U Universal - Suitable for all

U-rated content is suitable for audiences of all ages, although not all U-rated content is aimed at children.
Children’s content should be set within a positive framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or scary scenes. Generally a U is unlikely to unsettle a four-year-old, although it is impossible to predict what might affect any particular child.
Dangerous behaviour
Potentially dangerous or antisocial behaviour that young children may copy should be clearly disapproved of or wholly unrealistic. There should be no emphasis on realistic or easily accessible weapons.
Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of.
References to drugs must be infrequent and innocuous, or have valuable messaging for young children.
There may be very mild bad language. Frequent use may result in a higher age rating.
There may be occasional nudity with no sexual context.
There may be very mild sex references or sexual behaviour (for example, kissing).
Threat and scary scenes
Threat and scary scenes that may unsettle young children should be very mild and the outcome should be reassuring.
Violence should be very mild and justified by context (for example, comedic, animated, wholly unrealistic). Injury detail should be very mild, brief and undetailed.
How can I find out more about a specific film?
Please check the content advice for the film or video you are thinking of watching. Content advice is available on this website, on our free App, as well as on film posters, DVD and Blu-ray packaging, and on some listings. It provides comprehensive information on exactly why a film or video has been given a particular category. All the issues are discussed in detail and parents in particular can use this information to make informed decisions when choosing viewing material for their children.