• Director(s)

    Peter Hoar

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


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TV Show

It's A Sin

IT'S A SIN is a British drama series; in this episode, Richie's parents finally discover how ill he really is and insist on taking him back home, away from the support of his London friends.

IT'S A SIN is a British drama series; in this episode, Richie's parents finally discover how ill he really is and insist on taking him back home, away from the support of his London friends.

  • Director(s)

    Peter Hoar

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


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strong sex, nudity, sex references, language, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is strong language ('f**k').
There are several scenes featuring sexual activity including a brief sequence of group sex.
There are references to homophobia and discrimination against homosexual people.
Male genital nudity, including brief sight of a partially erect penis, is visible in a magazine. Buttock nudity is also present during sex scenes.
additional issues
There is brief drug misuse when a man lights and smokes a joint. There are also references to the first AIDS-related deaths of people around the world.
strong sex, sex references, drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Scenes of strong sex feature thrusting detail and implied masturbation. The episode also contains strong verbal and visual references to sexual activity, including brief sight of semen.
There is a sequence in which several men use poppers.
additional issues
There is use of strong language ('f**k') and terms such as 'queer'. Some characters voice discriminatory attitudes relating to gay people, but such attitudes are not endorsed. There is a discussion of the HIV/AIDS crisis throughout. There is a scene of brief sexual harassment in which a man behaves uncomfortably around another man.
strong sex, language, discriminatory behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are several uses of strong language ('f**k'). Other bad language includes 'bloody', 'bastard' and 'sod'.
A man's head is held near another man's groin for implied oral sex. A man thrusts into another man's bare buttocks from behind. Two men masturbate below the edge of the frame.
A man is treated poorly by hospital staff and police when he is diagnosed with AIDS. A woman receives human faeces in a box when it is revealed her son is gay. There are references to 'dirty queers'.
additional issues
In a musical about the French Revolution a dummy is decapitated by the guillotine in comic fashion.
strong sex references, language, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are several uses of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker').
Strong sex references include comments about 'hard ons', 'cum' and being 'sucked off'. A couple embraces in bed before one man attempts to initiate sex.
There are frequent scenes in which people are discriminated against for being gay, as well as a scene in which a man perpetuates gay stereotypes. Racial discrimination is also present and includes use of the term 'coloured' and a scene in which a Nigerian man is forced to represent Jamaica at an event.
additional issues
A man drinks some battery acid believing it might be a cure for HIV/AIDs. There are violent scenes when peaceful protestors are roughly arrested by the police.
strong sex references, upsetting scenes, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are several uses of strong language ('f**k'). Other bad language includes 'bitch', 'piss', 'shit' and 'bloody'.
Strong sex references include comments about "wanking", what a man's face looks like as he "comes" and having sex with hundreds of partners.
There are upsetting scenes as family and friends deal with a young man's illness and eventual death.
additional issues
There are some references to discriminatory behaviour as a man relates how men, women and children in Africa are being locked up without medicine because they have AIDs. A nurse tells a visitor in hospital that some men have been left to die alone because their families are too ashamed to claim them.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Spirit Entertainment

  • Language
