• Director(s)

    Takashi Ishii

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Yui Natsukawa, Jinpachi Nezu, Toshiyuki Nagashima


Alone in the Night

sexual violence, strong bloody violence

ALONE IN THE NIGHT is a Japanese crime thriller, from 1994, in which the widow of an undercover police officer wrongfully tarnished as being corrupt plans revenge on the yakuza gang leader responsible for his death.

ALONE IN THE NIGHT is a Japanese crime thriller, from 1994, in which the widow of an undercover police officer wrongfully tarnished as being corrupt plans revenge on the yakuza gang leader responsible for his death.

Scenes feature shootings, stabbings and slashings with bladed weapons, the use of a taser to torture a person and heavy beatings; violence is accompanied by extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath injury detail.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman unable to withdraw consent due to being plied with alcohol and drugs is raped by a man who subsequently uses his position of power to order a reluctant subordinate to violate the woman for a second time. There are other scenes of sexual threat.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
Strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'whore', 'prick', 'cock', 'dick', 'slut' and 'son of a bitch'. Drug misuse features the injecting and oral consumption of heroin. Strong sex features sexualised nudity, oral sex and thrusting; there are also references to sex work. There is strong threat with firearms, and other physical and verbal intimidation. A person attempts to take their own life.
  • Director(s)

    Takashi Ishii

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Yui Natsukawa, Jinpachi Nezu, Toshiyuki Nagashima

sexual violence, strong bloody violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Third Window Films
Scenes feature shootings, stabbings and slashings with bladed weapons, the use of a taser to torture a person and heavy beatings; violence is accompanied by extensive bloodshed and gory aftermath injury detail.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman unable to withdraw consent due to being plied with alcohol and drugs is raped by a man who subsequently uses his position of power to order a reluctant subordinate to violate the woman for a second time. There are other scenes of sexual threat.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
Strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker') is accompanied by milder terms such as 'whore', 'prick', 'cock', 'dick', 'slut' and 'son of a bitch'. Drug misuse features the injecting and oral consumption of heroin. Strong sex features sexualised nudity, oral sex and thrusting; there are also references to sex work. There is strong threat with firearms, and other physical and verbal intimidation. A person attempts to take their own life.
  • Classified date


  • Language
