• Director(s)

    Pierre Földes

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Pierre Földes, Marie-Christine Barrault, Noée Abita, Isabelle Vitari


Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

strong sex, nudity, violence, sexual threat

BLIND WILLOW, SLEEPING WOMAN is an animated drama which adapts several short stories from Japanese author Haruki Murakami.

BLIND WILLOW, SLEEPING WOMAN is an animated drama which adapts several short stories from Japanese author Haruki Murakami.

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A man briefly imagines strangling a sex worker he has just had sex with, and we see his hands around her throat as she struggles. There is no sexual motivation for this fantasy.
We see a depiction of the Japanese erotic artwork 'The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife', which shows a naked woman engaging in strong sexual activity with two octopi. There are scenes of a man and woman having sex, with sight of sexualised female breast and buttock nudity. There is brief sight of a woman straddling a man in bed. There are undetailed references to sex work and prostitution, and a couple visit a 'love hotel'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
It is implied that a man may have been drugged by a 16-year-old girl; she caresses and pinches his arm before talking about a fantasy she has of cutting open a body to see what lies within it. At the same time we see stylised black and white autopsy-like images of a body being cut open and internal organs removed.
additional issues
There are references in TV news bulletins to an earthquake and people trapped below the ground, and also to the survivor of a tsunami. There are fantastical scenes of a giant worm rising up through Tokyo and destroying buildings. Characters dream they are lost in threatening and mysterious environments such as dark woods and underground tunnels. There are references to death and to the painful treatment for an unspecified illness experienced by a teenage boy. There are moderate references to mental health issues. There is infrequent strong language (‘f**k’) and milder terms which include ‘shit’, ‘damn’ and ‘hell’.
  • Director(s)

    Pierre Földes

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Animation, Drama

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Pierre Földes, Marie-Christine Barrault, Noée Abita, Isabelle Vitari

strong sex, nudity, violence, sexual threat
Classified Date:
Modern Films
A man briefly imagines strangling a sex worker he has just had sex with, and we see his hands around her throat as she struggles. There is no sexual motivation for this fantasy.
We see a depiction of the Japanese erotic artwork 'The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife', which shows a naked woman engaging in strong sexual activity with two octopi. There are scenes of a man and woman having sex, with sight of sexualised female breast and buttock nudity. There is brief sight of a woman straddling a man in bed. There are undetailed references to sex work and prostitution, and a couple visit a 'love hotel'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
It is implied that a man may have been drugged by a 16-year-old girl; she caresses and pinches his arm before talking about a fantasy she has of cutting open a body to see what lies within it. At the same time we see stylised black and white autopsy-like images of a body being cut open and internal organs removed.
additional issues
There are references in TV news bulletins to an earthquake and people trapped below the ground, and also to the survivor of a tsunami. There are fantastical scenes of a giant worm rising up through Tokyo and destroying buildings. Characters dream they are lost in threatening and mysterious environments such as dark woods and underground tunnels. There are references to death and to the painful treatment for an unspecified illness experienced by a teenage boy. There are moderate references to mental health issues. There is infrequent strong language (‘f**k’) and milder terms which include ‘shit’, ‘damn’ and ‘hell’.
strong sex, nudity, violence, sexual threat
Classified Date:
Modern Films
A man briefly imagines strangling a sex worker he has just had sex with, and we see his hands around her throat as she struggles. There is no sexual motivation for this fantasy.
We see a depiction of the Japanese erotic artwork 'The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife', which shows a naked woman engaging in strong sexual activity with two octopi. There are scenes of a man and woman having sex, with sight of sexualised female breast and buttock nudity. There is brief sight of a woman straddling a man in bed. There are undetailed references to sex work and prostitution, and a couple visit a 'love hotel'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
It is implied that a man may have been drugged by a 16-year-old girl; she caresses and pinches his arm before talking about a fantasy she has of cutting open a body to see what lies within it. At the same time we see stylised black and white autopsy-like images of a body being cut open and internal organs removed.
additional issues
There are references in TV news bulletins to an earthquake and people trapped below the ground, and also to the survivor of a tsunami. There are fantastical scenes of a giant worm rising up through Tokyo and destroying buildings. Characters dream they are lost in threatening and mysterious environments such as dark woods and underground tunnels. There are references to death and to the painful treatment for an unspecified illness experienced by a teenage boy. There are moderate references to mental health issues. There is infrequent strong language (‘f**k’) and milder terms which include ‘shit’, ‘damn’ and ‘hell’.
Classified Date:
Modern Films
  • Classified date


  • Language
