• Director(s)

    John Alexander, Paul Wilmhurst

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Cast

    Harriet Slater, Benjamin Wainwright, Edward Bluemel

TV Show

Belgravia: The Next Chapter

BELGRAVIA: THE NEXT CHAPTER is a British period drama series; in this episode, Frederick's troubled childhood begins to impact his life as a newly married man.

BELGRAVIA: THE NEXT CHAPTER is a British period drama series; in this episode, Frederick's troubled childhood begins to impact his life as a newly married man.

  • Director(s)

    John Alexander, Paul Wilmhurst

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Romance

  • Cast

    Harriet Slater, Benjamin Wainwright, Edward Bluemel

moderate sex, domestic abuse, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Flashbacks depict a boy being mistreated by his father, who acts aggressively towards him, and calls him 'unlovable'. The boy's mother encourages him to bury his emotions and never to cry. A woman trips and falls down the stairs after her husband's behaviour unnerves her and causes her to flee.
There is brief moderate sex as a newly-married couple consummate their marriage, but the act appears strained and passionless. The husband leaves abruptly, seemingly plagued by flashbacks of his abusive father.
suicide and self-harm
A distressed woman throws herself in front of a horse and carriage in an apparent attempt to take her own life. However, she is immediately attended to and survives.
The episode also features mild bad language ('bastard') and very mild bad language ('damn'), scenes of smoking, and references to epilepsy. It is implied that a man experienced a violent homophobic attack, but details are limited; condemnation of the attack is also voiced.
moderate sex, domestic abuse, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Flashback sequences depict a boy being mistreated by his father, including a forceful strike with a wooden sword. A man apologises for his behaviour which led to his wife falling down the stairs and hitting her head. A doctor suspects the man of domestic abuse, but he is told that has misread the situation.
There is moderate sex with brief thrusting detail, and sight of a hand clutching skin. However, there is no nudity. A man makes a lewd comment towards a woman, suggesting she's a tease.
suicide and self-harm
There are references to a distressed woman running into an oncoming carriage in what is presumed to be an attempt to take her own life. However, the woman survived.
There are also references to a young boy's epilepsy.
moderate sex
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
There is a brief scene of tender moderate sex, followed by a couple lying in bed together post-coitally. Other milder references imply that two servants spent the night together.
Verbal references are made to a boy's difficult relationship with his father, and to a young boy's epilepsy. Bad language is mild ('bloody'), and very mild ('God' and 'damn').
mild sex references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
It is implied that two people have sex off-screen after meeting in a public place.
There is brief sight of a person's buttocks in a bathhouse. There is use of very mild bad language ('damn'). A child is seen suffering from a illness, which keeps them bed bound.
moderate sex references, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A man is extorted following an implied sexual relationship with another man. There are implied references to adultery, however these are oblique.
suicide and self-harm
A reference is made to a woman taking her own life, though there is little detail given.
A person describes a same sex relationship as a 'sin', however the comment is contextualised as a historical view and is not condoned by the episode as a whole.
moderate violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
In a scene of moderate violence, a man is head butted, knocked to the ground and heavily beaten by a man who is blackmailing him.
injury detail
A man is bloody and bruised in the aftermath of a beating. A woman discovers splatters of a man's blood on the floor.
There is a sequence in which a child has a seizure whilst onlookers call him a 'lunatic'. His own father says he needs to be locked away and is an 'imbecile' due to his illness. References are made to a woman posing for a painting in an implied sexual way. Bad language is mild ('bloody', 'sod') alongside some very mild terms such as 'Christ' and 'God'.
sexual threat, moderate violence, domestic abuse references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A man has a brief flashback to his childhood and recalls his father being physically and emotionally abusive towards him. After slapping a woman, a man is hit across the back of the head resulting in some bloody aftermath detail.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A man is sexually threatening towards a woman and is about to sexually assault her before being interrupted.
There is a brief reference to suicide. Mild sex references occur. There is a brief scene of knife threat. Use of mild bad language ('bloody') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'God' and 'hell'.
references to abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman describes how that when she was young maid, an older man led her to believe he liked her to entice her to have sex with him. She discovered it had all been a bet and was treated very badly by the man and his friends subsequently.
There are implied references to man's difficult childhood. Mild bad language ('bloody', 'bastard') is accompanied by very mild terms such as 'damn' and 'God'. There are mild sex references and occasional upsetting scenes due to bereavement and illness.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Universal Pictures (UK) Ltd

  • Language
