• Director(s)

    Manabu Ono

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Morgan Berry, Brandon Acosta, Bree Han

TV Show

Dead Mount Death Play

DEAD MOUNT DEATH PLAY is a Japanese fantasy action anime series; in this episode, a warrior battles a fearsome necromancer, and a person from another world awakens in a new body in modern-day Japan.

DEAD MOUNT DEATH PLAY is a Japanese fantasy action anime series; in this episode, a warrior battles a fearsome necromancer, and a person from another world awakens in a new body in modern-day Japan.

  • Director(s)

    Manabu Ono

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Morgan Berry, Brandon Acosta, Bree Han

strong violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
People and fantastical creatures are stabbed or dismembered by bladed weapons, or impaled by sharp objects, creating large gushes of blood.
injury detail
There are strong bloody images in the aftermath of violence. The body of a dead teenager with a slashed throat is resurrected and subsequently walks around with blood covering his neck. We also briefly see the featureless ghost of a yakuza victim hanging from a noose.
There are scenes of moderate threat and horror such as encounters with skeletal warriors, ghosts, monsters, and sinister assassins. Infrequent moderate sex references include a comic sequence in which a teenage boy falls face-first onto a woman’s cleavage.
strong bloody violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
During a scene of torture, a sadistic assassin fires nails into a man’s hands and wrists using a nail gun before fatally impaling his head with a metal pole. A short flashback shows a child watching in shock as a giggling killer repeatedly stabs her parent’s bloody corpse. Another person’s throat is slashed.
injury detail
Strong injury detail includes close-up images of a gaping wound in a corpse’s abdomen and a bloody slash wound on an immortal being's neck, as well as highly stylised flashback images of children's bodies impaled on pikes.
A person attempts suicide, without strong visual detail. There are moderate scenes of threat and horror. Moderate comic sex references include occasional visual focus on the body of a female character.
strong violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A villainous character headbutts a man, resulting in a large gush of blood. There are also shootings, accompanied by large blood spurts.
injury detail
There is sight of a throat slash wound and of blood-stained bodies in the aftermath of violence. A group of men are discovered alive with their limbs painfully intertwined in a large human knot.
There is partial sexualised female breast nudity, as well as emphasis on young women wearing lingerie during a sexual scenario. There is a scene of brief sexual harassment in which an unsympathetic character gropes a woman’s bottom. This behaviour is negatively presented and results in clear negative consequences for the perpetrator. Very mild bad language (‘hell’, ‘damn’) occurs.
strong bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
Occasional strong injury detail includes shadowy images of bloodied corpses, and a police photograph of a severed arm lying in a pool of blood.
Moderate comic sex references include occasional visual focus on female characters’ bodies, and sequences in which a man is accompanied by scantily-clad women implied to be sex workers. A girl lands a flying kick on a man's abdomen, and in another scene we hear a series of crunchy sound effects as a man recalls an incident in which a cop broke his attackers’ necks. In a comic sequence, a teenager falsely accuses a villainous cop of trying to ‘force himself’ on her.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Two characters with magical powers fight in a dark setting, moving at rapid speeds as they swing punches and slash away with bladed weapons; The fighting is undetailed and bloodless, as is a stab to a person’s thigh.
A character’s throat bears a stitched wound across it sustained in a violent encounter from his past. There is very mild bad language (‘hell’, ‘heck’). There is brief smoking.
moderate threat, violence, brief bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Moderate violence includes kicks and punches to the face.
threat and horror
A man holds a knife to a boy's throat. A boy has a traumatic flashback to his father selling him. Characters plot a murder, and a woman is burned alive in an explosion. A man's vision of characters' twitching faces torment him before he spontaneously combusts.
injury detail
There are brief bloody images.
There is use of mild bad language ('bastard') and milder terms ('damn', 'screw').
strong sexualised images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
There are sexualised images of a robot in bondage gear with its breasts exposed.
There are brief bloody images.
moderate sex references, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderately sexualised focus upon female bodies in some scenes, including close up images of cleavage and sight of women bathing, although nudity is hidden from view. A woman rubs the bare back of another, who responds pleasurably.
injury detail
There are bloody images and sight of dead bodies.
Mild threat includes a character plotting to kill someone, references to death, ghostly figures and skeletons. There is use of mild bad language ('bullshit').
moderate threat, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
Characters are shown engulfed in flames during an attempted bank robbery. This is accompanied by the sight of an ominous message written on a wall.
injury detail
During the opening credits, there is brief, stylised sight of blood splatter on the ground.
There is mild sexualised focus on a woman's cleavage. Mild bad language ('ass', 'piss', 'screw') occurs, as well as even milder terms such as 'damn'.
strong violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A character is shot at in a scene which includes blood spurting detail.
Two characters shower together whilst exchanging dialogue, in a scene that includes partial nudity.
strong injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
A stylised dream sequence features sight of a blood-stained dead body and of charred corpses impaled on stakes.
A ghost makes a haunting appearance and an ominous message is written on a character’s wall during scenes of moderate supernatural threat. There is use of mild bad language ('crap', 'shit', 'ass', 'bastard') and even milder terms such as 'hell'. There is sexualised focus on the physical attributes of a female character. A character attacks a man using fantastical bladed weapons.
brief strong bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
There is brief sight of a dead teenager with a slashed throat. Other moments include the sudden appearance of bloody handprints across a window.
There are scenes of moderate threat and violence including a character throwing fantastical bladed weapons towards a man. There is use of mild bad language ('bastard') and even milder terms such as 'God', 'damn' and 'hell'. There is sexualised focus on the physical attributes of a female character.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
