• Director(s)

    Jon Erwin, Jon Gunn, Alexandra La Roche, Michael Nankin

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Cast

    Michael Iskander, Aziz Dyab, Jeremy Xido

TV Show

House of David - Season 1

HOUSE OF DAVID is a US biblical drama series; in this episode, a kingdom is thrown into disarray when the first King of Israel, corrupted by power, loses favor with God.

HOUSE OF DAVID is a US biblical drama series; in this episode, a kingdom is thrown into disarray when the first King of Israel, corrupted by power, loses favor with God.

  • Director(s)

    Jon Erwin, Jon Gunn, Alexandra La Roche, Michael Nankin

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Cast

    Michael Iskander, Aziz Dyab, Jeremy Xido

strong violence
Classified Date:
Scenes include stabbings and slashings with blades, resulting in blood spurting detail. People are also struck by flying arrows and spears, and there is an organised fight at a banquet.
additional issues
A shepherd and his family are threatened by a lion, a village is set alight by villains and a woman is cursed by an unsettling man. A person experiences hallucinations.
strong violence
Classified Date:
Scenes include stabbings and slashings with blades, resulting in blood spurting detail. A man is struck by a flying arrow. Other violence includes head butts, blows from a slingshot and sparring with wooden swords.
additional issues
A woman is attacked by a lion, and people are threatened with knives. There is a brief image of a charred corpse.
moderate threat, violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Scenes include brief battle sequences, blows to the head, undetailed skewerings and implied torture.
threat and horror
There are scenes of knife threat. A man experiences an intense vision which results in violence.
injury detail
Blood pools on the floor during a man's vision. A wounded man has an arrow extracted from his back, which is then seared with a hot poker.
additional issues
A woman grieves for the loss of her son after his tragic death.
moderate violence, threat, sexual violence references
Classified Date:
Men are shot at with arrows in a scene of moderate violence.
threat and horror
Scenes of threat include knife threat. A man falls to his knees, unable to breathe, until a woman calms him.
injury detail
There are close up images of a person's skeletal remains.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A verbal reference is made to a man 'defiling' a woman, however there is no strong detail.
additional issues
There are discriminatory comments about a man's mental health, which are not endorsed by the episode's messaging.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

  • Language
