• Director(s)

    Roger Kumble

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Virginia Gardner, Dylan Sprouse, Autumn Reeser


Beautiful Disaster

strong language, sex, sex references, violence

This US romantic comedy drama in which a female college student with a troubled past is drawn to a young male student includes strong language and sex scenes and, unusually for this genre, scenes of strong sporting violence.

This US romantic comedy drama in which a female college student with a troubled past is drawn to a young male student includes strong language and sex scenes and, unusually for this genre, scenes of strong sporting violence.

Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror



injury detail


rude humour

alcohol and smoking

  • Director(s)

    Roger Kumble

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Comedy, Drama, Romance

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Virginia Gardner, Dylan Sprouse, Autumn Reeser

strong language, sex, sex references, violence
Classified Date:
Shear Entertainment
There are cage fights and mixed martial arts fights which include repeated blows to the head and body, as well as occasional blood spurts. In one scene, a man wraps a chain around another man's throat and briefly strangles him.
threat and horror
A man briefly threatens to cut off another man's finger with a cigar-cutter; however, he does not follow through on the threat.
The film contains strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'cock', 'bitch', 'whore', 'twat', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'asshole', 'ass', 'crap', 'balls', 'dick', 'tits', 'hell', 'God', 'Jesus', 'moron').
Sex scenes include thrusting, implied cunnilingus and masturbation, as well as brief male buttock nudity. In a comic scene, a sleepy woman unwittingly masturbates a man's erection over bedclothes; however, there is no strong detail. There is brief sight of sex toys, a scene in which a woman mimes fellatio and cunnilingus. There are strong verbal sex references, including to masturbation and erections.
injury detail
Scenes of injury detail include sight of cuts on a man's face following a fight.
There are scenes in which scantily clothed woman dance in a pole-dancing club; however, there is no nudity.
rude humour
There are comic scenes in which drunk people vomit over each other.
alcohol and smoking
There are scenes of binge-drinking by teenage characters. However, this results in drunkenness and vomiting, and in one scene a young man tells a young woman she will suffer alcohol poisoning as a result of her excessive drinking.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
strong language, sex, sex references, violence
Classified Date:
Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
There are cage fights and mixed martial arts fights which include repeated blows to the head and body, as well as occasional blood spurts. In one scene, a man wraps a chain around another man's throat and briefly strangles him.
threat and horror
A man briefly threatens to cut off another man's finger with a cigar-cutter; however, he does not follow through on the threat.
The film contains strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'cock', 'bitch', 'whore', 'twat', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'asshole', 'ass', 'crap', 'balls', 'dick', 'tits', 'hell', 'God', 'Jesus', 'moron').
Sex scenes include thrusting, implied cunnilingus and masturbation, as well as brief male buttock nudity. In a comic scene, a sleepy woman unwittingly masturbates a man's erection over bedclothes; however, there is no strong detail. There is brief sight of sex toys, a scene in which a woman mimes fellatio and cunnilingus. There are strong verbal sex references, including to masturbation and erections.
injury detail
Scenes of injury detail include sight of cuts on a man's face following a fight.
There are scenes in which scantily clothed woman dance in a pole-dancing club; however, there is no nudity.
rude humour
There are comic scenes in which drunk people vomit over each other.
alcohol and smoking
There are scenes of binge-drinking by teenage characters. However, this results in drunkenness and vomiting, and in one scene a young man tells a young woman she will suffer alcohol poisoning as a result of her excessive drinking.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
  • Classified date
