• Director(s)

    Kiyotaka Suzu

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yûichi Nakamura, David Matranga, Takahiro Sakurai

TV Show


BABYLON is a Japanese animated series; in this episode, a controversial law becomes popular in five different countries.

BABYLON is a Japanese animated series; in this episode, a controversial law becomes popular in five different countries.

  • Director(s)

    Kiyotaka Suzu

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Yûichi Nakamura, David Matranga, Takahiro Sakurai

suicide references, moderate bloody images, sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are verbal references to sex workers being used as 'bribes' to secure votes in an upcoming election.
injury detail
A man finds documents covered in dark, discoloured bloodstains; there is suggestion that other documents may be made from skin. A man's dead, naked body is discovered, but nudity is obscured.
suicide and self-harm
A person's body is discovered handing by the neck after his colleague receives a suicide message from him by text; we see the body largely in silhouette. A dead body is found hooked up to what we learn is a medical anaesthetic machine; people consider whether this may be a suicide, discussing their reasoning in moderate detail.
additional issues
A person becomes panicked by his concern for the welfare of another. There are verbal references to sleeping pills in the context of medical trials, and undetailed mention of mental health concerns.
moderate sex references, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are sexualised close-up images of a woman's cleavage and her clothed buttocks; these images, and others, imply she has engaged in oral and group sexual activity with three much older men. People make references to sex work and to women being presented to men as bribes for votes in an upcoming election.
suicide and self-harm
There are verbal references to suicide as well as discussion of whether a murder has been staged to appear like suicide. A man's body is briefly seen hanging by the neck.
additional issues
There is very mild bad language ('hell', 'damn'). People grieve for lost comrades and there are hypothetical references to the killing of children.
strong sex references, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is sexualised focus on female buttock and breast nudity as we see impressionistic images of a naked woman and naked man together on a bed, strongly implying sexual activity. There are verbal references to sex work and it is implied that people have been 'bribed' with sexual favours.
suicide and self-harm
People discuss the creation of a new pill allowing people to painlessly take their own lives. People gather as others speculate that they may intend to take their own lives in a mass suicide event; it is implied these people go through with it, but we do not see resulting detail. There are frequent verbal references to suicide, including speculation that people have somehow been compelled to take their own lives. A political figure suggests people should be encouraged to take their lives if they wish to do so.
additional issues
A person discusses society's attitudes toward death. There is brief sight of an old bloodstained document, which now appears dark brown. There is very mild bad language ('damn').
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
There are frequent verbal references to suicide, including speculation that people have been compelled by a man to take their own lives, and the creation of a suicide law that permits people to undertake suicide. A boy tearfully begs the public to help stop his father from taking his own life.
additional issues
There is a very brief and undetailed reference made to 'sex crimes'. Use of mild bad language ('balls') is accompanied by very mild terms ('God'). A reference is made to a boy being in and out of hospital when he was younger due to having issues with a classmate.
sexual violence references, sexualised images, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are sexualised images, and which include emphasis on clothed and unclothed characters. However, there is no strong detail.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are several verbal references to sexual violence. In one scene, a school counsellor expresses guilt and shame about his sexual desire for his teenage niece. However, the man does not act on his compulsion and his impulses are both clearly disapproved of and immediately challenged.
suicide and self-harm
There are frequent verbal references to suicide, including speculation that people have been compelled to take their own lives. In one scene, a person is compelled to take his own life, and there is brief sight of blood in the aftermath.
additional issues
There are brief verbal references to mental illness. There is also very mild bad language ('hell').
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
There are frequent verbal references to suicide, including an extended political debate in which people discuss the arguments for and against legalising suicide in Japan.
additional issues
There is brief sight of a blood splash by the chalk outline of an unseen dead body. People discuss the legalisation of marijuana in some countries and the impact this has had on marijuana use. There is very mild bad language ('hell').
strong violence, bloody images, suicide
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is strong impressionistic violence, when a woman uses an axe to cut off parts of a live victim's body, though there is limited visual detail to the scene.
suicide and self-harm
A man takes his own life, resulting in bloody detail. There are verbal references to suicide, when a man explains why he is going to kill himself.
injury detail
There are impressionistic spurts of blood accompanying violent acts. Blood is seen covering weapons used, and on the clothes of victims. Dead bodies are seen lying in and surrounded by pools of blood.
additional issues
A woman who has been kidnapped is seen tied to a table in her underwear, blindfolded and gagged, with a villainous character looming over her. A man briefly uses sexual experience as a metaphor for feelings he is encountering.
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
People discuss suicide throughout the episode, making reference to people who have taken their own life and debating morality.
additional issues
Blood is seen in pools at crime scenes and splattered onto walls. There is a disturbing image of a partially developed chick foetus inside an egg. A woman slaps a man in the face. People play video games in which their avatars wield swords and fight fantastical creatures. A man runs into a busy road, causing cars to stop suddenly to avoid him.
suicide, strong bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
A man is seen taking his own life, resulting in bloody detail.
injury detail
Blood is seen spurting impressionistically as a result of gunfire, and a lying in pools on the floor near dead bodies.
additional issues
There is a fantastical scene of threat in which a man is unnerved to hear the voice of a woman in his head. There is brief buttock nudity.
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
A man ends his life in a scene which includes bloody detail. In another scene a young woman jumps to her death. There is also a reference to the 'mass suicide' of a group of students. Undetailed verbal references are made to a 'suicide law'. 
additional issues
It is implied a woman is cut 'to pieces' during a flashback, but there is no strong visual detail. There is mild bad language ('crap') as well as milder terms such as 'damn'.
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
There are frequent suicide references, and which also includes prolonged debate during a global political summit.
additional issues
There is also moderate bad language ('whore').
strong bloody images, violence, suicide
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Blood spreads over a person’s shirt and pools under their body in the immediate aftermath of a fatal shooting.
suicide and self-harm
There are bloody images of suicide and its aftermath when a fantastical character compels other people to take their own lives. In other scenes a grieving woman contemplates killing herself but eventually chooses to delay the decision.
injury detail
There are occasional brief images of dead bodies, including corpses lying in pools of blood, in the aftermath of murder and suicide.
additional issues
There are scenes of moderate threat and suspense. A reference to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is illustrated by an image of a snake transforming into a naked woman, her bare breasts visible but featureless. In another scene a woman speaks briefly and calmly about her grief, following her child’s death from sudden infant death syndrome. Other issues include brief undetailed verbal references to sex and abortion.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Anime Ltd

  • Language
