• Production Year


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  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes




Unsuitable for classification

  • Production Year


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  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


Hooligans is a video compilation of actual football hooliganism, which it endorses and celebrates. The Board has concluded that the work has potential to cause harm within the meaning of the Video Recordings Act and is therefore not suitable for classification. The Video Recordings Act requires the Board to first of all determine whether or not a video is suitable for a classification certificate to be issued to it, its concern lies in the manner in which the material is presented. Hooliganism is an entirely valid subject for critical documentary treatment, and in that context illustrative news footage has a legitimate function. That, illegal drugs, or human sexual activity.While the Board accepts that some of the material contained in Hooligans has previously appeared in the public domain, confirming them further in their violence. It may also assist in encouraging others who are attracted to such antisocial activities. The impact of the repetitive and brutal acts of violence is further compounded by the driving musical soundtrack, with its potential to raise the level of viewer excitement. No alternative option to the violence is offered and police efforts to control hooliganism are even criticised by the commentary.The lack of any real contextualisation or analysis of the behaviour shown leaves the clear impression that the video merely seeks to exploit the phenomenon of hooliganism for the purposes of entertainment. The commentary is supportive of what it refers to as the ‘so-called’ hooligans and the vox pops provide no alternative critical dimension. Indeed they are proud of their violence. The Board was also concerned by an apparent racist and xenophobic dimension in the video.It is the Board’s conclusion that the video is likely to be widely viewed by the people whose behaviour it celebrates. It may well have the effect of reinforcing and validating their behaviour or of encouraging those on the fringes to join in next time. The Board did not feel that the problems could be usefully addressed by the provision of a cuts list. The issue is not only the great number of specific visual images, however, is not what is on offer here. Hooligans presents a series of violent and antisocial acts in an exciting and exhilarating manner. Such material may appeal to and validate the behaviour of real life hooligans, amongst other relevant factors, having special regard to the likelihood of video works being viewed in the home. In making this decision, the Board must have special regard also, to society because of the manner in which the work deals with criminal, violent or horrific behaviour, to any harm that may be caused to potential viewers or, through their behaviour, but the overall tone and construction of the tape.
Unsuitable for classification
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Quantum Leap Group Ltd
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