• Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Lex Barker, Karin Dor, Christopher Lee


Castle Of The Walking Dead

strong injury detail

DIE SCHLANGENGRUBE UND DAS PENDEL is a 1967 West German horror film, set in the 18th century, in which a man visits a castle that once belonged to a murderous count who was executed for his crimes.

DIE SCHLANGENGRUBE UND DAS PENDEL is a 1967 West German horror film, set in the 18th century, in which a man visits a castle that once belonged to a murderous count who was executed for his crimes.

injury detail
There are brief gory images of bloody bones on the floor of a dungeon. A coach drives through a forest where the trees are strewn with bloodless human body parts and numerous corpses, some dismembered and others hanging from nooses. Other scenes feature brief images of naked female corpses without visible injuries, their nudity concealed by leather restraints. We also see a series of crude illustrations of dismembered corpses and torture victims, most of whom are topless women; the images feature moderate bloody detail, but the gore and nudity are not realistically rendered.
additional issues
There are scenes of moderate violence, including one in which a spiked mask is pressed onto a prisoner’s face, without visible blood. A man is drawn and quartered, but the scene cuts away before injury occurs. Scenes of threat and horror are moderate; for example, a frightened woman is suspended over a pit of spikes, and a man is tied to the floor beneath a bladed pendulum that slowly descends towards him, but both individuals escape before coming to harm. A stylised mural on a wall depicts a person being manhandled by a pair of naked demons, with breast and buttock nudity. There is also infrequent use of the outdated terms ‘deaf and dumb’ and ‘deaf mute’.
  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Lex Barker, Karin Dor, Christopher Lee

strong injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
88 Films Limited
injury detail
There are brief gory images of bloody bones on the floor of a dungeon. A coach drives through a forest where the trees are strewn with bloodless human body parts and numerous corpses, some dismembered and others hanging from nooses. Other scenes feature brief images of naked female corpses without visible injuries, their nudity concealed by leather restraints. We also see a series of crude illustrations of dismembered corpses and torture victims, most of whom are topless women; the images feature moderate bloody detail, but the gore and nudity are not realistically rendered.
additional issues
There are scenes of moderate violence, including one in which a spiked mask is pressed onto a prisoner’s face, without visible blood. A man is drawn and quartered, but the scene cuts away before injury occurs. Scenes of threat and horror are moderate; for example, a frightened woman is suspended over a pit of spikes, and a man is tied to the floor beneath a bladed pendulum that slowly descends towards him, but both individuals escape before coming to harm. A stylised mural on a wall depicts a person being manhandled by a pair of naked demons, with breast and buttock nudity. There is also infrequent use of the outdated terms ‘deaf and dumb’ and ‘deaf mute’.
Contains strong scene of gore and images of violence
Classified Date:
Physical media
Cornerstone Media
Classified Date:
Physical media
Saturn Video
  • Classified date


  • Language
