• Director(s)

    Yoshie Takagi

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Eric Vale (voice), J?d Saxton (voice), Sarah Wiedenheft (voice), Stephen Fu (voice), Sara Ragsdale (voice)

TV Show

How Not To Summon A Demon Lord

sexual assault, strong sexualised images

  • Director(s)

    Yoshie Takagi

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Eric Vale (voice), J?d Saxton (voice), Sarah Wiedenheft (voice), Stephen Fu (voice), Sara Ragsdale (voice)

sexual assault, strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
n, S, e, a, s, o, 1
sexual assault, strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
Season 1 Episodes 1-6
sexual assault, strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
s, n, o, 1, e, S, a
sexual assault, strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
Season 1 Episodes 7-12
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
sexual violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
sexual violence and sexual threat
A character summons a fantastical creature which proceeds to tear off a woman's clothes with its tentacles, groping her breasts. In another scene, a man subconsciously gropes a woman's breast, then recoils in embarrassment when he realises what he is doing.
additional issues
There are strong sex references, including frequent sight of the partially covered breasts of female characters. Scenes of moderate threat and fantastical violence feature characters battling magical creatures using spells and weaponry. In one such scene, it is implied a woman is eaten by a large creature off screen, resulting in a large blood spurt on screen. There is use of mild and very mild bad language ('fricking', 'damn', 'hell').
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, buttock and breast nudity and the apparently innocent rubbing of breasts against a male character. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing, including a male character’s genitalia being mistaken for a tail.
additional issues
There is moderate fantastical threat and violence, as well as occasional bloody images. There is mild bad language (‘frigging’, ‘crap’, ‘damn’).
sexual violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
sexual violence and sexual threat
A character threatens to sexually assault a woman being held captive.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
In a scene of strong violence, a man stabs another in the chest with a spear, and blood is seen spurting from his wound upon impact and removal of the weapon. There are strong sex references, including prolonged shots of the partially covered breasts and cleavage of female characters. Characters appear to be engaging in sexual intercouse in still images, which a man refers to as said characters fulfilling their 'darkest desires'. A character briefly holds a knife up to a woman's throat, before being disarmed. There is use of mild bad language ('shit', 'crap', 'freakin'), as well as milder terms ('hell'). A passing reference is made to suicide. A man refers to drugs used to knock out two other characters.
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, buttock and breast nudity and the apparently innocent rubbing of breasts against a male character. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing.
additional issues
There is moderate fantastical threat and violence. There is mild bad language (‘crap’, ‘jerk’).
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, panty shots, and buttock and breast nudity. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing, including a sequence in which an adult male character removes the wet clothing of a young girl he has saved from drowning, and whom he has believed is a boy, only to discover otherwise; the young girl’s nudity is shown discreetly, and the focus of the scene is on the embarrassment of the two characters.
additional issues
There is moderate fantastical threat and violence featuring a dragon monster in a prolonged scene, which also contains occasional bloody images. There is very mild bad language (‘damn’, ‘jerk’).
strong sexualised images, violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Although battling between hero characters and monsters is fantastical and stylised, which includes the use of magic spells, there are frequent blood spurts and sight of blood in the aftermath of the impactful violence.
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, buttock and breast nudity and brief breast fondling over clothing. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing,
additional issues
There is mild bad language (‘crap’, ‘bastard’) and very mild terms (‘jerk’, ‘damn’).
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, and buttock and breast nudity. A woman, attempting to seduce a man, rubs his face in her cleavage before pulling down the top of her dress to reveal her breasts. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing,
additional issues
There is moderate violence and threat of a fantastical or comic nature. There is mild bad language (‘crap’, ‘screw it’) and very mild terms (‘fricking’, ‘jerk’).
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is frequent focus on the physical attributes of female characters, which includes close-ups on cleavages, panty shits, breast-jiggling inside skimpy clothing, and buttock and breast nudity. In one scene, a robot which has the appearance of a human female asks a male character to recharge her; verbal and visual innuendo suggests that the process is by sexual activity, but this turns out not to be the case. A comic tone accompanies these images and other moderate sex referencing.
additional issues
There is mild threat. There is mild bad language (‘balls’) and very mild terms (‘jerk’, ‘hell’).
strong bloody images, sex references, sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A character shows two men her underwear in exchange for information. A naked woman briefly dances around in a sexualised fashion and there is sight of breast and buttock nudity. A topless woman lies on top of a man in a provocative manner.
injury detail
A woman is left with bloody injuries after an attack and is seen lying in a large pool of blood on the floor.
additional issues
Sequences include moderate fantastical violence and threat. Use of mild and very mild bad language occurs ('shit', 'crap', 'frigging', 'jerk' and 'hell').
strong sexualised images, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is close-up emphasis on female breasts and buttocks; however, there is no strong detail. There are also moderate verbal sex references.
injury detail
There is brief sight of strong bloody images in a scene in which bloodstained bodies lie in pools of blood.
additional issues
This episode contains scenes of moderate and intense fantastical violence; however, there is no strong detail. There is also mild and very mild bad language ('douche', 'bastard', 'shit', 'screw', crap', 'hell', 'damn').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Distributor

    Manga Entertainment Ltd

  • Language
