• Director(s)

    Krishna Bhatt

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Avika Gor, Naveen Singh, Rahul Dev


1920: Horrors Of The Heart

strong horror, gory images, violence

A woman unleashes dark forces when she calls on her father’s ghost to help her take revenge on her mother in this Hindi language horror sequel, which contains jump scares and bloody images.

A woman unleashes dark forces when she calls on her father’s ghost to help her take revenge on her mother in this Hindi language horror sequel, which contains jump scares and bloody images.

Content Advice(May contain spoilers)


threat and horror


sexual violence and sexual threat

suicide and self-harm

injury detail



  • Director(s)

    Krishna Bhatt

  • Production Year


  • Release date


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Avika Gor, Naveen Singh, Rahul Dev

strong horror, gory images, violence
Classified Date:
2G Entertainments Ltd
Occasional scenes of strong fantasy violence include stabbings, impalements and bludgeonings, with bloody aftermath detail. A possessed person is seen holding a bloody chunk of flesh between their teeth after biting another person’s face.
threat and horror
There are scenes of strong horror and suspense, including ‘jump scare’ moments, wherein frightened people are menaced by malevolent spirits. Objects move independently, ghostly entities appear without warning, and an invisible force throws people through the air. A possessed child contorts her body and speaks in a demonic voice.
We see another couple kissing and caressing one another, without visible nudity, during a moderate scene of implied sex.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are infrequent, non-graphic references to a man having forced his wife to perform sex work in order to fund his ambitions.
suicide and self-harm
A person attempts suicide, without strong visual detail, in order to battle a ghost in the spirit world. There are brief images of a dead body in the aftermath of another suicide, as well as moderate verbal suicide references in other scenes.
injury detail
The gory, skinless arm of a supernatural entity is shown reaching out to grab people. A woman is sprayed with blood when a man is killed in an offscreen accident. Another scene features moderate images of a dead body in the aftermath of an offscreen suicide.
A scene contains non-graphic verbal references to a husband abusing his wife, including forcing her into sex work and threatening suicide to ensure her compliance. There are also scenes of bereavement and emotional distress.
  • Classified date
