• Director(s)

    Bronwen Hughes, Rachel Leiterman, Stephen S. Campanelli

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Science Fiction

  • Cast

    Alexander Ludwig, Jessica Frances Dukes

TV Show

Earth Abides - Season 1

EARTH ABIDES is a US sci-fi drama series; in this episode, after a near-fatal snake bite, a geologist searches for survivors of a mystery virus outbreak.

EARTH ABIDES is a US sci-fi drama series; in this episode, after a near-fatal snake bite, a geologist searches for survivors of a mystery virus outbreak.

  • Director(s)

    Bronwen Hughes, Rachel Leiterman, Stephen S. Campanelli

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Science Fiction

  • Cast

    Alexander Ludwig, Jessica Frances Dukes

strong language, injury detail
Classified Date:
Occasional strong language ('f**k') occurs. Milder terms include 'bitch', 'shit' and 'God'.
injury detail
A person discovers bloodstained and decomposing corpses. A person cuts a snakebite wound with a knife, resulting in sight of a heavily swollen hand.
additional issues
Infrequent scenes feature male buttock and female breast nudity. Scenes of moderate threat occur. There are upsetting scenes centred around death and bereavement in a post-apocalyptic setting. Verbal and visual suicide references also occur, including an implied off-screen suicide. However, this is discreetly portrayed and the episode as a whole emphasises positive messages around survival.
strong language, injury detail, brief sex
Classified Date:
Strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'bitch', 'shit', 'ass' and 'damn'.
There is a brief darkly lit scene of strong sex which includes partial breast and buttock nudity.
injury detail
A person discovers bloodstained and decomposing corpses. A man cuts a snakebite wound with a knife, resulting in a heavily swollen hand. An animal is killed for food and there is prolonged sight of a man pulling out its bloody organs and entrails. After a dog is bitten by some rats, it has a bloody wound to its side.
additional issues
Upsetting scenes occur in which an animal squeals after it is shot: however, there is no visual detail of the killing. Rats are shot and cats are seen feasting on other creatures. There are visual references to suicide. Sequences of moderate threat occur as an infestation of rats descend on a house. A woman experiences a difficult birth.
strong language, violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
An wild animal violently attacks a man, biting and dragging him along the floor. References are made to the brutal domestic abuse a child and a woman experienced and we see abuse scars on their bodies.
Strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'dick', 'shit' and 'God'.
injury detail
There is sight of bloody wounds on a man after he is attacked by an animal. A dog is injured in a storm and there is blood on its fur.
additional issues
References are made to drug and alcohol addiction. Brief moderate sex references occur and there is a moment of darkly lit moderate sex. Upsetting scenes occur due to bereavement.
strong language, injury detail, violence
Classified Date:
During the episode recap, a wild animal violently attacks a man.
There is strong language ('f**k'). Milder terms include 'piss', 'hell', 'damn' and 'God'.
injury detail
Characters tend to a man's severe wounds during an intense scene.
additional issues
Scenes of mild gun threat occur. Adults smoke cigarettes and cigars.
strong language, violence, sexual violence references
Classified Date:
A man hits another man with a hammer in a scene that results in blood spurting detail. There are also scenes of gun threat and bloody images in the aftermath of violence.
There is strong language ('f**k') and uses of 'bitch', 'God' and 'hell'. There is also discriminatory language ('retard').
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman cries after it is implied she has been the victim of sexual violence. Afterwards, the perpetrator makes callous verbal references to the rape.
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  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

  • Language
