• Director(s)

    James Rogan

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Al Bell, Emory Douglas, Sheila Frazier, Bob Gruen.

TV Show

1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything

  • Director(s)

    James Rogan

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Al Bell, Emory Douglas, Sheila Frazier, Bob Gruen.

strong language, disturbing images
Classified Date:
There strong language ('c**ksucker', 'f**k') and bleeped very strong language ('c**t'), along with milder terms which include 'bitch'.
disturbing images
Images of real dead bodies with blood on the ground around them occur in footage of violent clashes between students and the authorities at US college campus protests. There is black and white footage from the Vietnam conflict in which soldiers pile up several dead bodies and carry injured or dead comrades. There is colour footage from the war in which children, including a naked girl, flee from explosions and a woman holds a dead or injured infant in tattered clothes in her arms.
additional issues
Police and rioters clash in documentary footage, with people grabbed, shoved and dragged away; a policeman restrains a man by pulling at a nightstick around his neck and tear-gas fired into crowds. Soldiers fire rifles and areas are bombed in footage from the Vietnam War. Students are threatened by National Guard troops with rifles. There are verbal references to misuse of cocaine, pills, 'angel dust', LSD and marijuana. Black people briefly talk about institutionalised racism in the US. People are seen crying in footage of military funerals.
strong language, drug misuse
Classified Date:
There is strong language ('motherf**ker', 'f**k') along with milder terms which include 'shit' and 'hell'. We see use of the 'v' two-finger finger gesture in archive footage.
There is archive footage of drug misuse, including people rolling and smoking marijuana joints. We see white powder and bags of what appears to be heroin. There are frequent verbal references to the misuse of heroin, cocaine, marijuana and LSD.
additional issues
We hear that a band member 'indecently exposed' himself at a music concert, but see no detail of this. People are briefly seen fighting in archive footage of a rock concert and we see what appear to be covered dead bodies. There are brief, undetailed references to racism. We see brief natural buttock nudity. A man talks about another vomiting all over his expensive car after becoming intoxicated.
strong sexualised images, language
Classified Date:
There is strong language ('f**k') along with milder terms which include 'bitch', 'prick', 'shit', 'piss', 'balls', 'hell' and 'Christ'. There is use of the homophobic term 'dyke'.
Archive period footage includes references to pornography; we see images displaying sex show signs and a reclining woman in her underwear opening her legs, but with no sight of nudity. We see images and text from a magazine featuring depictions of sexualised nudity, BDSM illustrations, and a drawings based on 'The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife' painting which shows a woman engaged in strong sexual activity with octopi. We also see cartoons depicting strong sexual and sexually crude images. There are adverts for instructional sex handbooks and also we see clips from a sex education video aimed at secondary school children, along with discussion from the time about the appropriateness of sex education.
sexual violence and sexual threat
We see a crude cartoon image depicting an older man grabbing a schoolboy's clothed buttocks, causing the boy to vomit.
We see sexualised images of female breast and buttock nudity. There is also sight of natural breast nudity.
additional issues
There are archive footage images of people smoking marijuana joints, along with verbal references to LSD misuse. We see archive footage of mild violence as police grab and drag people on the streets and there are undetailed references to the Manson Family murders and to Charles Manson's background as a pimp. Three men pretend to urinate over a freestanding newspaper advert in a moment of rude humour.
discrimination, drug misuse, strong language, images of real dead bodies
Classified Date:
There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') and milder terms which include 'asshole', 'screw', 'God', 'damn' and 'hell'.
There are undetailed verbal references to the dated homophobic and sexist attitudes prevalent during the period covered in the documentary.
People discuss misuse of marijuana and a man jokes that he once used aspirin to tackle feelings of despondency.
disturbing images
We briefly see a real image of a dead body on the ground with blood over his clothes.
additional issues
A woman tells a man he is 'schizophrenic' as an insult. We see archive footage of police tackling rioters and civil unrest. There is discussion of people's sexuality and repeated references to a man's adulterous behaviour.
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Classified Date:
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strong sex references
Classified Date:
We see crude comic strip art featuring graphic images of sex, including vaginal and anal penetration by a cartoon bear. There are also very strong, pornographic written and verbal references to fellatio and strong references to cunnilingus. We see sexualised female nudity, with sight of breasts and a man licking a woman's neck, on the cover of a magazine. Archive footage of an avant garde theatre show features naked women, with sight of breasts and buttocks, entwined together on a bed. Music lyrics are heard which include the lines 'open your trousers' and 'open your legs'. We see theatre signs of the period advertising erotic shows inside.
additional issues
There is strong language ('f**k') and milder terms which include 'prick', 'bitch', 'balling', 'shit', 'bollocks', 'hell' and 'God'. There are verbal references to rolling marijuana joints and being stoned, as well as sight of people smoking joints in photos. People talk about the racism of the 1970s and we see racist graffiti and marches. A rock musician has a noose put around his neck and appears to be hanged in a theatrical part of his show. A man spits in the moderately bloody face of another. We see footage from the film A Clockwork Orange in which a man hits another with a cane and kicks him into a canal. There is archive footage of rioting, featuring moderate violence with use of gas on crowds.
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  • Classified date


  • Distributor


  • Language
