• Director(s)

    Natalie Erika James

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Horror, Thriller

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Julia Garner, Dianne Wiest, Kevin McNally


Apartment 7A

strong horror, sexual threat, bloody images

APARTMENT 7A is a US horror thriller, set in 1965, in which a mysterious wealthy couple take a struggling young dancer into their home.

APARTMENT 7A is a US horror thriller, set in 1965, in which a mysterious wealthy couple take a struggling young dancer into their home.

threat and horror
Strong scenes of horror include ones in which a frightened woman experiences disturbing visions of demonic entities. A person’s limbs spontaneously twist and contort, making them cry out in pain. One person suddenly attacks another with a pair of scissors.
sexual violence and sexual threat
Brief, fragmented flashback scenes show a woman tied to an altar as satanic cult members prepare her - it is implied - to be raped by a demon. While drinking with a prospective employer at his home, a woman becomes dizzy and hallucinates lying paralysed on a bed as a sinister fantastical figure crawls on top of her; the next morning she wakes up in the man’s bed, and subsequently discovers that she is pregnant.
injury detail
A person takes their own life in order to avert an evil plot, resulting in strong bloody aftermath images. A woman experiences a brief vision of a bloody, eyeless infant. There is also moderate bloody detail following a stabbing.
A person is stabbed, resulting in brief bloody aftermath detail. We hear a loud ‘crack’ sound as a dancer lands badly on their ankle, breaking the bone. A person takes an excessive amount of painkillers to cope with chronic pain, resulting in dizziness and vomiting. An unlikeable character makes callous references to abortion and miscarriage to a pregnant person. There is also a scene involving a backstreet abortion, although the procedure is quickly interrupted. Bad language includes ‘arse’, ‘hell’ and ‘damn’, in addition to casual use of the outdated term ‘cripple’.
  • Director(s)

    Natalie Erika James

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Horror, Thriller

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Julia Garner, Dianne Wiest, Kevin McNally

strong horror, sexual threat, bloody images
Classified Date:
Paramount Pictures International Limited
threat and horror
Strong scenes of horror include ones in which a frightened woman experiences disturbing visions of demonic entities. A person’s limbs spontaneously twist and contort, making them cry out in pain. One person suddenly attacks another with a pair of scissors.
sexual violence and sexual threat
Brief, fragmented flashback scenes show a woman tied to an altar as satanic cult members prepare her - it is implied - to be raped by a demon. While drinking with a prospective employer at his home, a woman becomes dizzy and hallucinates lying paralysed on a bed as a sinister fantastical figure crawls on top of her; the next morning she wakes up in the man’s bed, and subsequently discovers that she is pregnant.
injury detail
A person takes their own life in order to avert an evil plot, resulting in strong bloody aftermath images. A woman experiences a brief vision of a bloody, eyeless infant. There is also moderate bloody detail following a stabbing.
A person is stabbed, resulting in brief bloody aftermath detail. We hear a loud ‘crack’ sound as a dancer lands badly on their ankle, breaking the bone. A person takes an excessive amount of painkillers to cope with chronic pain, resulting in dizziness and vomiting. An unlikeable character makes callous references to abortion and miscarriage to a pregnant person. There is also a scene involving a backstreet abortion, although the procedure is quickly interrupted. Bad language includes ‘arse’, ‘hell’ and ‘damn’, in addition to casual use of the outdated term ‘cripple’.
  • Classified date


  • Language
