• Director(s)

    Conor Soucy

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Horror, Thriller

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Samuel Dunning, Rob Evan, Tana Sirois


Dead Whisper

strong horror, violence

DEAD WHISPER is a US horror thriller in which a lawyer who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his infant daughter visits a mysterious island to meet with new clients.

DEAD WHISPER is a US horror thriller in which a lawyer who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his infant daughter visits a mysterious island to meet with new clients.

A person slashes another character’s throat with a blade, resulting in brief bloody detail.
threat and horror
A man finds himself trapped on a strange island where he encounters ghostly entities and a sinister demonic figure with a distorted voice, leading to scenes of strong supernatural horror and occasional ‘jump scare’ moments.
There are upsetting scenes in which a parent mourns the off-screen death of his infant child. In other scenes, a man suspects he has been deliberately drugged using a fantastical plant with hallucinogenic effects. Infrequent mild sex references include a description of an adulterous couple's body language as being 'carnal' in nature.
  • Director(s)

    Conor Soucy

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Horror, Thriller

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Samuel Dunning, Rob Evan, Tana Sirois

strong horror, violence
Classified Date:
Vertical Entertainment
A person slashes another character’s throat with a blade, resulting in brief bloody detail.
threat and horror
A man finds himself trapped on a strange island where he encounters ghostly entities and a sinister demonic figure with a distorted voice, leading to scenes of strong supernatural horror and occasional ‘jump scare’ moments.
There are upsetting scenes in which a parent mourns the off-screen death of his infant child. In other scenes, a man suspects he has been deliberately drugged using a fantastical plant with hallucinogenic effects. Infrequent mild sex references include a description of an adulterous couple's body language as being 'carnal' in nature.
  • Classified date
