Published: 24th September 2008

BBFC Announces New Digital Cinema Facility


In response to growing industry demand, the BBFC is very pleased to announce that from the 1st August 2008 we will accept digital film submissions. Additionally, in the next couple of months, we aim to have 3D capability. Below are a number of questions and answers that should help guide the Board's film customers with our digital requirements.

How can I submit digital material to the BBFC?

Customers will be able to submit their digital films in any of the following ways; a: USB Hard Drive b: USB Memory Stick

What DCI equipment is the BBFC using?

Barco DP 1500 Dolby Show Dolby Show Store ACS 2048

What time frame do I need to allow to submit a digital work?

For works submitted on a USB hard drive or USB memory stick, the BBFC requires submission by 12pm the day before examination to allow time for full server ingest.

Do I need to supply a digital key?

Yes please, each feature requires a unique KDM key which can emailed to Please ensure the key is valid on the day of examination between 8am and 7pm.

Additional questions;

We are releasing on 35mm and digital - do we require separate classifications?

No, if it is the same work in the same ratio, albeit a slightly clearer image, there is no need for two classifications.

We are releasing in 2D and 3D - do we require separate classifications?

Yes, the 3D version offers up a different experience to the viewer which may raise differing classification issues.

Can I still submit 35mm film?

Yes, the BBFC will continue to accept 35mm for the foreseeable future. We hope this clarifies the Board's position but should you have any queries please email us, or contact the Board's Projection team on 020 7440 1590/1591. We look forward to the industry making use of this new BBFC service and to receiving your digital submissions.