• Director(s)

    Kiyoshi Matsuda

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Aaron Campbell, Jonah Scott, Tyson Rinehart

TV Show

Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill

CAMPFIRE COOKING IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY ABSURD SKILL is a Japanese fantasy anime series; in this episode, Mukouda exploits his online grocery shopping talent and impresses with his cooking skills.

CAMPFIRE COOKING IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY ABSURD SKILL is a Japanese fantasy anime series; in this episode, Mukouda exploits his online grocery shopping talent and impresses with his cooking skills.

  • Director(s)

    Kiyoshi Matsuda

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Fantasy

  • Cast

    Aaron Campbell, Jonah Scott, Tyson Rinehart

brief moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A group is attacked by fantastical gigantic hornets and a boar, which is slashed with a sword in undetailed fashion resulting in a stylised blood spurt.
additional issues
There is mild threat from fantastical creatures. There is mild bad language (‘frigging’) and very mild terms (‘hell’).
brief moderate bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
After being killed by a wolf, a fantastical giant bird lays dead on the ground with blood patches on its feathers.
additional issues
Use of mild bad language occurs ('crap'). A creature is killed off-screen and there are brief moments of mild threat as fantastical creatures growl and chase each other.
mild injury detail, violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is use of energy blasts and claw strikes during fight sequences.
threat and horror
People encounter monsters in a dark forest.
injury detail
There are abrasions on a monster's skin in the aftermath of a fight. In others scenes there are a mounds of dead monsters, given to a chef to butcher.
additional issues
People discuss the attractive attributes of a monster.
mild violence, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is use of energy blasts and swords during fight sequences.
threat and horror
Trolls wielding bladed weapons chase a character.
There is use of mild bad language ('crap').
mild threat, violence
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is mild fantasy violence with energy blasts.
threat and horror
Characters encounter monsters in a dark forest.
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are fantastical fight scenes with bloody detail when wolves are struck with stones.
injury detail
There are images of dead animals laying in pools of blood.
additional issues
There are chase scenes and moments in which characters encounter dangerous monsters. There is very mild bad language ('hell', 'damn').
moderate violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are fantastical fight sequences with blood spurts. There are claw strikes, energy blasts, and a bloodstained tornado.
injury detail
A defeated creature is left lying in a pool of blood, before being given a magic potion and healed.
additional issues
Mild threat includes armed bandits attacking a convoy. There is very mild bad language ('hell').
moderate bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
Goblins lay in pools of blood after being fantastically shot and there is sight of a bloody knife next to their bodies. It is verbally referenced that the goblins' ears have been cut off and it is implied that they are in some blood stained bags. The caracasses of fantastical creatures are piled up ready to be butchered for food.
additional issues
Scenes of mild violence occur in which a fantastical creature shoots other creatures. There are moments of mild threat. Infrequent use of mild bad language occurs ('bastard').
moderate injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
Goblins are briefly seen lying dead in pools of blood. Characters are shocked when they look inside blood stained bags of what are implied to be goblin body parts; however, the contents of the bags are blurred out. A dead creature is decapitated off-screen by a butcher.
additional issues
There is a flashback to some goblins being fantastically shot. A man imagines being attacked by axe wielding men. Infrequent use of mild bad language occurs ('freakin').
mild injury detail, violence, sex references, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A wolf uses a magic spell to electrocute a lizard to death.
threat and horror
Mild threat occurs from fantastical creatures with glowing eyes who chase characters.
There is occasional focus on the physical attributes of female characters. A man is falsely accused of ogling a woman.
injury detail
Scenes include sight of the dead bodies of fantastical creatures and animals piled up ready to be butchered.
additional issues
Characters burp after drinking a fizzy drink.
moderate injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
In the aftermath of an attack by various creatures, men and women lay in an ad-hoc medical facility with bloody injuries on their faces and bodies. During a battle between fantastical creatures, there is a blood spurt and a head is magically severed from a creature's body.
additional issues
There are sequences of mild fantastical violence and threat. A woman bathes in a bathtub with bubbles masking any nudity. Infrequent use of very mild bad language occurs ('hell').
mild violence, sex references, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
After killing it, a wolf drags a dragon into a camp with its teeth. Verbal references are made to the decapitation of fantastical creatures as well as to the butchery of them.
threat and horror
There is some mild threat from ferocious creatures with flashing eyes.
A scene contains focus on the physical attributes of female characters.
additional issues
Infrequent use of very mild bad language occurs ('freakin').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Crunchyroll Limited
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
