• Director(s)

    Kim Hagen Jensen

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Children, Animation

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Robyn Dempsey, Emma Jenkins, Luke Griffin, John Hale, Karen Ardiff, Bredand McDonad



mild threat

Dreambuilders is a fantasy animation film in which a young girl gains the ability to make and control people's dreams.

Dreambuilders is a fantasy animation film in which a young girl gains the ability to make and control people's dreams.

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threat and horror
A girl creates a giant mechanical spider in the dream world. However, it malfunctions and chases her and another girl. There are also brief scenes in which small spiders chase a girl. There are sequences in which a girl rescues another girl in the dream world in order to restore her back to life.
additional issues
A girl is mocked by negative comments left on a mobile phone, including one in which a girl says "If she was my stepsister, I'd kill myself". However, these remarks are not condoned by the film as a whole. In another scene, a girl is sad when she hears her father saying that, before she was born, he was happy with her mother. However, she is consoled by another girl who offers her friendship and inclusion within her family.
  • Director(s)

    Kim Hagen Jensen

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Children, Animation

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Robyn Dempsey, Emma Jenkins, Luke Griffin, John Hale, Karen Ardiff, Bredand McDonad

mild threat
Classified Date:
Signature Entertainment
threat and horror
A girl creates a giant mechanical spider in the dream world. However, it malfunctions and chases her and another girl. There are also brief scenes in which small spiders chase a girl. There are sequences in which a girl rescues another girl in the dream world in order to restore her back to life.
additional issues
A girl is mocked by negative comments left on a mobile phone, including one in which a girl says "If she was my stepsister, I'd kill myself". However, these remarks are not condoned by the film as a whole. In another scene, a girl is sad when she hears her father saying that, before she was born, he was happy with her mother. However, she is consoled by another girl who offers her friendship and inclusion within her family.
mild threat
Classified Date:
Signature Entertainment
threat and horror
A girl creates a giant mechanical spider in the dream world. However, it malfunctions and chases her and another girl. There are also brief scenes in which small spiders chase a girl. There are sequences in which a girl rescues another girl in the dream world in order to restore her back to life.
additional issues
A girl is mocked by negative comments left on a mobile phone, including one in which a girl says "If she was my stepsister, I'd kill myself". However, these remarks are not condoned by the film as a whole. In another scene, a girl is sad when she hears her father saying that, before she was born, he was happy with her mother. However, she is consoled by another girl who offers her friendship and inclusion within her family.
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Language
