Published: 27th February 2025

BBFC stands ready to audit online pornography

The British Board of Film Classification welcomes today’s report from the Independent Pornography Review.

As the UK’s statutory regulator of film and video content, the classification of offline pornographic content has been a key part of our role for decades.

However, for many years, we have been concerned about the accessibility of violent and abusive pornography online that we would not classify and therefore would be illegal to distribute offline, on physical formats such as DVD and Blu-ray.

We know that this concern is shared by people across the UK, and there is a growing body of evidence which demonstrates the impact of harmful pornography on society.

We stand ready to work with the UK government as they respond to Baroness Bertin’s recommendations, including by taking on a formal role as auditor.

President of the British Board of Film Classification, Natasha Kaplinsky said: 

“The BBFC welcomes Baroness Bertin’s thoughtful and ambitious report. For too long, violent and abusive pornography that would be illegal to distribute offline has been freely available online – to children and adults alike. It is no surprise that the review has found this content, and its influence, to be deep-rooted in society; its harm potential, abundant. 

“We believe parity between how pornographic content is regulated offline and online can be achieved. We’ve been regulating offline pornographic content for 40 years and we stand ready to work with the government on the recommendations of the review to better protect audiences online – including by bringing our unparalleled expertise to take on a formal role auditing online pornography.”

  • The BBFC is the UK’s foremost authority in the regulation of pornographic content. 

  • For 40 years, we have had statutory responsibility for classifying pornography released on physical media formats, such as DVD and Blu-ray (under the Video Recordings Act 1984).

  • The BBFC classifies pornography as suitable for adults only. 

  • We will not classify any content that is in breach of the criminal law – for example, extreme pornography – nor any material that might cause harm – for example by encouraging dangerous emulation or by encouraging unhealthy fantasies relating to violence, sadism, abuse and non-consensual behaviour. 

  • Under BBFC guidelines, the following content is unacceptable in pornography:

    • material that is in breach of the criminal law

    • Material (including dialogue) likely to encourage an interest in sexually abusive activity, which may include adults role-playing as non-adults

    • The portrayal of sexual activity that involves real or apparent lack of consent. Any form of physical restraint that prevents participants from indicating a withdrawal of consent

    • The infliction of pain or acts that are likely to cause serious physical harm, whether real or (in a sexual context) simulated. Some allowance may be made for non-abusive, consensual activity

    • Penetration by any object likely to cause physical harm

    • Sexual threats, humiliation or abuse that do not form part of a clearly consenting role-playing game

  • It is a criminal offence under the Video Recordings Act 1984 to distribute a pornographic video work that has not been classified by the BBFC.

Please direct all media enquiries to Georgia Morian at +44 (0) 7946 423719 or