• Director(s)

    Penny Woolcock

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Arsher Ali, Esa Ashraf, Samuel Bottomley, Kainatt Butt, Lorraine Cheshire, Sean Croke, Chris Abe, Freddie Bolt, Harry Myers, Fern Deacon

Posters powered by IMDb
TV Show

Ackley Bridge

moderate sex references, language, violence, drug references

  • Director(s)

    Penny Woolcock

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Arsher Ali, Esa Ashraf, Samuel Bottomley, Kainatt Butt, Lorraine Cheshire, Sean Croke, Chris Abe, Freddie Bolt, Harry Myers, Fern Deacon

Posters powered by IMDb
moderate bad language, sex references, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
Season 1 Episodes 1-6
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate sex references, language, violence, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Paperwork Remarks:
Season 2 Episodes 1-12
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate sex references, drug references, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
Sex references include a scene in which a student objects to having to learn about the male reproductive organ in a biology class, and responds by daubing penis drawings on a wall.
A white teacher makes a succession of discriminatory remarks in reference to the ethnic make-up of the school cohort. For example, she refers to the school as 'Tandoori High', and after criticising a student's rock cakes, which she says could be used to stone someone to death, she turns to a Muslim student and adds, 'No offence, love'.
A woman discusses her past as a heroin addict, and is referred to as a 'smackhead'.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('bloody', 'slapper'). Two girls are run over by a speeding car. The extent of their injuries is not fully apparent. There are several other scenes involving confrontations, including a slap to the face and some pushing and shoving.
racism, moderate violence, upsetting scenes, threat
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
Scenes of threat include a group of racist men surrounding a young teenage girl to tell her she is on the wrong side of town. There is also a brief element of sexual threat as they ask her if she likes dating white men; however she is unharmed.
The episode features frequent references to racism as school students fight because of their differences; however the episode carries a strong anti-racist message. A group of racist white men beat up an Asian teen; however there is no strong on-screen detail.
There are upsetting scenes when a student is discovered dead.
additional issues
After a man is beaten up, he is shown with cuts and bruises on his face. The episode features mild bad language ('bloody'.)
moderate threat, sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
A gang of young men surround a woman, intimidating her and causing her to flee to her car.
There is use of moderate bad language ('bitch'), as well as milder terms such as 'crap', 'hell', 'screw' and 'bloody'.
A group of young Muslim men criticise a woman's behaviour, calling her a 'whore' and 'dirty kanjari'.
additional issues
There is brief discrimination and violence.
moderate sex references, domestic abuse, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are comic verbal references to sexually transmitted diseases. Menstrual blood is left behind on a chair during a class which causes a disturbance, despite the teacher acknowledging it is a perfectly natural process. There is also comic innuendo as a woman impersonates Nigella Lawson kneading dough.
A white woman refers to a young Muslim woman as 'Tonto'. Other scenes contain some discriminatory behaviour which is clearly disapproved of and not endorsed by the work as a whole.
A teenage student is coerced into theft by her mother, including looting the house of her headteacher. There are emotional scenes as the student tries to leave home before her mother is taken away by the police.
moderate sex references, language, abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate bad language ('slut'), accompanied by milder terms ('bloody', 'hell' and 'God').
A man catches his son lying post-coital with his girlfriend - there are subsequent verbal references to the affair.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A teacher engages in a sexual relationship with her 18-year-old student.
additional issues
There are some discriminatory references but these are not endorsed by the work as a whole.
moderate sex references, language, abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate bad language ('slag'), accompanied by milder terms ('Jesus', 'God' and 'butt').
A young man's naked selfie is plastered across the wall of a kebab shop, with a kebab covering his genitals.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are verbal references to a teacher engaging in sexual activity with an 18-year-old student.
additional issues
A young woman is hit across the face by her older brother during an argument about her behaviour. There is discrimination, but such attitudes are quickly and clearly condemned. There are also references to online bullying.
moderate sex references, violence, abusive behaviour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A young man punches another in the face, resulting in some blood shed.
There are references to adultery as a man learns that he has a teenage daughter as a result of a one-night stand. At a hen party, two male strippers perform a lap dance.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are references to a teacher engaging in a consensual sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student.
additional issues
A student's sexuality becomes the subject of gossip among her peers but this ends reassuringly as she proudly comes out and stands up to those who try to humiliate her. There is also mild bad language ('bloody').
moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are verbal references to adultery in the context of familial relationships, as well as a young student who had an affair with his teacher.
additional issues
Language is mild ('bloody', 'arse').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
racism, bullying theme
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A college student is subjected to racist language and attitudes from her sister, who refers to the young woman as 'Mowgli' and insists that her father's house 'smells like curry'. This is often called out by other characters and is clearly not condoned by the work as a whole. A college student is bullied for her body hair. There are scenes in which she is subject to cyber-bullying. The student has a supportive network of friends, however, who help her to see past the unrealistic beauty standards held by society.
additional issues
There is very mild bad language ('hell', 'God'). A throwaway comic line is made about 'Harvey Weinstein' which is called out by another student. There is brief mild violence between two students which is quickly resolved.
discriminatory behaviour 
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are discriminatory attitudes towards travellers when students and teachers blame them for a robbery at the school; however such attitudes are clearly condemned.
additional issues
There is mild threat when a man has a heart attack; however the scene is brief.
moderate threat, discrimination  
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
There is moderate threat when two men surround a woman who is walking home at night.
A hate group protest outside a gay club, however their homophobia is strongly condemned by other characters.
additional issues
A woman makes a passing comic reference to a 'sex show'. The episode features mild bad language ('bloody').
moderate sex and drugs references 
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A teenager tells her friend that she slept with a boy.
There is a visual drug reference when marijuana falls from a girl's handbag; however drug misuse is not glamourised. A teenager fears that her father is dealing drugs.
additional issues
The episode features mild bad language ('bloody'). 
moderate sex references, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There are moderate sex references.
injury detail
There is moderate injury detail of a cut on a person's forehead after a boxing match.
additional issues
There are brief discriminatory remarks about ethnic groups not being allowed to mix. The comments are quickly condemned by other characters and not endorsed by the work as a whole.
references to discrimination, moderate innuendo
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A woman makes a suggestive joke about liking "saveloy and a nice bit of curry sauce".
There are references to Islamophobia, including a racist attack on a woman, and homophobia which are both implicitly and explicitly challenged and condemned.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('bloody', 'God').
moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A young woman fakes a positive pregnancy test. There are verbal references to casual sex, as well as cheating.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('bloody').
very mild bad language, rude humour
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is very mild bad language ('hell').
rude humour
There is scatalogical humour during a school biology lesson on how bowel movements work. In another scene, a girl complains that she has thrush which is 'on the rampage'.
additional issues
During a confrontation, a boy and girl confess to having 'cheated on' one another.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
moderate sex references, bullying theme, discrimination, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate bad language ('bitch'), accompanied by other milder terms ('crap', 'ass', 'bloody', 'tart' and 'God').
There are moderate references to sex, including a scene in which female students wash cars while being watched by men and teenage peers. A headteacher expresses concern about a female student posting images of herself online in revealing clothing. In one scene the student posts a photograph of her feet after a conversation with her friends about making money from such images; sexual fetish is not mentioned but is implied. Peach and aubergine emojis pour out of a phone in another sequence.
Two young men throw something at a caravan, shouting 'gypsy scum!' There are also verbal references to discrimination and racism in the context of a classroom discussion. The work clearly does not condone such attitudes and behaviour.
A student creates a 'Fit or Not' list and posts photographs of her female peers to be rated by others. Other students call out the behaviour.
additional issues
There are references to alcohol addiction. A teenage girl is plagued by negative thoughts about her appearance, in reality and online.
moderate sex references, language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There s moderate bad language ('bitch'), as well as milder terms (for example, 'bloody', 'God').
There are moderate sex references, including to teenagers having sex for the first time, as well as to condoms and the risk of STDs or unwanted pregnancy. In one scene, a teenage girl watches a video on a computer screen, and there is moderately suggestive sexual dialogue., However, there are no visual scenes shown.
abusive behaviour, drug references, discrimination
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
A schoolboy talks about the 'race card' and says that black and Asian people are subject to preferential treatment. His classmates and teacher challenge this. It is implied that a boy is disparaging of a Muslim teaching English. There is brief sexist behaviour.
A schoolboy turns to drug-dealing to earn money.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A schoolgirl takes a picture of herself in a bra, and sends it to a stranger on the internet. The series as a whole condemns such activity and includes educational messaging around consent and the harms of victim blaming.
moderate sex references, language, references to sexting and mental health
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate bad language (‘bitch’), as well as milder terms such as ‘God’
A young woman voices her disapproval of two of her peers conducting their car washing business wearing bikinis, and says they are exploiting their bodies for “pervy old men”. A troubled young woman responds to an anonymous social media offer to pay her money for a naked selfie; she removes her clothing and takes a picture of herself, but no nudity is shown.
A character with bipolar disorder stops taking his medication and behaves erratically. A woman is hurt when the subject of the nervous breakdown she had in the past is brought up.
brief sexual threat, drug references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is an implied scene of drug dealing, and references to cocaine.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A young woman receives threatening text messages from males on a dating app who call her a 'bitch' and say they know where she lives.
additional issues
There is a scene of discrimination in which a young white man tells a Islamic woman that her religion only likes woman being in the kitchen. His behaviour is challenged and not condoned. There are scenes of emotional upset in which characters argue and a young man cries over his injured dog. Mild threat includes an angry student threatens to hit another classmate before being talked town by a teachers aid. There is mild bad language ('bloody').
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is a scene of discrimination in which a man calls his daughter's hijab a "head rag".
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language, a scene of mild threat and references to alcohol addiction.
brief sexual threat, moderate sex references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
One girl cyberbullies another, saying she has STDs, and inspiring other comments that she is a 'THOT' and inbred.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A boy makes persistent advances on a girl, kissing her and putting his hand up her dress, despite her withdrawal of consent.
additional issues
A woman's alcoholism is a theme of the episode. There is discriminatory behaviour: a girl is called a 'chav'; girls' rugby is described as an 'oxymoron'. There is mild bad language ('bitch', 'crap', 'piss', 'hell', 'God').
brief sexual assault, moderate bad language
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
There is use of moderate bad language ('bitch') and milder terms ('slag', 'God').
sexual violence and sexual threat
A young woman refers to being coerced into engaging in some kind of sexual activity with a boy. There are flashbacks to the event in which the boy is seen grabbing at the girl's thighs. The episode condemns such activity and includes educational messaging around consent and the harms of victim blaming.
additional issues
There are also scenes of bullying.
suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
In an upsetting scene, a man makes an emotional phone call to his daughter before contemplating suicide. There are also references to depression and alcoholism. Later the man is hospitalised.
additional issues
The episode features mild bad language ('bloody'). There is also an undetailed verbal reference to sexual violence.
references to suicide
Classified Date:
Physical Media + VOD/Streaming
suicide and self-harm
A student talks about her father's mental health and intention to take his own life. She is comforted by her friends.
additional issues
There are references to alcohol addiction. There is mild bad language ('bloody'), accompanied by other milder terms ('screw' and 'God').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media
Spirit Entertainment
Paperwork Remarks:
Additional Material Season 1
  • Classified date


  • BBFC reference


  • Distributor

    Spirit Entertainment

  • Language
