• Director(s)

    Chen Zhuo

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Crime, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Alan Aruna, Xi Qi, Jingchun Wang


Hovering Blade

sexual violence

This hard-hitting and intense Mandarin language crime drama in which a father seeks revenge against the teenage boys who gang-raped and murdered his daughter contains harrowing scenes of sexual violence.

This hard-hitting and intense Mandarin language crime drama in which a father seeks revenge against the teenage boys who gang-raped and murdered his daughter contains harrowing scenes of sexual violence.

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Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror




sexual violence and sexual threat

suicide and self-harm

injury detail

  • Director(s)

    Chen Zhuo

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Crime, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Alan Aruna, Xi Qi, Jingchun Wang

sexual violence
Classified Date:
CMC Pictures
Following a prolonged fight, a person is beaten to death with a baseball bat. However, the blows occurs off-screen. A character is blasted with a shotgun, followed by blood in the aftermath on the victim's clothing and hand. A teenage boy is beaten with a wooden crate as a police officer explains how the youth was attacked over a period of several hours. Fight scenes include heavy blows, as well as the sound of a bone breaking.
threat and horror
There is a sustained scene in which an anguished and vengeful parent points a shotgun at a teenage rapist. During this time, the police try to talk the parent down; however, he becomes increasingly angered and also makes several threats to kill. A character is followed by a van at night before she is confronted by a group of teenage boys who abduct her. Characters are also threatened with beatings.
There are rude hand gestures, as well as mild and very mild bad language ('bastard', 'crap', 'damn').
In one scene, a police officer refers to a den used for producing pornographic videos.
There is a scene in which a teenage criminal briefly smokes a marijuana joint. There are also verbal drug references, including to a gang forcing a murdered girl to take drugs against her will.
sexual violence and sexual threat
Harrowing scenes of sexual violence include those in which terrified teenage girls are sexually threatened and gang-raped by teenage boys. The scenes are also filmed by the boys, and in one scene a victim is forced to ingest drugs.
suicide and self-harm
A character intends to take his own life; however, he does not do so. There are also verbal references to rape victims who took their own lives.
injury detail
Following an off-screen shooting, there is close-up sight of a bloody eye wound and blood flowing over the victim's face. There is blood on a victim's head and the surrounding area in the aftermath of violence. Brief close-ups of corpses lack injury detail.
rude humour
There is a brief verbal toilet humour relating to a dog's need to urinate.
There are distressing scenes in which a parent grieves following his daughter's murder.
alcohol and smoking
A teenager drinks alcohol, and there are also scenes in which adults smoke cigarettes.
  • Classified date


  • Language
