• Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Hunter Schafer, Alexa Demie, Jacob Elordi, Maude Apatow

TV Show


EUPHORIA is a drama series concerning a group of high school students; in this episode, a teenager reflects on her year.

EUPHORIA is a drama series concerning a group of high school students; in this episode, a teenager reflects on her year.

  • Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Hunter Schafer, Alexa Demie, Jacob Elordi, Maude Apatow

One or more of the releases in this collection was cut.

sexual violence, strong sex, drug misuse, self-harm, very strong language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is very strong language ('c**t'), as well as frequent strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'). There are also midler terms, which include 'prick', 'pussy', and 'dick'. There is racial language ('n***a') in song lyrics.
There are scenes of strong sexual activity, including thrusting and nudity in a sexual context. There are also strong verbal and visual sex references, with the latter including brief sight of an erect penis.
There are frequent scenes of drug misuse, including cocaine snorting, marijuana smoking, injecting and prescription drug misuse. A teenage girl talks about how to avoid a positive drug test; however, one of her methods shows her becoming seriously unwell.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are images of sexual violence and sexual abuse in extracts from pornography accessed online. These include women being beaten and choked. An older man grooms a teenage girl and subsequently has sex with her. A teenage boy aggressively inititates sexual activity with a teenage girl and briefly chokes her before she pulls away from him. There are also rape threats directed towards teenage girls.
suicide and self-harm
A teenage girl deliberately cuts her arm, and there is subsequent sight of a deep bloody wound.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There are also scenes of bullying and humiliation, as well as references to mental health.
strong sexual images, sex, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
This work required a compulsory cut to a shot which constituted an indecent image of a child. The cut was made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy, and the Protection of Children Act, 1978.
A porn site features graphic still images of sexual acts including fellatio, vaginal penetration and masturbation, as well as sight of erections and breast nudity. In another scene, an 11-year old boy finds and watches his father’s home-made pornogaphy collection; we see a series of extracts from the videos, including strong sequences of vigorous mechanical thrusting detail and use of abusive language (e.g. “You f**king whore”). The episode also contains crude strong verbal sex references.
additional issues
There is infrequent use of very strong language (‘c**t’), as well as frequent strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’) and infrequent use of discriminatory terms (e.g. ‘faggot’, ‘brotard’). There are scenes of, and references to, sexual violence and sexual threat, including a scene in which one man extorts money from another by implying that he will otherwise rape a semi-conscious teenager, and an imaginary sequence in which a teen is kidnapped by a man who intends to rape her. A sex tape featuring a 17-year-old girl is shared with her classmates and uploaded to a porn site without her consent. Strong violence and threat includes a brutal beating and a bloody shooting. People are shown abusing drugs including cocaine, fentanyl and pills, and a teenager is shown being treated by paramedics after a near-fatal overdose.
strong sexual images, sex, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are images of strong sexual activity within a pornographic context, and some of which feature within a BDSM context. A man masturbates during an online Skype call. A teenage girl webcams and receives strong sexual comments online.
Teenage girls look at images of erect penises which have been posted online, and there are also verbal references to 'dick pics'. A teenage boy's trousers are pulled down and briefly expose his buttocks as a consensual forfeit following a party drinking game.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There is brief strong bloody violence during a dream sequence in which a teenage girl imagines students being shot by an invading fantastical horde. There are scenes of drug misuse, including prescription drug misuse. Strong language includes uses of 'f**k' and 'motherf**ker', and there are also milder terms (for example, 'prick', 'bitch', 'pussy'). There is also reclaimed use of 'n**ga' within song lyrics. There are also scenes of bullying, as well as scenes of emotional upset.
sexual threat, very strong language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are aggressive directed uses of very strong language ('c**t'). There is also frequent strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'bitch', 'slut'), rude gestures, and homophobic language ('faggot').
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man masturbates whilst sexually threatening a woman. In a later scene, the same man threatens to rape a woman. There are also verbal references to the production and distribution of "child pornography".
additional issues
There is some strong sex, including thrusting, as well as strong verbal sex references. Drug misuse includes scenes in which teenagers take ecstasy, smoke marijuana and misuse prescription drugs. A teenage girl becomes sexually aroused after taking ecstasy; however, she subsequently experiences a negative reaction to the drug. There is also brief strong injury detail, as well as references to mental health.
sexual violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
sexual violence and sexual threat
A teenage girl says that at the age of fifteen she took drugs and drank alcohol and lost her virginity, accompanied by brief sight of a teenage boy thrusting into her. Following this scene, the boy's flaccid penis is briefly visible. A teenage boy coerces a teenage girl into performing a sexual act on him.
additional issues
References are made to domestic abuse, including sight of bruising. There is also strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), strong sex and sex references, brief drug misuse and verbal drug references.
sexual violence, strong sex
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of strong sex, including cunnilingus and thrusting. Some scenes feature nudity. There are also strong verbal sex references.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A teenage boy is held down by a group of teenage boys whilst another by rapes him.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There is also frequent strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'bitch'), and discriminatory language in song lyrics ('n***a').
drug misuse, sexually abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are strong scenes of, and references to, misuse of drugs including opiates. A prolonged, dreamlike sequence shows a pair of teenagers dancing, hallucinating and having sex on the dancefloor of a club after getting high.
sexual violence and sexual threat
While performing for a ‘cam show’, a visibly uneasy teenage girl undresses - without onscreen nudity - at the behest of a sinister-sounding client, but she ends the show when she hears him begin to moan. A montage shows another teenage girl being reluctantly coerced by a series of boyfriends into making sex tapes with them; we then see a very brief extract from one of the sex tapes, with fleeting breast nudity and thrusting detail, after one of the boys shares the video online without her permission. Another montage sequence shows a pubescent girl receiving uncomfortably close hugs from adult male relatives, including one whose hand strays towards her backside.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There is infrequent use of very strong language (‘c**t’), in addition to frequent use of strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’) and infrequent use of discriminatory terms (e.g. ‘retard’). Strong scenes of sex feature vigorous thrusting and riding detail, and occasional breast nudity. There is brief bloody detail in the aftermath of a moderate car crash sequence. There are moderate scenes related to the theme of mental health, when a teenager deals with episodes of mania and depression, and infrequent verbal suicide references. Other issues include infrequent non-graphic references to abortion, and infrequent full-frontal male nudity in a non-sexual context.
domestic abuse, strong violence, sex, drug misuse, very strong language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of domestic abuse in which a teen boy squares up to his abusive father, resulting in a violent exchange and the teen being reduced to an uncontrollable outburst of rage. There are references to the boy's father's sexually abusive behaviour, including sex with minors, which has been established in previous episodes.
There is infrequent very strong language ('c**t'), as well as frequent strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), also accompanied by other milder terms ('pussy', 'bitch', 'crap', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'dick', 'ass', 'Jesus', 'Christ' and 'God'). There are middle finger gestures. There is use of discriminatory terms ('faggot'). There is racial language ('n***a') in song lyrics.
There are scenes of strong sexual activity between highschool teenagers. There is buttock nudity as a teen boy thrusts into a teen girl, who then summises that he has lost his erection. A man masturbates himself vigorously below frame. There is brief sexualised breast nudity. There are strong accompanying references to teen sex, including rough sex, as a girl shows another a bruise on her stomach from where a, presumably older, lover has bitten her while they were 'hooking up'. A teen makes reference to seeing '40 guys' dicks' on her boyfriend's phone, trying to get him to open up about his closeted sexuality.
Teenagers snort substances, drink alcohol and smoke joints. There are verbal references to drugs and drug addiction, including a mother recalling her 16-year-old daughter being in a coma following a drug overdose. In another scene, a teen in hospital with a kidney infection, tries to trick a nurse into giving her a different kind of painkiller, but the doctor sees through this request upon consulting the teen's past issues with substance abuse.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
There are references to a teen's mental health and suicidal thoughts. There are also scenes in which a teen girl undergoes an abortion, but this is depicted in a discreet manner.
strong language, drug misuse, domestic abuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are verbal references to domestic abuse when two people discuss their violent behaviour towards their family and how this has impacted their lives in a negative way.
There is strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), accompanied by other milder terms ('bitch', 'son of a bitch', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'ass' and 'damn'). There is racial language when a Black man refers to himself as 'negro'.
A teenage girl breaks up a pill and it is implied that she snorts it. There are frequent verbal references to drug taking and drug addiction, including the damaging effects for people's lives and mental health. The two main characters in this episode claim that their drug addiction is a means of coping with their mental health and with their troubles in life (as well as occasional reference to the temporary good feelings that a high can bring), but that this is ultimately not a healthy way to live.
additional issues
A teenage girl talks about her mental health and reveals that she thinks about taking her own life. Her AA sponsor talks encouragingly to her about how there is hope even though life can be cruel and hard. There are references to bereavement. There are moderate sex references and brief sexualised breast nudity.
strong language, sex, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'shit', 'bullsht', 'balls', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Christ').
Scenes of strong sex include thrusting and implied masturbation and nudity. There are also strong verbal sex references.
additional issues
There are also scenes of emotional upset, and brief verbal suicide and drug references.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
very strong language, drug misuse, strong violence, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are scenes of strong violence with bloody aftermath detail, such as a man with an exposed erection is shot in the kneecaps, people being hit in the head with hammers, and a person is bottled and badly beaten at a party.
There is use of very strong language (‘c**t’), strong language (‘motherf**ker’, ‘f**k’, 'c**ksucker'), racial language ('n***a') and milder terms (‘whore’, ‘shit’, ‘bullshit’, ‘bitch’, 'dick', 'asshole', ‘pissed’, 'bastard', 'damn', ‘God’, ‘hell’, 'Christ', ‘Jesus’).
There are scenes of drug misuse in which characters snort powder, inject heroin and smoke marijuana. This includes a scene in which a character uses adderall to prevent herself going into cardiac arrest during a drug overdose. There are also moments in which a young child bags and traffics drugs for his drug dealer grandmother.
Scenes include sight of erections.
additional issues
There are scenes of sexual threat in which teen girls are forced by a drug dealer to remove their clothes at gunpoint to prove they are not wearing a wire. There are moments of strong gun threat, scenes of strong sex and sex references.
strong sex, sex references, nudity
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are strong sex scenes, with breast and buttock nudity. There is a scene of anilingus. A woman has a sexual fantasy about being ravished by a warrior swordsman.
A man's erection is seen, in close-up detail.
additional issues
There is a scene of sexual threat, and references to sexual violence, including paedophilia. There are scenes of drug misuse in which teenagers snort lines of powder and inject heroin. There is use of strong language ('f**k'), and other terms such as 'bitch' and 'asshole'. The discriminatory term 'retard' is also used. Strong violence includes resulting bloody detail. There is moderate threat. There are references to suicide and mental health.
drug misuse, nudity, strong sex, language, sex references, suicide
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), as well as other terms such as 'pussy' and 'shit'. Discriminatory terms include the use of 'pansy'.
Sex scenes include fellatio and masturbation. There are verbal references to 'scat', 'deep throat', a 'gangbang' and 'swallowing'.
Teenage characters snort drugs and smoke joints.
suicide and self-harm
A character envisages a man taking his own life by gunshot, with resulting bloody detail.
There is a brief image of an erect penis. There is other breast, buttock and penis nudity.
additional issues
There is moderate violence, with resulting bloody detail. There is also moderate threat, and references to mental health, including a sequence in which a teenage girl scours her skin obsessively.
very strong language, strong sex, sex references, nudity, drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is infrequent use of very strong language ('c**t'), accompanied by more frequent use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'), as well as milder terms ('pussy', 'bitch', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'asshole', 'ass', 'balls', 'dick', 'piss', 'Jesus', 'Christ' and 'God'). There are also discriminatory terms ('faggot', 'retard'), as well as reference to 'the n-word'.
In a scene in which a father returns home drunk and exposes himself while urinating in front of his wife and his two sons, there are strong verbal references to pornographic sex, that the man claims he found on his son's laptop. The man's flaccid penis is visible for some time during a drunken confession to his family about his sexuality and sexual escapades. In another scene, two friends discuss orgasms and how to perform cunnilingus effectively, using their hands to practice. There are also verbal references to threesomes and erections. Scenes of sex are strong, including masked oral sex.
Scenes of drug misuse include joint smoking and the consumption of prescription medications, which are accompanied by further verbal references to the misuse of drugs.
additional issues
A father is cruel to his son while intoxicated, calling him 'Mr Big Balls'. In a later sequence he calls his sons 'assholes' and refers to one of them as his 'biggest mistake'. There are scenes of moderate threat as a man swerves in and out of oncoming traffic while driving under the influence of alcohol. There are also scenes in which teens drink and abuse alcohol at a birthday hot tub party.
drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A young woman addicted to prescription drugs is injected with morphine, which is shown in detail, following a series of unsettling scenes in which the pain of withdrawal from opiates causes her to behave in erratic, reckless and violent ways that pose a danger to herself and those closest to her.
additional issues
There is strong language ('f**k'), moderate sex references and moderate threat.
very strong language, strong threat, drug misuse, sexual abuse references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
In a scene of strong threat, a man appears to empty a gun of all but one bullet and holds it to a woman’s head, then his own, as he pulls the trigger. The gun does not discharge.
There is very strong language (‘c**t’) and strong language (‘f**k’). Milder bad language includes uses of ‘ass’, ‘shit’, ‘dick’ and ‘screw’.
There are unsettling scenes in which a young woman addicted to prescription drugs suffers intense agonies as she goes through forced withdrawal. Characters smoke marijuana, and there are also verbal references to drug misuse.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are verbal references to a man’s history of paedophilic abuse.
additional issues
There are moderate sex references.
strong language, sex references, sexual threat, drug misuse
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is strong language (‘f**k’), as well as milder terms such as ‘shit’, ‘screw’, ‘God’ and ‘damn’.
A woman tries to arouse a man by telling him, “I'd love you to f**k me however you want”, as he strokes her breasts over her clothing. In a song-and-dance sequence on a stage, dancers playing male athletes perform knowingly over-the-top homoerotic dance moves in which they mime thrusting and oral sex.
There is sight of characters snorting cocaine and smoking marijuana. There are also verbal references to drug misuse and addiction.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A male character who has a complicated relationship with his father experiences a nightmare in which the father is seen in an establishment of sexual threat to the younger man’s distressed girlfriend, who is replaced by himself as the victim.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
strong bloody violence, very strong language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A man is stabbed in the neck and starts to bleed out profusely as another man presses a hand over his face to asphyxiate him; the victim’s death is prolonged. A consequence of the murder is a raid on the crime scene by armed police which incites a sustained and intense shootout in which people are shot, resulting in bloodshed. There are also scenes of moderate violence
There is very strong language (‘c**t’), as well as strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’).
additional issues
There are moderate sex references and drug references.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
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Physical media
Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Warner Bros Entertainment UK Ltd

  • Language
