in the face in masked fashion with a glass tube. This is followed by close-up sight of the broken tube sticking out of his cheek as blood flows from the wound. In other scenes, blood spurts from a person's face.
additional issues
Scenes of threat include an interrogation scene in which a character is doused with water. The episode also contains some intense confrontation with fantastical creatures, and which include undetailed explosions. Characters consume alcohol to excess and, accordingly, they become drunk. There is also mild and very mild bad language ('crap', 'damn', 'hell', 'heck').
strong injury detail, sex references, sexual harassment
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A person is stabbed in the back, resulting in slow-motion blood spurting detail. A flashback sequence depicts an execution in which people are forced to drink poison. This is accompanied by bloody images and takes place within a dystopian setting.
Infrequent comic visual references to BDSM occur, including a naked man tied up with a ball gag in his mouth. There is close-up focus on the physical attributes of scantily clad female characters.
sexual violence and sexual threat
An unsympathetic male character leers at a woman's cleavage and attempts to grope her. However, his behaviour results in negative consequences.
injury detail
A person is stabbed in the back, resulting in slow-motion blood spurting detail. A flashback sequence depicts an execution in which people are forced to drink poison. This is accompanied by bloody images and takes place within a dystopian setting.
additional issues
Mild bad language ('ass', 'crap', 'shit') occurs, as well as very mild terms such as 'freakin' and 'hell'. There are scenes of mild knife threat.
sexual violence references, strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of strong sex with partial nudity, BDSM, female ejaculation and breast fondling. There are also references to tentacular sex, erectile dysfunction medications, group sex, images of sex toys, phallic statues, a woman climaxing and frequent emphasis on the physical attributes of scantily clad women.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man forcefully kisses a woman, rips off her top and binds her wrists whilst she protests that she is conflicted over not giving consent. There are also references to a man attempting to sexaully assault an ageless deity character in the shape of a child.
sexual violence references, strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of strong sex with partial nudity, BDSM and female ejaculation. In another scene there are silhouettes of bodies intertwined during a group sex. There are references to erectile dysfunction medications, images of sex toys, phallic statues, an image of a woman climaxing, and references to acquiring sex skills
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man threatens to "break in" a female character and puts a spiked collar on her while she protests that she is conflicted over consent. There are scenes of sexual threat in which a male character makes grabbing gestures towards the backside of a restrained woman. There are passing references to child sexual abuse.
additional issues
strong sex references, sexual harassment
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are references to erotic books, 'prostate training' and BDSM. Characters sexually moan and claw at the body of a male friend whilst begging for sex, and there is a comic scene in which a sex toy is rammed between the legs of a villain. There is also partial nudity and emphasis on the physical attributes of scantily clad women.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man gropes a woman's breast.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are bondage scenes and BDSM references. A character wearing a ball gag and dog collar asks to be punished, and a restrained man is whipped and told to oink like a pig by characters holding sex toys. There are also sexauliased images of partially naked men and frequent emphasis on the physical attributes of scantily clad women.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A predatory character is stopped from removing an unconscious woman's clothing when she comes back to life and attacks him.
additional issues
There is implied use of moderate bad language ('slut') and midler terms ('crap', 'hell'). There are decapitations with fantastical injury detail, and scenes in which injured characters regenerate.
strong sex, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are comic bondage scenes, images of sex toys, frequent emphasis on the physical attributes of scantily clad women, sexualised images of partially naked men, and strong references to sex. There are also scenes in which a possessed woman strips off a man's clothes before commenting on his body.
additional issues
There are moderate bloody images when a character's arm is bitten by a monster.
strong violence, bloody images, sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Characters are impaled and eaten by fantastical creatures, accompanied by emphasised blood spurts.
There are several close-ups on cleavage, as well as scenes of breast jiggling and sexualised nudity.
injury detail
A character vomits blood in close-up after he is impaled by a creature's claw. A knife cuts into a person's back, and blood flows from the wound.
additional issues
Characters are pursued by fantastical creatures. A person is ordered to take his own life; however, there is no sight of him doing so. There is also mild and very mild bad language ('fricking', 'damn', 'hell').
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Strong sexualised images included consensual breast and crotch groping beneath underwear, brief implied masturbation, and suggestive fellatio references. There is also sexualised buttock nudity and implied masked full-frontal nudity. There are also close-ups on breast cleavage and jiggling breasts, as well as moderate verbal sex references.
additional issues
A lecherous character briefly sexually harasses female characters; however, his behaviour is clearly challenged and is accordingly disapproved of by the work as a whole. Moderate bloody images includes blood seeping between fingers after characters grab a knife blade, and brief blood spurts during battles between humans and fantastical creatures. There is also moderate bad language and milder terms ('bitch', 'freaking', 'shit', 'crap', 'screw', 'ass', 'hell').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
